College of Fellows


Here you will find an overview and profiles of the Fellows currently active at the College of Fellows | CIIS. Alumnae and alumni of previous semesters and associates can be found on the subpages:
 Alumnae & Alumni

Laurie Atkinson

Fellow Profil

Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

Affiliation: University of Tübingen, academic host: Prof. Dr Matthias Bauer

Stay in Tübingen: April 2022-November 2024

Research Project: Co-creative networks in early English literary print

Research Areas: Early modern English literature; English literary publications 1476-1557; History of the Book (manuscript and print) and the evolution of paratexts; late medieval English and Scottish literature; conceptions of authorship; autobiographical writing

Publications: A list of her publications can be found here.

Contact: laurie.atkinsonspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: College of Fellows Humboldt Lecture: ‘Co-Creativity in Early English Literary Print’, (22. November 2023)

About: Laurie Atkinson completed his PhD at Durham University in 2021. He afterwards provided research as an MHRA Postdoctoral Research Associate for the new Cambridge University Press edition of the complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Laurie is now a Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Tübingen, where he works on early English literary print. His monograph, Ideas of Authorship in the English and Scottish Dream Vision: Skelton, Dunbar, Hawes, Douglas, is scheduled for publication with Boydell & Brewer in March 2024.

Smith B. Babiaka

Fellow Profile

Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Research Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Department of Microbial Bioactive Compounds, Interfaculty Institute for Microbiology and Infection Medicine, Univeristy of Tübingen; Prof. Dr. Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt and Dr. Chambers C. Hughes

Stay in Tübingen: September 2022 to September 2025

Research Project: Discovery of novel marine natural products from sponges

Research Areas: Natural Product Drug Discovery and Medicinal Chemistry

Publications: A list of his publications can be found here.

Contact: babiakasmith2009spam, babiaka.smithspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture on Natural Product-Based Discovery of Novel Lead Compounds From Terrestrial and Marine Ecosystems (10. Januar 2024)

About: Smith B. Babiaka is a Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Buea where he was awarded a PhD in Chemistry in March 2019. Since June 2022, he is a Georg Forster Alexander von Humboldt and Georg Forster-Bayer Research Fellow. He is working in the research group of Prof. Dr. Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt and Dr. Chambers C. Hughes at the University of Tübingen. He has been awarded the ARISE Intra-ACP mobility grant, AGNES junior research grant, MINESUP research grant, ACS best poster ward among others. His previous research has been focused on natural product drug discovery of novel lead compounds from nature. He is a member of ACS, RSC, EFMS-YSN & INPST and others. He is a reviewer of manuscripts from Phytochemistry, Frontiers in Natural Products, ChemBioChem, and Natural Product Research and others. He has about thirty-two peer-reviewed journal publications. 

Personal Website:

Molly Bronstein
English Studies

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): English department, hosts: Prof. Dr. Angelika Zirker and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 to September 2024

Research Project: The Ovide moralisé’s Middle English Collaborators 

Research Areas: Old and Middle French, Middle English, translation history, Ovid’s medieval reception, creative writing, speculative fiction


1. “Marie de Clèves’s ‘Rien ne m’est plus’: Reshaping Widowhood in the Roman de Troyle,” forthcoming in Medieval Feminist Forum.

2. “Marie de Clèves, Duchess of Orléans,” The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Medieval Women’s Writing in the Global Middle Ages. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.


For a list of creative publications, see:

Contact: molly.bronsteinspam

Activities at the College of Fellows:

Teach@Tübingen Workshop on 24 November, 2023


Molly Bronstein earned her PhD in Comparative Literature and Medieval Studies from UC Berkeley in 2022, where she subsequently worked as a lecturer before coming to Tübingen in 2023. Her dissertation focused on Ovid’s medieval reception and argued for a view of the anonymous author of the Old French Ovide moralisé as the leader of a late medieval “team” translation project; she is now expanding on this project to focus on Middle English retranslations of (and “collaborations” with) the Ovide moralisé. She has also written about the Roman de Troyle, Louis de Beauvau’s French translation of Boccaccio’s Il Filostrato, and the poetry of Marie de Clèves, Duchess of Orléans.

In addition to her research, Molly is a graduate of the Clarion Workshop at UCSD and a short fiction writer with publications in Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology, Michigan Quarterly Review: Mixtape, Brave New Weird: The Best New Weird Horror, and elsewhere. She teaches creative writing as well as literary studies.

Personal Website:

Deep Chand
Global Encounters

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute of Sociology, host: Prof. Bani Gill

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 10 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Research Project: Neighbourhood and Social Cohesion: Police, Protest, and the Citizenship (Amendment) Act [CAA] in India

Research Areas: State, Police, Sociology of Policing, Citizenship and Democracy, Belonging and Neighborhood, Caste and Education, Ethnography

1. Chand, D. (2024). (Re)-production of Caste in the Classroom: A Dalit Perspective, Higher Education (Accepted). 
2. Chand, D. (2023). (Re)-production of Caste Prejudices: Viva-Voce Examination in Higher Education in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. In Dhaneshwar Bhoi & Hugo Gorringe (Eds.), Caste in Everyday Life: Experience and Affect in India. Palgrave Macmillan, London. 
3. Chand, D. (2019). “Equal opportunities in Education: A perspective from below.” Contemporary Voice of Dalit (Sage) 11(1): 55-61. [with Sailu Karre]
4. Chand, D. (2017). “Parents’ Perception and Experiences of Scheduled Caste Students in Access to Higher Education.” Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Social Work 4 (1): 49-86.  
5. Chand, D. (2017). “Critique of Brahmanical Hegemony: Understanding Indian Caste System through Gramsci.” Journal of Social and Economic Studies XXVII (1): 76-88.


