Center for Gender and Diversity Research


Current Events

Past Events

Events 2024

Summer Semester 2024: "Schreiben und Forschen über Grenzen und Unterschiede: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven" ["Writing and Researching Across Borders and Differences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives"]; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the Studium Generale.


17 Jul 2024: "Queering Asia: Doing Field Research on Lives in the South Korean and Taiwanese Queer Community"; workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and the Department of Korean Studies.


03 Jul 2024: "Vielfalt als Herausforderung und Chance: Der Prozess zu einer diskriminierungsfreien Universität [Diversity as Challenge and Chance: The Process Towards a Discrimination-Free University]"; guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing, with an opportunity for exchange and networking for students and staff of the University of Tübingen, organised by the Equal Oppurtunities Office and the Diversity Office in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

12 Jun 2024: "Giving Voice"; exhibition "On se prend la main" and film screening "Mary" and "Manju", organised by the College of Fellows in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of Pride Month 2024.


18 Jun 2024: "Just Breathe"; art performance and Q&A with Dr. Ponni Arasu, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and the College of Fellows in the context of Pride Month 2024.


12-14 Jun 2024: "(Non-)Reproductive Matters: Global Perspectives on Religion, Gender and Procreation"; international conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the Center for Religion, Culture and Society, the Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, and the Global Encounters Platform.


10-12 Jun 2024: "Postcolonial Realities: The Challenge of Representation in the Writing of Contemporary Indian Literature"; international workshop of the English Department, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

Poster Keynotes

06-07 Jun 2024: "Schwarze deutsche Literatur: Ästhetische und politische Interventionen von den 1980er Jahren bis heute" ["Black German Literature: Aesthetic and Political Interventions from the 1980s until Today"]; workshop of the German Department, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

06 Jun 2024: "Blutbuch von Kim de l'Horizon" [Kim de l'Horizon's Blutbuch]; staged reading and discussion about queer texts on stage, organised by the Landestheater Württemberg-Hohenzollern Tübingen Reutlingen in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of Pride Month 2024.

26 Apr 2024: "Across Differences: Speaking. Writing. Acting. Directing"; conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and the Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Baden-Württemberg.


10 Apr 2024: "Marseille, jenseits der Klischees" ["Marseille, Beyond Clichés"]; vernissage of the photo exhibition of Abed Abidat and Dr. Claire Bullen at the Institut Français Tübingen, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


12 March 2024: "Transatlantic Icons: Barbie meets Petra"; film screening and discussion with PD Dr. Katja Kauer and Katharina Luther, organized by the German-American Institute Tübingen, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and Kino Atelier.

29 Feb - 02 March 2024: "Gender-Obsessionen: Vom exzessiven Glauben an das Geschlecht" ["Gender Obsessions: Considering the Excessive Implementation of Gender Beliefs"]; conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, in cooperation with the English Department, the Institute of German Language and Literatures, the Department of Sociology, and the College of Fellows.


Events 2023

14 Dec 2023: "Just Breathe" / "Queer Movements in India and Sri Lanka: History and Contemporary Reality from the Frontlines"; art performance and guest lecture by Dr. Ponni Arasu.

17 Nov 2023: "Situationsanalyse: Zu Aktualität und Verwendungsweisen eines Forschungsprogramms" ["Situational Analysis: Implementing a Research Program"]; workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and the Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, in cooperation with the Athena Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Cologne.

07 Oct 2023: "The Institutional and Cultural Contexts of Gender Studies"; workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and the Feminist Gender Sexuality Studies Center at Doshisha University in the context of the programme for the 30-year anniversary of the Tübingen Center for Japanese Studien in Kyoto.

Summer Semester 2023: "Gender und Diversität in der Medizin: Perspektiven aus den Medical Humanities" ["Gender and Diversity in Medicine: Perspectives from the Medical Humanities"]; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the Studium Generale.


27 Jun 2023: "Black Queer Pioneers Who Shaped America"; guest lecture by Channing Joseph, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Resarch in cooperation with the d.a.i. German-American Institute Tübingen in the context of Pride Month 2023.

27 Jun 2023: "From the Cakewalk to the Catwalk: How Black Queer Culture Shaped History"; workshop with Channing Joseph, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Resarch in cooperation with the d.a.i. German-American Institute Tübingen in the context of Pride Month 2023.

Feb - Jun 2023: "CIVIS Gender Studies Lectures"; lecture series of the CIVIS Gender Studies Network (CGSN).


