China Centre Tübingen (CCT)

News Archive 2018


[10.12.2018] Ecotransitions: Sustainable Waste Management in China

On 10.12.2018 at 18:15 Arvea Marieni, a strategy and innovation consultant specialising in green technology will give the fourth lecture in the 'Green Future?' series, examining China's waste management policies and practices and the impact of its recent ban on plastic waste imports.

More Information can be found here.

[07.12.2018] Symposium "China macht Schule"

On Friday, Dec 7th from 3.30pm to 5:15pm the Erich-Paulun-Institute will host a symposium on "China makes school."

We want to emphasize specially on the lecture of Prof. Dr. Andreas Guder (Göttingen University), Chairman of the Chinese association e.V. and editor of CHUN, with the topic „Chinese as a foreign language in our educational system – a standpoint."

For a more detailed program please klick on the brochure or here.

[05.12.2018] Mit Sinologie in den Beruf – Ein Symposium

講座與吃飯: Dec. 5, 16:00, China Centrum

As part of the DAAD-BA 3-plus- funding programme, doctoral candidate, Hannes Jedeck (Progamme Coordinator, Confucius Institute, Heidelberg)  will give a lecture on the topic "Traditional Thought Structures and New Strategies.“

The conversation will continue after the lecture over drinks and snacks.


[28.11.2018] Towards Green Shipping: China's Efforts to Control Emissions

Prof. Zhang Qiang of Shanghai Maritime University and the Shanghai International Shipping Institute will give the third lecture in the 'Green Future?' series on China's environmental challenges. His talk will focus on the shipping industry, one of the world's largest polluters, and the ways in which the Chinese government is attempting to reduce its environmental impact.

More information here.

[23.11.2018] Brennpunkt Asien #3

Management Practices in Family Businesses: South Korea, China and Germany

In collaboration with the Centre for Korean Studies and  the Peter Drucker Society, CCT will hold the third panel discussion in our 'Brennpunkt Asien' series on current issues in Asia on 23.11.2018 at 18:15.

The panel will discuss the ways in which small and medium-sized family-owned enterprises operate in Europe and East Asia, exploring the strengths of and challenges for such businesses and, in particular, the role values play in shaping their development.

MOON Kook Hyun (CEO Fa. Hansoll / PDS Korea /former presidential candidate)

NAM Seung Woo (Chairman Fa. Pulmuone / Peter Drucker Society Korea)  

CHANG Y.C. (Kyunghee University / Peter Drucker Society Korea)

Winfried W. Weber (Hochschule Mannheim / Peter Drucker Society Mannheim)

Matthias Niedenführ (China Centrum)

China Centrum, Hintere Grabenstr. 26, 72070 Tübingen

[19.11.2018] Ecological Entrepreneurs: Chinese Business and Society's Role in Environmental Protection

DIAO Sitong from the Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology will give the second lecture in the 'Green Future?' series, discussing the role some entrepreneurs are playing in mobilising and supporting NGOs and other civil society organisations in their environmental conservation efforts.

More information here.

[14.11.2018] Protecting Pandas, Supporting People Sustainable Agriculture and Social Entrepreneurship in China

Ms. LUO Yi, founder of the Chinese social enterprise, Laotu (老土) will give the first lecture in the new CCT-WEIT series, 'Green Future?' on Nov. 14 at 18:15.

In this talk, Luo Yi will discuss the work her organisation has been doing in, among others across China, the Wolong area, where the famous panda reserve has allowed the animal population slowly to recover from near-extinction, but left many rural people without livelihoods. Showing clips from documentary films she has made and discussing the work Laotu has done, she argues that sustainable agriculture, social innovation and connecting rural and urban environmentalism are the way to make it possible to balance environmental protection with human development.

More information here.

A Green Future for China? New series of lectures begins at CCT

CCT in collaboration with Weltethos Institut (WEIT) is launching a new series this November, Green Future? Sustainability, Environmental Protection and Social Entrepreneurship in China.

For this series, we have invited Chinese NGOs and other professionals working in the areas of green technology, waste management and sustainable transport and agriculture to discuss the environmental as well as social problems ensuing from China's incredible economic growth over the past four decades and the work they are doing to address them.

More information here.