Activities at the College of Fellows: Research and Teaching, Research workshop, Participating in GTURN lecture series and South Asia reading group

About: I have an MA and M.Phil. in Social Science from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India. I recently completed my PhD in Sociology from Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, with a grade of magna cum laude distinction. I am trained in ethnography, discourse analysis and ethnomethodology. My areas of research include State, Police, Sociology of Policing, Citizenship and Democracy, Belonging and Neighborhood, Caste and Education, Ethnography. I have published my research work in national and international academic journals. I have presented my research at the University of Porto, Portugal, the International Studies Association, Nashville, USA and the World Congress of Sociology organised by the International Sociological Association (ISA) in Melbourne, Australia. I also participate in "Varieties of Ethnographic Research", initiated by the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE). 

Personal Website: /

Cansu Civelek
Global Encounters

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Sociology Department, hosts: Prof. Boris Nieswand & Dr. Gani Bill

Stay in Tübingen (from - until):  1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Research Project: Entangled processes of urban ruination, dispossession, and depoliticization : A spatio-temporal analysis of the Karapınar neighborhood in Eskişehir, Turkey

Research Areas: Urban studies, migration, politicization


1. 2023 Beyond Lawfare: An Analysis of Law’s Temporality through Russian-doll Urbanization from Turkey. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review.
2. 2020 Tackling participation beyond the theses of neoliberal urban governance or citizen empowerment. Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development, Special Issue [The Contemporary Turkish State: The Changing Landscape of Political Economy in Turkey] 49(1-2): 39-83. ISSN 0894-6019
3. 2019 Urban renewal with dancing and music”?: The renewal-machine’s struggle to organize hegemony. Focaal Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. 84: 47-61.

Contact: civelekcansuspam

Activities at the College of Fellows:

About: Cansu Civelek graduated from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. She received her master’s degree from the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna with a thesis entitled “‘Regeneration on Site’ or Rent-Driven Urban Renewal? An Ethnographic Inquiry into the Karapınar Valley Urban Regeneration Project in Eskişehir, Turkey”. In 2015, she independently financed her first documentary film, “Warning Karapınar! Voices from an Urban Regeneration,” which was derived from her master’s thesis. In 2020, she received her doctoral degree from the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna, with a dissertation entitled “Non-spectacular Policy-making: Urban Governance, Silence, and Dissent in an Abortive Renewal Project in Eskişehir, Turkey.” As a post-doctoral researcher at the Democracy Institute of the Central European University, she focused on her book project titled “Igniting the Spark of the Political,” examining urban policy-making and governance practices of Eskişehir’s municipal government while addressing questions of collective silence and (de)politicization.
With a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Tübingen's Global Encounters Program, she is developing a research project on neighborhoods of Eskişehir where Afghan refugees reside. The aim is to comprehend the interactions between refugee newcomers and long-standing residents, as well as the mechanisms of claim-making employed by both groups.

Personal Website: /

Manuel Cojocaru
Intercultural Studies

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: College of Fellows (Center for Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Studies)
Affiliation: Intercultural Studies
Stay in Tübingen (from - until): May 2024 to April 2025

Research Project: Anxiety and Nothingness as ways to disclose Being

Research Areas: ancient Greek philosophy, phenomenology, religious studies, philosophy of religion, metaphysics


  1. Manuel Cojocaru (2024). The Will to Being. Plato, Cronus, and the Cult of Sisyphus, Springer. 
  2. Manuel Cojocaru (2022). “The Creative Solution. Privileged Things as Heroic Objects”, in Philosophia 50, 473–486, Springer.

Activities at the College of Fellows: I will organize a workshop at the end of my stay here

About: I obtained by PhD in philosophy at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, with a thesis concerning death and immortanilty in Plato's philosophy and ancient Greek myths. I have published my thesis recently with the title "The Will to Being. Plato, Cronus, and the Cult of Sisyphus" (Springer 2024). As a continuation of my interest in death and immortality, my current Fellowship addreses the phenomenology of religious experience.

Austin Collins

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Seminar für Neuere Geschichte; host: Jun. Prof. Dr. Christina Brauner

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2024 to  31 March 2025

Research Project: ‘La ville eut l’éphémère honneur d’être comme la capitale du Royaume': A Spatial History of Charles IX’s Royal Tour of France, 1564-1566

Research Areas: Early Modern France, French Monarchy, French Wars of Religion, Centre & Periphery, Religious Toleration & Co-Existence, Urban History, Visual & Material Culture


  1. Peer Reviewed Article: ‘Angoulême: Constructing a Royal Connection on the Forgotten Periphery’ in Religion and Urbanity Online (forthcoming) (
  2. Book Review: Kelly Digby Peebles and Gabriella Scarlatta (eds.), Representing the Life and Legacy of Renée de France: From Fille de France to Dowager Duchesse (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) in Royal Studies Journal 9, no. 2 (2022) (
  3. Podcast: UrbRel podcasts: Corinna Riva & Austin Collins for the KFG ‘Religion & Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations’ Podcast (October 2022) (
  4. Workshop Report: Typologising Cities: Critical Reflections Workshop for the KFG ‘Religion & Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations’ Workshop (May 2022) (
  5. Blog Post: ‘Finally, a Long-Awaited Research Trip to France!’ for the KFG ‘Religion & Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations’ Blog (April 2022) (
  6. Workshop Report: Guides to Urbanity Workshop for the KFG ‘Religion & Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations’ Workshop (January 2021) (


Activities at the College of Fellows:


I am a historian of early modern European history, with a specialisation in urban, religious, and spatial approaches. My research investigates how monarchical and religious influence interacted with civic authority within urban spaces during the early French Wars of Religion. My current book project, based on my doctoral dissertation and provisionally entitled ‘‘La ville eut l’éphémère honneur d’être comme la capitale du Royaume': A Spatial History of Charles IX’s Royal Tour of France, 1564–1566 (Angoulême, Lyon, Sens)’, explores how royal, civic, and religious actors utilized different urban spaces in France to project their own authority and promote religious toleration and co-existence through royal entrances amid religious warfare. My research incorporates primary source material such as festival books, financial records, correspondences, city council minutes, and maps. Prior to Tübingen, I have taught early modern European seminars at Durham University.