20 Jun 2023: "Gender, Queer, Diversity und das Museum" ["Gender, Queer, Diversity, and the Museum"]; panel discussion with Dr. Birgit Bosold, Prof. Dr. Karin Polit, and Raffaela Sulzner, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of Pride Month 2023.

20 Jun 2023: "Museum queeren / queeres Musealisieren? Fallstudie Schwules Museum (SMU) Berlin" ["Queering the Museum / Queer Museum Work? Case Study Schwules Museum (SMU) Berlin"]; workshop with Dr. Birgit Bosold, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of Pride Month 2023.

09 May 2023: "Gleichstellung der Frau versus geschlechtliche Vielfalt!? Die verschiedenen Dimensionen des Verbots der Geschlechtsdiskriminierung" ["Women's Equality Versus Gender Diversity!? The Different Dimensions of the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination"]; guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lembke (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


10 Feb 2023: "Gender, Diversity, (Anti-)Discrimination: Documentary Films and Filmmakers from Japan, South Korea, and India"; film screenings and Q&A, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, in cooperation with the Department of Japanese Studies, the Department of Korean Studies, and the Department of Indology.


Events 2022

17 Nov 2022: "Femizide in Deutschland: Definition und Operationalisierung" ["Femicides in Germany: Definition and Operationalisation"]; workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the Institute of Criminology, and the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN).


07-09 Nov 2022: "Intersectional Subjectivities in Art, Activism, and Academia"; international conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


04-14 Oct 2022: "Decolonial Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Patriarchy: Art, Activism and Academia"; International Forum of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the Colegio de Estudios Latinoamericanos (Universidad National Autónoma de México), the School of the Arts (University of Pretoria), TRAVESSIA: Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas do Sul Global (Universidad Federal Fluminense) and Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar University.


26 Sep 2022: "Urban Diversity and Rap Music in Latin America"; a sociological conversation with Mapuche rapper Cristopher Coñoman, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the CRC "Threatened Orders", the Institute of Sociology, the Global Awareness Programm, and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies.


Summer Semester 2022: "Gender und Diversität als Forschungszugänge: Beiträge zur Versachlichung der Diskussion" ["Gender and Diversity as Research Approaches: Contributions to an Objectification of the Discussion"]; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the Studium Generale.


05-06 May 2022: "Haunted by Homes"; symposium of the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies, and TRAVESSIA at Universidade Federal Fluminense.


06-07 Apr 2022: "Social Worlds, Arenas and Situational Analysis"; conference of the Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the Department for Public Health and Nursing at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Department of Nursing at the University of Witten/Herdecke, the Institute for History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine at the University of Mainz, and the Department of Sociology at the University of Munich.


28 Jan 2022: "Familiar Face"; film screening and talk, organised by the Institute of Sociology, in cooperation with the CRC 923 "Threatened Order", the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, and the Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology.


Events 2021

May-Dec 2021: "Bodies, Power, Norms"; virtual seminar series of the Tübingen Research Alums Center (TRACe), in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


30 Apr 2021: "Anlehnung und Mimikry bei der Neuen Rechten" ["Borrowing and Mimicry in the New Right"]; online workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


15 April 2021: "Portraitures of an Outlaw Mother: Black Women, Reproductive Justice and the State"; guest lecture by Jade Bentil (University of Oxford), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


03-05 March 2021: "Fair Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: Chances, Challenges, Consequences"; international online conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


Events 2020

16 Jul 2020: "Writing the Home: Subjectivities of Being in the Global South"; panel in the context of the international forum "Wellbeing and Subjectivities across the Global South", organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

09 Jul 2020: "Pagers, Zines, and Dating Apps: Queer Community Media and Health Communication in China"; panel in the context of the international forum "Wellbeing and Subjectivities across the Global South", organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

21 Feb 2020: "Feminism Today: Challenges, Arguments, and Issues"; international winter school of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


29 Jan 2020: "Genderkritische Zeitdiagnosen" ["Gender-Critical Diagnoses of the Times"]; guest lectures by Dr. Hilde Farthofer and Dr. Christine Löw, organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research and the Gender Equality Office in the context of the TEA visiting professorship.


Events 2019

12-14 Dec 2019: "Literatures and Cultures of Homes in the Making"; international workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies, and the Department of English Language and Literature, Alexandria University.