[22.10.2018] Supraplanung: Chinas Denkhorizonte

In der elften Vorlesung der Reihe Novissima Sinica untersucht Prof. em. Dr.iur. Dr.phil. Rechtsanwalt Harro von Senger das Thema ‚Supraplanung‘  in der Volksrepublik China und stellt deren wichtige Rolle als Teil des chinesischen politischen und ökonomischen Denksystems dar.


[17.10.2018] Tee ceremony

On Oct. 17, 2018, we will launch the new semester with a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.

Ms. Aimin Wagner, owner of the Stuttgart teahouse,Teehaus TaiChi will introduce the history and culture of tea in China, before performing a traditional tea ceremony. Assorted teas will be available to sample.



[09.07.2018] Workshop: Hong Kong - A Liberal Enclave in an Illiberal State?

CCT is delighted to welcome Prof. Stephan Ortmann (City University of Hong Kong) for a second visit to CCT on July 9 for a workshop in which we use film, images and other texts to explore the erosion of Hong Kong's freedoms in the past several years.

More information here

[18.07.2018] Moving House: Facing Urban Relocation as a Displaced Community

Elisa Tamburo will give the tenth lecture in the Novissima Sinica series on the question of what 'home' means for people who fled to Taiwan from China after the civil war in the late 1940s and who have, since the 1990s, been uprooted again with the demolition of their homes.

More information here.

[02.07.2018] Gender and Sexuality in China: The Films of FAN Popo

From July 2-4, Chinese film-maker and activist FAN Popo is visiting CCT to show his films and engage in discussion about the films and the issues they address: among others feminism, LGBTQ rights, and political, social and familial attitudes to gender, sexuality and sexual identity.

This series is organised in collaboration with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

The first film, The VaChina Monologues, which looks at performances in China of the well-known play, The Vagina Monologues, will be shown on Monday July 2. It will be followed by a discussion for which Fan Popo will be joined by Ingrid Hotz-Davies (Professor of English and Director of the Centre for Gender and Diversity Research, University of Tübingen).

Tuesday, July 3, we will be showing two related films - Mama Rainbow and Papa Rainbow, which look at the relationships between parents and their LGBTQ children. Dr. Gero Bauer (Centre for Gender and Diversity Research, University of Tübingen) and Dr. Xiang Zairong (University of Potsdam) join the discussion.

In the third and final event on July 4, there will be a panel discussion on questions of gender and sexuality within the wider regional context, looking not only at China, but also at South Korea and Taiwan. Joining Fan Popo on the panel will be Dr. Ji-yoon AN (University of Tübingen), Prof. TSENG Yu-chin (University of Tübingen) and Dr. Xiang Zairong (University of Potsdam).


[25.06.2018] Zweite Veranstaltung der neuen Reihe, Brennpunkt Asien

Die zweite Veranstaltung unserer neuen Reihe "Brennpunkt Asien" findet am 25.06.2018 um 18 Uhr c.t. in der Alten Aula der Universität Tübingen statt.

Die jüngsten Entwicklungen auf der koreanischen Halbinsel und die Gipfeltreffen von Kim Jong-un mit den Staatschefs von Südkorea, China und den USA zogen versöhnliche Entwicklung mit sich und daher möchten wir Sie zu unserer Podiumsdiskussion einladen.

Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website.

[21.06.2018] Constitutional Reform in Taiwan

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Chiang-ching Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan and CCT welcome Prof. Yeong-chin SU, former vice-president of Taiwan's Judicial Yuan and current professor of law at National Chengchi University, to give a talk on constitutional reform and judicial review in Taiwan.

For more information click here or visit the website.

[18.06.2018] Neo-Confucianism and Love The Notion of Ai in Premodern China

In this lecture, Dr. M’Bondjo examines the ways in which the chief architects of the Song revival of traditional Chinese philosophy, such as Zhou Dunyi and Zhu Xi, reinterpreted ‘love’ in a period on the brink of modernity. First analysing love’s moral implications, symbolic uses and political functions in Song Neo-Confucianism, she then turns to the ways in which twentieth-century New Confucians have re-evaluated their predecessors’ metaphysical and moral concerns and applied them to the world of today.