Scientific Career:

2024-2025: Teach@Tübingen Fellow

2019-2023: PhD from Durham University & Universität Erfurt
‘La ville eut l’éphémère honneur d’être comme la capitale du Royaume': A Spatial History of Charles IX’s Royal Tour of France, 1564–1566 (Angoulême, Lyon, Sens)’

2021-2022: Doctoral Fellow, Universität Erfurt

2020-2021; 2022-2023: Seminar Tutor in early modern European history, Durham University

2018-2019: MA in Early Modern History, King’s College London

2014-2018: BA in History and French, Catawba College, USA

Personal Website:

Mohammad Mahdi Fallah
Intercultural Studies

Fellow Profile 

Fellowship: Intercultural Studies 

Affiliation: College of Fellows, host: Niels Weidtmann

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): May 2024 to May 2025

Research Project: Belonging to the In-Betweenness: Phenomenology of Barzaḵi Situation

Research Areas: Intercultural philosophy of religion,  phenomenology of belonging

  • Fallah, Mohammad Mahdi (2024). “Revisiting Divine Impassibility through Tabatabaʾi Notion of ‘Perfect Human,” Islam and the Contemporary World, vol. 1, Issue 3, Winter 2024, pp. 61-68.
  • Oppy, Graham; Trakakis, Nick (forthcoming). *The Western History of Philosophy of Religion* (vol. 5), Chief Editor of translation, Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, Tehran: Sales. [Farsi]
  • Hasker, William; Rogers, Katherin (forthcoming). “Anselm and the Classical Idea of God: A Debate,” trans. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, in *Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers*, ed. Mahdi Akhavan, Tehran: Lega. [Farsi]
  • Johnson, David (forthcoming). “Hume and Reports of Miracles,” trans. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, in *Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers*, ed. Mahdi Akhavan, Tehran: Lega. [Farsi]
  • Phillips, D. Z. (2023). *Death and Immortality*, trans. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, Tehran: Parsik. [Farsi]
  • Smart, Ninian (2023). *The Concept of Worship*, trans. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, Tehran: Parsik. [Farsi]
  • Wrathall, Mark (2021). “Between Earth and Sky: Heidegger on Life after the Death of God,” trans. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, in *Religion after Metaphysics*, Tehran: Qoqnos. [Farsi]
  • Rehbein, Boike (2021). *Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South: Kaleidoscopic Dialectic*, trans. Mohammad Mahdi Fallah, Tehran: Teesa. [Farsi]


Activities at the College of Fellows: 
About: My name is Mohammad Mahdi Fallah. I completed my Ph.D. in philosophy of religion at Allameh Tabataba'i University in Tehran, Iran. My dissertation explored the conceptualization of nihilism in Iran and Japan, focusing on Shayegan and Nishitani. My research interests include intercultural philosophy of religion, Islamic theology and mysticism, and the Kyoto School.

Shabaan HamadnAllah Ali Salim
Asian and Oriental Studies

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Philosophische Fakultät, Asien-Orient-Wissenschaften, host: Dr Regula Forster

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April to 8 February 2025 

Research Project: Between operation and allegory: the 14th century alchemist al-Jildakī

Research Areas: Alchemy, history of science, critical edition, old manuscripts


1. “Abū l-Qāsim al-ʿIrāqī and his book “Sharḥ dīwān Shudhūr al-dhahab” (The explanation of the poetry collection called: The Splinters of Gold), an article which was published in the MUST university (Cairo) magazine for the humanities (Vol 3/ issue 4) (page 179- 204) (summer 2023).
2. Al-Jildakī, ‘Izz al-Dīn Aydamir b. Alī: “al-Taqrīb fī asrār al-tarkīb, part III (The approach, on the secrets of composition), study and edition, MA thesis.
3. Al-Sīmāwī, Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad b. Aḥmad: “Sharḥ dīwān Shudhūr al-dhahab” (The explanation of the poetry collection called: The Splinters of Gold), study and edition, Phd thesis (book publication forthcoming).

Contact: shaban.hamadnallahspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: 
I had the honor to participate in:

  • (Workshop Science Compass) on 9th APRIL 2024
  • (Fellow Workshop for ALL T@Tü) on 10th APRIL 2024
  • And waiting curiously for more next events!

About: Currently, I’m a postdoctoral researcher hosted by Prof. Dr. Regula Forster at the Institute of the Asian-Oriental Studies of Tübingen University. I obtained my PhD in April 2023 from the Institute of Arab Research and Study in Cairo with a dissertation introducing a critical edition with a study for “Sharḥ dīwān Shudhūr al-dhahab” (The explanation of the poetry collection called: The Splinters of Gold) by the important 13th-century Arab alchemist al-Sīmāwī al-ʿIrāqī, Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad b. Aḥmad. Over 7 years working on treatises for al-Mjrītī, al-Jildakī and al-Sīmāwī with intense work to produce a perfect critical edition for the books of study, and complete biographies for these alchemists (as much as possible), besides having been a chemist/ biochemist (my major in my BSc was chemistry/ biochemistry from science faculty) working in laboratories for 8 years, I found myself with deep eager redirect my study, interest, career towards the history of science, specially chemistry and Occult sciences.