20 Nov 2019: "Feminist Data Protection"; workshop of the Forum Privatheit, organised in cooperation with the Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz (ULD) Schleswig-Holstein , the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) and the Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD) of the University of Tübingen, and the Law, Science, Technology and Society Research Group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

09-11 Oct 2019: "Categories in Flux: Continuity and/or Change?"; international conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, organised by the research training group "The Persistence of Gender Binaries".


18 Jul 2019: "Homophobia in the Global South"; panel discussion in the context of the summer school "Contested Subjectivities in the Global South", with Jean Wyllys, Augustina Comedi, Danai Mupotsa und R. Raj Rao, chaired by Ingrid Hotz-Davies, organised by BMBF/DAAD Thematic Network "Futures under Construction in the Global South", in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


17 Jul 2019: "Welchen Wert geben wir Schwarzem Leben in Europa, Deutschland & Tübingen?" ["What Value Do We Assign to Black Life in Europe, Germany & Tübingen?"]; panel discussion of the empowerment group "Black Visions and Voices Tübingen", in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


12-13 Jul 2019: "'Non-Normative' Bodies and Desire in Contemporary Art and Culture"; workshop and guided exhibition tour of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, in cooperation with Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart.


13 May 2019: "Gute Mütter, neue Väter? Anti-Intellektualismus, Geschlecht und Elternschaft" ["Good Mothers, New Fathers? Anti-Intellectualism, Gender, and Parenting"]; guest lecture by Dr. Désirée Waterstradt (Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


19 Feb 2019: "Starting with Spivak"; Graduate Workshop with Dr. Sourav Kargupta (Kolkata), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


18 Feb 2019: "'The moth which eats that paper': Sexual Difference and the Transgression of the Literary"; guest lecture by Dr. Sourav Kargupta (Kolkata), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


Winter Semester 2018/19: "Diskriminierung /Antidiskiminierung" ["Discrimination / Anti-Discrimination"]; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the Studium Generale, organised in cooperation with the Institute of Education, and adis e.V.


Events 2018

17-18 Dec 2018: "The Love that Dare Not Speak Its Name: The Decriminialisation of Same-Gender and Transgender Love in India"; guest lecture and author reading by Prof. Raj Rao (Pune), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


18 Dec 2018: Gender Brunch in the Context of the Action Day #4genderstudies; organised by the Institute of Media Studies, and the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

06-08 Dec 2018: "Minor Cosmopolitan Weekend"; international conference of the research training group "Minor Cosmopolitanisms" (University of Potsdam, HU Berlin, FU Berlin) at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

26 Nov 2018: "'Why more accounts do not mention flies': Toward a Posthuman Ethical Turn in Thinking Ethnographic Difference"; guest lecture by Dr. Sourav Kargupta (Kolkata), oranised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


08-09 Nov 2018: "Strata of Kinship and Collective Action in Literature and Culture"; international conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, and the Department of English.


27 Sep 2018: "Type, click, post - bam! Wie digitaler Feminismus größere politische Teilhabe für Frauen herbeitweetet" ["Type, click, post - bam! How Digital Feminism Tweets Political Participation for Women into Existence"]; guest lecture by Dr. Stine Eckert (Wayne State University), organised by the Institute of Media Studies, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the conference "Dissonanzen und Solidarisierungen: Feministische und intersektionale Perspektiven auf Partizipation in Medienkulturen" ["Dissonances and Solidarities: Feminist and Intersectional Prespectives on Participation in Media Cultures"].


16 Jul 2018: "Historicizing Gender and Sexuality"; graduate colloquium with Dr. Carl Fischer and Dr. Corey McEleney (Fordham University, New York), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


09 Jul 2018: "'Anti-Genderismus': Konstruktive Umgangsweisen mit einem destruktiven Phänomen. 'Anti-Genderismus' als Begleiterscheinung eines gesellschaftlichen Paradigmenwechsels" ["'Anti-Genderism': Constructive Ways of Dealing with a Destructive Phenomenon. 'Anti-Genderism' as a Corollary of a Social Paradigm Shift"]; workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the TEA visiting professorship.