[16.06.2018] Peking Summer School: Chinese for Beginners

In collaboration with the Tübingen School of Education, ChinaForum Tübingen (CFT) and CCT are offering a Summer School Programme, "Chinese for Beginners," at the European Centre for Chinese Studies (ECCS), Peking University from 1st - 27th August 2018.
The course includes 60 hours of "Modern Chinese (1)", taught by an experienced teaching staff, as well as an attractive programme of activities and weekend trips. Fees for enrollment, tuition, local trips and activities will be covered by CFT. Participants will have to pay only travel and accommodation costs.

For more information, see our flyer.

[05.06.2018] New CCT series, Brennpunkt Asien

A Trade War between the USA and China: Consequences for Europe and the World

In the first panel discussion in CCT’s new Brennpunkt Asien event series, experts from the fields of politics, economics and business assess the likely outcomes of ongoing US-China trade negotiations, asking, whether – if negotiations fail – the current dispute might escalate into a full-blown trade war and what the consequences might be for the East Asian region, Europe and the rest of the world.

The event will be held on June 5, 18:15 at CCT, Hintere Grabenstr. 26

Mehr Informationen zu unserer neuen Reihe finden Sie hier.

[04.06.2018] Workshop: Duterte's Pivot to China: Towards a New Regional Order?

On June 4, Prof. Mark Thompson (City University of Hong Kong) will lead a workshop on Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's ostensible turn away from the US towards a closer relationship with the PRC and what impact this might have on the region.

The workshop begins at 18:15 and will be held in English.

More information here


[28.05.2018] Innovative China - Alibaba's Rural Strategy and its International Implications

In CCT's second ThinkIN China broadcast, Prof. Liu Ying Lowrey looks at the ways in which internet giant Alibaba has promoted e-commerce as a model for China's rural development. She explores the ways in which grassroots entrepreneurship has been fostered and asks whether this model can be replicated in other rural settings.

Click here for more information.

[22.05.2018] Interview with CCT-Director Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer

CCT-Director Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer was recently interviewd by the online Chinese newspaper "Chinanews" about the current state of cultural exchange between China and Germany.

You can read the full interview here.

[09.05.2018] CCT Workshop

China's rapid economic growth has been associated with a host of problems, ranging from labour exploitation to corruption and environmental destruction. A number of Chinese companies, however, have begun to take corporate social responsibility and ethical management seriously, some of them drawing on traditional Chinese philosophy and culture to formulate new approaches to doing business.

In this workshop, Stephan Rothlin and Matthias Niedenführ will outline the ideas and beliefs that drive these entrepreneurs and the ways in which several companies have concretely applied them in the work place and on the market.

Der Workshop findet am 09. Mai um 18 Uhr c.t. im CCT statt.

BMBF project, ChinaForum Tübingen, begins

CCT has been awarded a three-year grant by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in an initiative to promote China competence in German universities. CCT’s project, ChinaForum Tübingen (CFT), is based on the premise that China competence is fostered not only through teaching Chinese language skills, but also through the identification, linking and updating of existing China expertise within and beyond the University of Tübingen. The project therefore supports the teaching and learning of Chinese language and China knowledge, while also building intra- and trans-institutional networks to routinise communication and share expertise which will facilitate the implementation of China competence measures and benefit all network participants. In this way, ChinaForum Tübingen aims to foster a new awareness of China as an academic and business partner.

Click here for more information


[30.04.2018] ThinkIN China @CCT #1 - China in the Western Media: Examining the Lens

ThinkIN China is a discussion platform established in 2010 that organises/hosts/holds
events on topics concerning contemporary China, bringing local experts and a foreign
audience together in the heart of academic life in Beijing. In our new ThinkIN
China@CCT event series, we bring these insights from the best ThinkIN China
experts to our Tübingen audience through video and webcast presentations, offering
commentary and a discussion forum.

In the first broadcast, Kaiser Kuo, currently host of the highly influential Sinica Podcast
and former spokesperson for Baidu China, looks at the 1,000 people who
shape China's image in the Anglophone world and, who therefore have a significant
impact on how the West views China. He points out that this group of individuals have
profound ideological, historical and political beliefs which can lead them sometimes
unconsciously to distort the real image of China.
Matthias Niedenführ, co-founder of ThinkIN China and vice-director of CCT comments
on Kaiser‘s presentation.