Lukas Hoffman
German and International Literature

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Deutsches Seminar / Internationale Literaturen; host: Prof. Eckhart Goebel

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 to  September 2024

Research Project: Proto-Political Lyric

Research Areas: Lyric Poetry, German Modernism, Critical Theory, Frankfurt School, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ecocriticsm, Religious Studies


Peer Reviewed Papers:

  1. “Abject Eve: A Revolutionary Reading of Lasker-Schüler’s ‘Erkenntnis’.” New German Critique. Forthcoming in Vol. 152, October 2024.
  2. “Love of Things: Reconsidering Adorno’s Criticism of Rilke.” Monatshefte. Volume 114, Number 2, Summer 2022: 242-261.

Book Review:

  1. “Review: Peter Sloterdijk, Making the Heavens Speak: Religion as Poetry. (Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2023), pp. ix + 269, US$20.00, ISBN 978-1-509-54751-7 (pbk).” Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion. Volume 5, Issue 2, 2023: 232-234.


Activities at the College of Fellows: Presentations at the Teach@Tübingen Fellows’ workshops: “Critical Rilke: Adorno’s Missed Encounters” (24 November 2023) and “Thinking the ‘End of the World’ with Jakob van Hoddis” (10 April 2024)

About: Lukas was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Graduating Magna cum Laude from the University of Colorado with a BA in German Studies, Lukas continued his academic journey at the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies, earning his Ph.D. in May 2023. His dissertation, Faithful Form: On Religion and Politics in German Modernist Lyric, explores the latent relationship between religion and politics in the poetry of Else Lasker-Schüler, Georg Trakl, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Paul Celan.

Lukas's research spans multiple disciplines, including German modernism, the avant-garde, poetry, critical theory, gender studies, and ecocriticism. He approaches literature not merely as an aesthetic artifact, but as a vital contribution to historical, philosophical, economic, and political discourses. Currently, Lukas is exploring the structural affinity between Rilke's poetics and Theodor Adorno's critical theory in his upcoming book project, Critical Rilke: Adorno's Missed Encounter. Additionally, he has begun co-editing a collected edition on the early Frankfurt School and poetry.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Lukas can be found on the hiking trails around Tübingen, tent-camping in the mountains, or snowboarding in the winter. His outdoor pursuits not only offer a refreshing break from scholarly pursuits but also inspire a sense of adventure and resilience that enriches his commitment to research.

Murtala Ibrahim
Global Encounters
Political Science

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute of Political Science, host: Prof. Andreas Hasenclever

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Research Project: The Middle East Geopolitics of Religion and the Emergence of Global Salafi and Shia Identities in the Anguwan Rogo Neighborhood of Jos, Nigeria 

Research Areas: Anthropology of religion and politics of religion


1. Ibrahim, M. (2022): Sensational Piety: Practices of Mediation in the Nigerian Pentecostal and Islamic Religious Movement. London: Bloomsbury Publishers. 
- Refereed articles    
2. Ibrahim, M. (2022). Theoretical exploration of literature on Pentecostalism and media in Africa. Religion Compass, e12452. 

3. Ibrahim, M. (2022). The clash of sound, image and light: Inter- and intra-religious entanglements and contestations during Mawlūd celebrations in the city of Jos, Nigeria. Africa, 92(5), 759-779.
4. Ibrahim, M. (2020). Spatial Piety: Shia Religious Processions and the Politics of Contestation of Public Space in Northern Nigeria. In: Balkenhol, M., van den Hemel, E., Stengs, I. (eds) The Secular Sacred. Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

5. Ibrahim, M. (2020). "The Sites of Divine Encounter: Affective Religious Spaces and Sensational Practices in Christ Embassy and NASFAT in the City of Abuja", Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes, Hansjörg Dilger, Astrid Bochow, Marian Burchardt, Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon, Durham. NC. Duke University Press. Pp. 78-97. 

6. Ibrahim, M. (2017). Oral transmission of the sacred: Preaching in Christ Embassy and NASFAT in Abuja. Journal of Religion in Africa, 47(1), 


Activities at the College of Fellows: 
• Data analysis, background research, and annotated bibliography.
• Writing of two articles to be published in peer journals.
•Working on new project proposal through collaboration with colleagues.
• Presenting my research at the College of Fellows and at least two international conferences. 

Trained in Religious Studies (University of Jos, Nigeria), I received my Ph.D. at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University in 2017. After concluding a one-year research fellowship at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology, Freie University Berlin, I became a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University from 2020 to 2023.

Personal Website: /

Asia Kalinichenko

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Philipp Schwartz-Initiative der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Affiliation (host institution, host scholar): Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Nicolae Barsan

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): April 2023 – March 2025

Research Project: AI-enabled, novel, reagentless analytical method for monitoring contaminants in edible oils and rapid quality assessment

Research Areas: Gas sensors and their application for food analysis; Food chemistry; Chemical data science, including data mining and deep machine learning.

1.    Kalinichenko A. Electronic nose combined with chemometric approaches to assess authenticity and adulteration of sausages by soy protein / A. Kalinichenko, L. Arseniyeva // Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. – 2020. – Vol. 303. – No. 127250. – P. 1-10.
2.    Kalinichenko A.A. Intelligent multisensor system for analytical control of sausages / A.A. Kalinichenko, L.U. Arseniyeva // Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis. – 2019. – Vol. 14. – No. 2. – P. 57-72. 
3.    Kalinichenko A.A. Feature extraction methods for electronic nose responses / A.A. Kalinichenko, L.U. Arseniyeva, U.P. Butsenko // Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis. – 2017. – Vol. 12. – No. 3. – P. 112-122. 