02-04 Jul 2018: "Gender and Sexuality in China: The Films of Fan Popo"; organised by the China Center Tübingen, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


20 Jun 2018: "Becoming Madam Chancellor: The Rise (and Fall?) of Angela Merkel"; guest lecture by Prof. Joyce M. Mushaben (University of Missouri - St. Louis), organised by the Institute of Political Science, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


14 Jun 2018: "Two and Only Two? Polyamory as Sharpener to Accounts of Christian Marriage"; guest lecture by Dr. Susannah Cornwall (University of Exeter), organised by the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


Events 2017

14-15 Sep 2017: "Getting to Know Diversity: Ethnographie und ihre Grenzen"; ["Getting to Know Diversity: Ethnography and Its Limitations.]; annual conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


Summer Semester 2017: "Voices from the 'Muslim World': Gender, Art and Activism"; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, and the Kunsthalle Tübingen, funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.


12 Jul 2017: "Vorhang auf! Zur Popularisierung von Diversitätsdiskursen in Drama und Theater" ["Let the Curtain Rise! On the Popularisation of Diversity Discourses in Drama and Theatre"]; workshop of the Department of German and the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


31 May 2017: "Ein Herz und eine Seele: Geschichte der Männerfreundschaft" ["One Heart and One Soul: A History of Friendship Between Men"]; guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Andreas Kraß (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), organised by the Department of German, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


11 May 2017: "Listening as Feminist Politics: Negotiating Difference Beyond the Politics of Voice"; guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Tanja Dreher (University of New South Wales, Sydney), organised by the Institut of Media Studies, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


23 Feb 2017: "Women in Phoenician Society"; workshop of the Institute of Classical Archaeology, and the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the TEA visiting professorship.


26 Jan 2017: "Der Charme des Extremismus: Welche Rollen spielen Frauen- und Gender-Themen in der AfD und dem Front National?" [The Charme of Extremism: What Role do Women and Gender Questions Play in the AfD and the Front National?"]; guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Birgit Meyer (Hochschule Esslingen) in the context of the lecture series "Où allons nous? Deutschland und Frankreich vor den Wahlen" ["Où allons nous? Germany and France before the Elections"], organised by the Institut Culturel Franco-Allemand and the Institute of Political Science, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


Events 2016

04-08 Jul 2016: "Re-Ordering Diversity: Humanitarian Assistance in the Context of Forced Migration and Displacement"; international summer school of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, the CRC 923 "Threatened Order", and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Göttingen).


Jun 2016: Chistopher Marlowe's "Edward II" at the Zimmertheater Tübingen; dramaturgy in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

09-10 Jun 2016: "The Ontology of the Couple"; symposium of the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, and GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies.


Winter Semester 2015/16: "Gender: Aufregung um eine Analysekategorie" ["Gender: Anxieties about a Category of Analysis"]; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the Studium Generale, organised in cooperation with the Queere Hochschulgruppe Tübingen.


14-15 Jan 2016: "The Future of Diversity? Approaches, Intersections, Innovations"; international winter school of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


Events 2015

10-11 Dec 2015: "Confronting Gender and Faith"; international conference of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research, and the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry.


15 Apr 2015: Exhibition Opening "International Orange", photographs by Daniel Schumann, at the German-American Institute Tübingen, with an Introduction by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hotz-Davies.

02-03 Mar 2015: "'Ich glaube an Mann und Frau': Geschlecht als Glaubenssystem?" ["'I Believe in Man and Woman': Gender as a Belief System"]; workshop of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.


03 Feb 2015: "Online Identities: The Promises and Perils of a World Without Gender"; guest lecture by Prof. Claire Potter (New School, NY), organised by the German-American Institute Tübingen, in cooperation with the Center for Gender and Diversity Research.

Events 2014

03 Dec 2014: "Geschlecht und Gehirn: Neurobiologische versus kulturelle Bedingungen von Geschlechterrollen" ["Gender and the Brain: Neurobiological versus Cultural Conditions of Gender Roles"]; CIN Dialogue Tübingen.


Summer Semester 2014: "Ist doch klar: Wie Differenzen natürlich gemacht werden" ["It's Obvious: How Differences are Made Natural"]; lecture series of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research in the context of the Studium Generale.


16 Jul 2014: Research Workshop.

15 Jan 2014: "Ansätze und Perspektiven der Diversitäts-Forschung" ["Approaches and Perspectives in Diversity Studies"]; members' meeting with a lecture by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler.

Events 2013

01 Oct 2013: "Ansätze und Perspektiven der Gender-Forschung" ["Approaches and Perspectives in Gender Studies"]; members' meeting with a lecture by Prof. Dr. Regine Gildemeister.