[17.04.2018] Guqin Concert

To launch the summer semester, renowned musician, MAO Yi, is giving a concert at CCT on Tuesday, April 17 at 18:15. He will be playing the guqin, a classical Chinese instrument.

More information here.

[05.04.2018] A Life in Exile: Exhibition

CCT and the university library are hosting an exhibition about the life and work of Walter Liebenthal(1886-1982), a Jewish Indologist and Sinologist who fled to China from Germany during the Nazi years. A pioneer of the study of Chinese Buddhism, he taught and researched at the University of TÜbingen during the last two decades of his life.

The exhibition will be at the University library's Bonatzbau and the opening will be held on April 5, 16:00-17:15 at the library's historischer Lesesaal.

CCT events in summer semester 2018

This semester, in addition to our ongoing lecture series, seminars and workshops, we launch two new formats: Brennpunkt Asien (Focus Asia) and ThinkIN China@CCT. Brennpunkt Asien consists of panel discussions in which both academics and other professional experts address 'hot topics' concerning China and its neighbours. In ThinkIN China@CCT, we broadcast talks from the ThinkIN China events held monthly at the Bridge Cafe in Beijing, which brings the voices of Chinese experts to the foreign community. We are also holding a number of cultural events, including a guqin concert and a series of films on gender and sexuality made by Chinese director Fan Popo.

The full schedule is listed in the poster below.

Zum vergrößern bitte hier klicken


[23.03.2018] Can China Shape Global Modernity?

CCT Director Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer will deliver the first talk in ThinkIn China's 2018 monthly series. In a wide-ranging lecture covering past, present and future, he explores China's historical identity and its potential as a role model for modernisation. The lecture will be given at the Bridge Cafe in Wudaokou, Beijing.


ThinkIN China was co-founded by CCT Vice-Director Matthias Niedenführ and is supported by CCT, the Karl Schlecht Foundation and the Torino World Affairs Institute.

[02.03.2018] China-Africa Development Cooperation International Winter School

China's role in Africa and Global South connections will be explored in a two-day winter school featuring speakers from China, South Africa, Germany and Britain. The event is open to the public. Please contact Dr. LIU Yihui for more information: yihui.liu(at)

Venue: Rm. 215, Brechtbau, Wilhelmstr. 50


[22.02.2018] Göttliche Freiheit: A dialogue between Islam, China and the West

CCT Director, Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, joins Prof. Claus Dierksmeier (Director, Global Ethic Institute Tübingen) and Prof. Erdal Toprakyaran (Director, Center for Islamic Theology, Univ. Tübingen) for a panel discussion on similarities across Muslim, Asian and Western cultures, asking whether there are transcultural concepts of spiritual freedom which might form the basis of a global ethos.

Venue: Weltethos Institut, Hintere Grabenstr. 26, Tübingen 72070

[12.02.2018] Chinese New Year celebrations at CCT

On Feb. 12, CCT hosted a Chinese New Year celebration with the student club of the Chinese Studies Department and the Tübingen Chinese Students Association. The New Year was celebrated in the traditional Chinese way - making and eating dumplings!


[29.01.2018] Sinofuturologie und der Chinesische Traum: Bilder von der Zukunft

Herr Peter Kuhfus (Akademischer Rat a.D., Universität Tübingen) will give the eighth lecture in CCT’s Novissima Sinica series on Monday Jan. 29. In this wide-ranging lecture, he will explore and evaluate China’s possible futures - projected, imagined and hoped-for.


See here for more information.

[11.01.2018] Lecture: China’s Ritual Economy

CCT and Greater China Studies (Department of Sinology and Korean Studies) are co-hosting a lecture and workshop on the role of culture in China’s economy led by renowned economist, Prof. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath.

In the lecture, Prof. Herrmann-Pillath will discuss issues such as economic planning, the hukou system and land and urban restructuring with a focus on the place of ‘ritual’.


[12.01.2018] Workshop: Debunking Chinese Collectivism

CCT and Greater China Studies (Department of Sinology and Korean Studies) are co-hosting a lecture and workshop on the role of culture in China’s economy led by renowned economist, Prof. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath.

In the interactive workshop, we will take a critical look at survey findings to examine the common notion that Chinese culture is characterised by ‘collectivism’.


More information here

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