Contact: asya.kalinichenkospam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture "Food safety and quality assessment using gas sensors and chemometrics: the edible oils case” is planned on January 10, 2024.

About: Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry of Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen, and an associate professor at the Department of Foodstuff Expertise at the National University of Food Technology (NUFT) in Kyiv, Ukraine.  
In 2011 I received a B.Eng. degree at the Faculty of Chemistry at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine, followed by an M.Tech. degree from the National University of Food Technologies in 2012. In 2021, I successfully defended my Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry with a thesis titled “Intelligent Multisensor System for Identification and Quality Assessment of Food Products”. 
In 2012 I started my teaching career as an assistant professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of NUFT and then worked in the same position at the Department of Foodstuff Expertise. In September 2021 I was appointed as associate professor at NUFT. I was a lecturer and course author for "Instrumental methods of analysis: express methods", "Food allergens"; course co-author for "Chemical and biological sensors"; in charge with lab and practical works for "Analytical chemistry", "Food quality and safety control", etc. 

I started my research career, which is focused on the application of artificial intelligence and analytical sensors to food analysis, during my PhD studies. I performed my research work as senior research scientist between 2015 and 2018, I supervised the "Identification, quality and safety assessment of food products using sensor systems with artificial intelligence" research project, which was financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Since 2022 I am a reviewer for Journal of Chemistry and Technologies and Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. 

Hyunjin Kim
Lunch Talk

Fellow Profile

Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Environmental Biotechnology Group, Department of Geosciences

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): March 2023 until February 2025

Research Project: Power to Protein

Research Areas: Environmental biotechnology: anaerobic fermentation process for producing caproic acid, ecology studies of biogas reactors, omics studies for the methanogen, techno-economic analysis for the bio-succinic acid production, and single-cell protein production by fixing carbon dioxide with renewable energy

Publications: Publicationens by Hyunjin Kim can be found here.

Contact: hyunjin.kimspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Fellow Lunch Talk on Acetate to Protein: Conversion of Simple Chemicals to Feeding the World (1 February 2024)

About: I’m working as a postdoc in the Environmental Biotechnology Group at the University of Tübingen with a Humboldt fellowship. My research topic is developing processes for making valuable products (such as fuels, chemicals, and protein) from waste materials. I received my Ph.D. from Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, working on the chain elongation process for producing caproic acid from useless biomass. I am currently researching protein production from acetate that is produced by fixing carbon dioxide with renewable energy.

Personal Website:

Riccardo Marin
Computer Science

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Alexander von Humboldt Postdoc Research Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): University of Tuebingen, Tubingen AI center

Stay in Tübingen: 1 June 2022 - ongoing

Research Project: Functional shape matching for implicit representations

Research Areas: Computer vision, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, 3D shape analysis, Virtual Humans

Publications: A list of his publications can be found here.

Contact: rmarinvrspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture Series in winter 2023/24 (Tuebingen, 7th February 2024, 6.30 pm). Talk title: Connecting the (Digital) Dots: Studying relations in 3D geometries for human virtualization

About: Riccardo Marin has obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Verona. He has been a Post Doctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome, and now at the AI Center of the University of Tübingen in the Real Virtual Humans Group. He is a Member of the ELLIS Society, a Humboldt Fellow, and is now funded by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. His research focuses on 3D Shape Analysis, Geometric Deep Learning, and Virtual Humans.

Personal Website:

Tetjana Midjana
German Language and Literatur

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Philipp Schwarz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute of Rhetoric, Prof. Joachim Knape

Stay in Tübingen: from 1999 – until 2005, since April 2022

Research Project: Periphrase from 1999 – until 2005, Rhetoric of presidential war speeches in the war of aggression against Ukraine, since April 2022

Research Areas: Stylistics, Textual Linguistics, Rhetoric

Publications: A full list of her publications is here.

Contact: tetjana.midjanaspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture über Die Kriegsrhetorik von Wolodymyr Selenskyj und Wladimir Putin und ihre besonderen Merkmale (13. Dezember 2023)

About: Tetjana Midjana studierte deutsche Sprache und Literatur an der Universität Lwiw in der Ukraine. Von 1999 bis 2004 war sie Doktorandin bei Prof. Joachim Knape am Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik der Universität Tübingen und promovierte zum Thema „Periphrase“. Seit 2005 ist sie Dozentin am Lehrstuhl für Deutsche Philologie an der Universität Lwiw (Ukraine). 
Seit 1. April 2022 hat sie einen Forschungsaufenthalt am Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik. Das Projekt wird von der Universität Tübingen und der Philipp Schwartz-Initiative der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung finanziert.

Olisa Godson Muojama
Global Encounters

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute of Didactics of History and Public History, host: Prof. Bernd-Stefan Grewe

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

Research Project: Neighbourhood Encounters in Anglo-German Colonial Frontiers in West Africa, 1884-1914

Research Areas: Global History, Colonial History, International Political Economy, Intellectual History

Publications: 1. Olisa Muojama.‘Victims of Nationality: German Civilian Internment in British West Africa during the Second World War.’ Journal of World History Vol. 37. No. 3 (Sept. 2024)
2. Mattin Biglari and Olisa Muojama, ‘Global Histories of Environment and Labour in Asia and Africa.’ In Emily O’Gorman, William San Martin, Mark Carey, Sandra Swart. The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History (Oxon and New York: Routledge 2024), 247-260
3. Gertschen, A. and Olisa Muojama, ‘Multinational Enterprises.’ In Unger, C. R.; Borowy, I. and Pernet, C. A. The Routledge Handbook on the History of Development (Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2022). 278-296. 
4. Olisa Muojama, ‘Cocoa Marketing Board and Sustainable Cocoa Economy in Colonial Nigeria. African Economic History Vol.47. No.1 (2019): 1-31 

Contact: olisamuospam

Activities at the College of Fellows: At the College of Fellows, I will form a focus group with the other Global Encounters Fellows. I will also collaborate with the members of Global Encounters platform and become part of the College’s academic life. 
I will work for 12 months analyzing the data generated from the field work and from the archives to posit my research questions, with the help of my host, Prof. Dr. Bernd-Stefen Grewe. I will consult the University library, as well as company and national archives in Berlin/Koblenz. I will also write out manuscripts on the proposed research project for consideration for publication in high impact journal, and continue to work on my larger project.  I will make presentation of my project to the university community for a feedback an input of other fellows and scholars. 

About: Dr. Olisa Godson MUOJAMA is an Associate Professor in the Department of History, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. His research cuts across African History, global history, economic history, and colonial history. He is a fellow of Global Encounters, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany (2024-2025). He was a Fellow in Global History at the Munich Centre for Global History, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany (2022). He was a Laurette of the Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar, Senegal (2016). He was also a Fellow of the African Humanities Program (AHP) of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) from 2011 to 2012. He is the Principal Investigator/Principal Faculty in Nigeria of the Global History Lab (GHL), University of Cambridge, formerly of Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. He is the author of The Nigerian Cocoa Industry and the International Economy in the 1930s: A World-Systems Approach. He has also published in specialist journals such as African Economic History 47, no.1 (2019): 1-31 (Wisconsin) and Journal of World History 35, no. 3 (2024, upcoming). His current post-doctoral research is on Deutsch-Westafricanisches Begenungen, 1840-1990.

Personal Website: /

Martin Pácha
Eastern European History and Area Studies

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies (Prof. Klaus Gestwa)

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): October 2023 to September 2024

Research Project: "The Ways towards Religious Freedom between Socialism and Postsocialism in Czechoslovakia”

Research Areas: Communism; Czechoslovakia; Roman Catholic Church; atheism; religious minorities; student’s internationalism


Journal Articles:
1. “The Limits of Religious Plurality: The Pentecostal Movement in Post-Stalinist Czechoslovakia.” (Politics, Religion & Ideology, 2022/23:4, p. 407-423, DOI: 10.1080/21567689.2022.2144259)
2. Randák, Jan – Pácha, Martin. “(O)hledání komunistické výchovy.” [The Search for Communist Education] (Moderní dějiny 2022/1, p. 121-130.) 
3. „To bych nebyl bolševikem, abych z boje utíkal: Příklad sekularizačních snah rané komunistické diktatury v Československu.” [„I wouldn´t be a Bolshevik to run away from a fight.” : Example of Secularization Efforts of Early Communist Dictatorship in Czechoslovakia] (Kuděj, 1-2/2020, p. 51-60.)
4. “Possibilities of Research into the Catholic Church in the Czech lands in the Early Stage of the Communist Dictatorship.” (Czech Journal of Contemporary History, vol. VIII, 2020, p. 29-44.) ; for the Czech version see: “Možnosti výzkumu katolické církve v českých zemích v raném období komunistické diktatury.” (Soudobé dějiny, 2-3/2019, p. 350-362.)
5. “Losing the „Universal” : Mihály Horváth and František Palacký.” (ÖT KONTINENS, No 2015/2.ELTE, BTK, BUDAPEST, 2018, p. 103-116.)
Book Chapters:
1. “A Cross to Bear for a Socialist Childhood.” In: Henschel, Frank; Winkler, Martina; Randák, Jan;  Dudeková Kováčová, Gabriela (ed.) Variations and Transformations of Childhood in the Bohemian Lands and Slovakia. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022, p. 129-151.
Reports and others:
1. Kurz, Michal – Pácha, Martin – Švarná, Eliška. “Obrazy vody: Jihočeské přehrady a jejich otisk v krajině a společnosti”. [Images of Water: South Bohemian Dams and Their Imprint in Landscape and Society]. Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, 2023. (Exhibition catalogue)
2. Randák, Jan – Pácha, Martin. “Centrum pro dějiny vědění jako akademický "start-up". Rozhovor se švédskými historiky Johanem Östlingem a Davidem Larssonem Heidenbladem.” [Center for the History of Knowledge as an academic “start-up”. Interview with Swedish historians Johan Östling and David Larsson Heidenblad] (Dějiny a současnost, 44(7)/2022, p. 32-34.)
3. Dušková, Lucie – Pácha, Martin. “Working all Night: modernity, night shifts and the temporal organization of labour across political and economical regimes.” (H-Soz-Kult, 2020, 7.)
4. “Working All Night: Modernity, Night Shifts and the Temporal Organization of Labour across Political and Economical Regimes” (Historie – Otázky – Problémy 1/2020, p. 192-195.)

Contact: martin.pachaspam 

Activities at the College of Fellows:

About: I am a postdoctoral researcher at The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Contemporary History and a Teach@Tübingen fellow at the Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies at the University of Tübingen. I focus on the history of relations between the Communist Party and the religious organizations in post-World War II Czechoslovakia. I also research student internationalization in the context of the Cold War.

Personal Website: /

John Sanni
Intercultural Studies

Fellow Profile 

Fellowship: Intercultural Studies 

Affiliation: College of Fellows, host: Niels Weidtmann

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): June 2024 to May 2025

Research Project: Violence and Decolonisation: A Phemenological Approach

Research Areas: Philosophy

Publications: See here:


Activities at the College of Fellows: Symposium and Workshop
About: /

Sofie Schiødt

Fellow Profile

Fellowship: Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdocs

Affiliation: Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Host: Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz

Stay in Tübingen: October 2023 until October 2024

Research Project: "Drugs, Treatments, and Healers: The Practice of Medicine in Ancient Egypt"

Research Areas: Egyptology, philology, ancient Egyptian medicine and magic, history of science, social history

Publications: Recent Fellow publications are listed in our Mediathek

Contact: sofie.schiodtspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: Humboldt Lecture "Medical Practice in Ancient Egypt: Who, What, and How?" (9 November 2022)
About: I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, hosted by Prof. Dr. Christian Leitz. I obtained my PhD in 2021 from the University of Copenhagen with the dissertation Medical Science in Ancient Egypt: A Translation and Interpretation of Papyrus Louvre-Carlsberg (pLouvre E 32847 + pCarlsberg 917). The dissertation presented a preliminary text edition of a 6-meter-long papyrus—the second-longest medical text surviving from ancient Egypt—which I finalized for publication during a subsequent postdoc at the University of Copenhagen funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and Edubba Foundation. My main research interests lie in ancient Egyptian medicine and magic, science and technology, and social history. I am co-director of the international, interdisciplinary research project Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt in Cross-Cultural Perspective, which aims to advance the field of ancient science by publishing unedited textual sources and by facilitating advanced papyrological training of early career scholars. My background is primarily in philology, but I also have considerable archaeological and osteological training.

Aditya Singh
Empirical Education Sciences

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research, host: Michiko Sakaki

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): April 2024 to March 2025

Research Project: Understanding curiosity from a knowledge network perspective

Research Areas: Learning Motivation

Publications: A list of publications can be found here:

Contact: aditya.singhspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: 

About: Aditya Singh is interested in exploring the processes that underlie ‘autonomous’ information seeking. He is currently investigating the role of prior knowledge in curiosity. He is also looking for ways to incorporate curiosity motivation in classrooms.  He has a Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communications Engineering from National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, and a PhD in Cognitive Science from Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar.

Personal Website: /

Havva Sinem Uğurlu
Global Encounters

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Faculty of Protestant Theology, host: Prof. Dr. Birgit Weyel

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): November 2023 to October 2024

Research Project: The Source of Knowledge in Practical Theology (in terms of Christian and Islamic Perspective)

Research Areas: Philosophy of religious education, pedagogy, and didactics of formal and non-formal Islamic religious education 


  1. Uğurlu H.S. (2021). Specialization Training in Higher Religious Education: A Perspective Focused Consideration Through Examples of Religious Counseling Education from Different Countries, İslami Araştırmalar Dergisi (Islamic Researches Journal) 32(2), 387-409.
  2. Uğurlu H.S. & Çalal A. (2019).  Opinions of The Divinity Faculty Students on Religious Knowledge: A Case Study of Ankara University Divinity Faculty.  Dini Araştırmalar (Religious Researches Journal) 22(56), 327-352., Doi:
  3. Uğurlu, H.S. (2024). “Religious Knowledge in Preaching Between Institutionalism and Individuality: The Turkish Experience”. in Rationalities of Preaching Contemporary Practices of Religious Speech. Ed. Weyel, B.; Kretzschmar, G.; Stetter, M., De Gruyter in press
  4. Ege, R. & Uğurlu, H.S.  (2022). “The Social Work Function of the Mosque in Intercultural Settings and Being a Bridge of Religious Officials”, in Moschee 2.0 - Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Zukunftsperspektiven, Ed. Behr H.H.; Karakoç, B., Waxmann;
  5. Uğurlu, H.S. &Tosun, C. (2021). “Listening to the Needs of Immigrants: A Qualitative Research in Turkey”, in Care, Healing and Human Well-Being within the Interreligious Discourse, Weis, H.; Lootens, D. Breadvick, L., SIPCC.
  6. Tosun, C & Uğurlu, H.S. (2018). “Islamic Pastoral Care and Counseling with Migrants in Turkey”. in Where are we? Pastoral Environments and Care for Migrants. Ed: Schipani, D., Walton, M., Lootens, D., SIPCC.


Activities at the College of Fellows: T@T Fellow Workshop 10 April 2024 - 'Is it a tool: a 3D-morphometrical approach to Aurignacian burin-cores'


Havva Sinem Uğurlu holds a PhD in Religious Education from Ankara University in Türkiye. She has been working in Ankara University Divinity Faculty, Department of Religious Education as an Assistant Professor for two years. Between 2011 and 2022 she also worked as a research assistant at this department. During the 2021-2022 academic year, she conducted/started her postdoctoral research under Teach@Tübingen Fellowship at the University of Tübingen. While she was conducting her project, she also taught lectures at the Center of Islamic Theology of the University of Tübingen. She specializes in the field of higher religious education, pedagogy, and didactics of formal and non-formal Islamic religious education. Currently, Dr. Uğurlu continues the second part of her postdoctoral project as a Global Encounters Platform fellow at the Tübingen University Faculty of Protestant Theology.

Personal Website:

Francesco Valletta
Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Teach@Tübingen

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, host: Prof. Nicholas Conard

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024

Research Project: 3D-Morphometric analysis of Aurignacian burin-cores form Hohle Fels cave

Research Areas: Prehistory


  1. Centi, L, Valletta, F, Zaidner, Y. 2023. To err is human: Knapping expertise and technological variability at Nesher Ramla Upper Sequence (Israel), Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 30: 103-126. DOI:
  2. Grosman, L, Muller, A, Dag, I, Goldgeier, H, Harush, O, Herzlinger, G, Nebenhaus, K, Valletta, F, Yashuv, T and Dick, N. 2022. Artifact3-D: New software for accurate, objective and efficient 3D analysis and documentation of archaeological artifacts, Biehl, P.F. (ed.) PLoS ONE, 17(6): e0268401. DOI:
  3. Valletta, F, Dag, I and Grosman, L. 2021. Identifying Local Learning Communities During the Terminal Palaeolithic in the Southern Levant: Multi-scale 3-D Analysis of Flint Cores, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 4(1): 145. DOI:
  4. Valletta, F and Grosman, L. 2021. Local Technological Traditions in the Early and Middle Epipaleolithic of Ein Gev Area, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 4(2): 10. DOI:
  5. Pedergnana, A, Cristiani, E, Munro, N, Valletta, F and Sharon, G. 2021. Early line and hook fishing at the Epipaleolithic site of Jordan River Dureijat (Northern Israel), PLoS ONE, 16(10): e0257710. DOI:
  6. Valletta, F, Smilansky, U, Goring-Morris, A N and Grosman, L. 2020. On measuring the mean edge angle of lithic tools based on 3-D models – a case study from the southern Levantine Epipalaeolithic, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12(2): 49. DOI:
  7. Sharon, G, Grosman, L, Allué, E, Barash, A, Bar-Yosef Mayer, D E, Biton, R, Bunin, E J, Langgut, D, Melamed, Y, Mischke, S, Valletta, F and Munro, N D. 2020. Jordan River Dureijat: 10,000 Years of Intermittent Epipaleolithic Activity on the Shore of Paleolake Hula, PaleoAnthropology, 2020: 34–64. DOI:
  8. Grosman, L, Shaham, D, Valletta, F, Abadi, I, Goldgeier, H, Klein, N, Dubreuil, L and Munro, N D. 2017. A human face carved on a pebble from the Late Natufian site of Nahal Ein Gev II, Antiquity, 91(358): e2. DOI:
  9. Valletta, F, Fontana, F, Bertola, S and Guerreschi, A. 2016. The Mesolithic lithic assemblage of site VF1-sector III of Mondeval de Sora (Belluno, Italy). Economy, technology and typology, Preistoria Alpina, 48: 73–81
  10. Berto, C, Luzi, E, Guerreschi, A, Fontana, F and Valletta, F. 2016. Small mammals from Mondeval de Sora (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno): paleoenvironmental differences between early and late Holocene, Preistoria Alpina, 48: 69–7
  11. Fontana, F, Thun Hohenstein, U, Bertola, S, Guerreschi, A, Petrucci, G, Ziggiotti, S, Rinaldi, G, Turrini, M C and Valletta, F. 2012. The Early Mesolithic Occupation of Mondeval De Sora (Belluno, Dolomites): a residential site or a hunting camp?, Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 85(1): 80–84. DOI:

Contact: francesco.vallettaspam

Activities at the College of Fellows: T@T Fellow Workshop 10 April 2024 - 'Is it a tool: a 3D-morphometrical approach to Aurignacian burin-cores'


I obtained my BA and MA degrees in Prehistoric Archaeology at Ferrara University (ITALY) with theses focusing on the lithic assemblages of the high-elevation Mesolithic site of Mondeval de Sora.
In 2021 I got my PhD in Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (ISRAEL), conducting my doctora project at the Computational Archaeology Laboratory, the Institute of Archaeology. My dissertation focused on the development of a series of 3D-based digital tools for quantitatively analyzing lithic artifacts and their application for tracking the transmission of specific cultural traits during the Epipalaeolithic of the Southern Levant.
Subsequently I participated in research projects focusing on different prehistoric contexts in Europe and the Levant, in which I further developed the set of tools that I introduced during my PhD project and applied them to a wide array of different research questions.
I'm currently teaching and conducting my research at the Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, where I have the opportunity of studying the artifact from the Hohle Fels cave, a key-site for investigating (among other topics) the earliest population of anatomically and behaviorally modern humans in Europe.

Personal Website: /

Weiao Xing
Global Encounters
Modern History

Fellow Profile
Fellowship: Global Encounters Fellowship

Affiliation (host insitution, host scholar): Institute of Modern History, hosted by Professor Renate Dürr)

Stay in Tübingen (from - until): January 2024 to  January 2025

Research Project: Historical narratives and linguistic knowledge in early modern transatlantic encounters

Research Areas: Social and cultural history; Early modern history; Colonial American history; History of books; Literary history; Historical sociolinguistics

Publications:  Please see the following ORCID link:


Activities at the College of Fellows: The Global Encounters Lecture Series, ‘The French Jesuit Relations as Theology and Travel Literature in Charles II’s Library’, 29 May 2024.


Weiao Xing is a cultural and literary historian of the early modern Atlantic world, focusing on English/French-Indigenous encounters from the late 16th to the early 18th centuries. Weiao earned his PhD in History from the University of Cambridge in 2023 and was previously trained in translation studies, historical sociolinguistics, and liberal arts. For his doctoral research, Weiao integrated digitised primary sources with rare books and manuscripts consulted in the UK, France, Canada, and the US. In 2023, Weiao undertook short-term visiting fellowships at the British Library’s Eccles Centre for American Studies, the Huntington Library, and the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Personal Website: /