College of Fellows

Global Encounters: Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhoods are increasingly understood, within many branches of scholarship from urban planning to oral histories and archaeology, as places of global encounters. The Global Encounters Fellows cohort in 2024 brings together scholars working on one or more of the following research questions: How are local neighbourhoods global? What guarantees cohesion in neighbourhoods, and how do they deal with conflict and contradiction? What forms of proximity, privacy or distance are needed to make neighbourhoods exist? What conceptual instruments (narrative, political, juridical, governmental, praxeological, religious, etc.) are utilized to make sense of a neighbourhood? What temporal scales are employed to imagine and narrate neighbourhoods, and what spatial models (geographic, architectural, planning-based) serve the work of reflection and articulation? How do forces of globalization, migration and digitalization transform ways of doing and thinking neighbourhood? What notions of homogeneity or heterogeneity underpin ideas of neighbourhood? Are neighbourhoods significantly different from each other whether situated in the North or the South – or within overlapping interzones (e.g. the North in the South)? Are these categories of any utility in conceptualizing the neighbourhood to come? What are the parameters of a neighbourhood-studies that is equipped to deal with the challenges of the mid-21st century?


CfP: 21. März 2025 – Workshop: Neighbourhood and Policing

The idea of neighbourhood has been studied from various perspectives including geography (Keller, 1968; Morris & Hess, 1975; Chaskin, 1995), spatial (Suttles, 1972; Galster, 2019), urban planning/designer (Kallus & Law-Yone, 2000; Colquhoun, 1985; Lynch, 1960) and sociology (Hunter, 1974, 1979). A few scholars have also attempted to integrate social and geographical perspectives to understand the idea of the neighbourhood (Hallman, 1984; Warren, 1981; Downs, 1981). The neighbourhood is not just understood as a territorial boundary but also considered as a series of overlapping social networks (Castells, 1997; Schoenberg, 1979) and their role is to promote a sense of community and social cohesion (Forrest & Kearns, 2001) and a sense of identity (Morrison, 2003). However, the idea of neighbourhood is understudied and less explored from a policing perspective. Find more on CfP here.


30 - 31 January 2025
Global Encounters Workshop
The Complexities and Dynamics of Social Interaction and Encounters in Neighborhoods

The College of Fellow's Focus Group Neighbourhoods and the Global Encounters Platform at the University of Tübingen are organizing a two-day international workshop in January 2025 to provide an interdisciplinary platform for academics, researchers, policymakers, activists, and professionals to reevaluate the ways of doing and thinking in the neighborhood. It seeks to sharpen the sociological, anthropological, historical, philosophical, cultural, religious, linguistic, and economic dimensions of the complexities and dynamics of social interaction in neighborhoods considering spatiality, temporality, and the agency of change and resistance.

26 April 2024
Global Encounters Workshop "Neighbourhoods"

Date and time: 26 April, 12-15 h
Location: Alte Aula
Topic: Global Encounter Workshop "Neighbourhoods"

In the summer semester, the College of Fellows, together with the Global Encounters Platform, welcomes four new Global Encounters Fellows to Tübingen, who work together and with other Fellows and Tübingen scholars in a Focus Group "Neighbourhoods".


Dr. Deep Chand

Global Encounters Fellow

Dr. Cansu Civelek

Global Encounters Fellow

Dr. Olisa Godson

 Global Encounters Fellow

Dr. Murtala Ibrahim

Global Encounters Fellow

Jun-Prof. Dr. Bani Gill

Soziologie/Urban Futures of the Global South (Host)

Prof. Dr. Bernd-Stefan Grewe

Institute of Didactics of History and Public History  (Host)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever

Platform Global Encounters (Host)

Prof. Dr. Boris Nieswand

Sociology (Host)

Matthias Bornemann

Platform Global Encounters

Dr. Sara Bangert

College of Fellows

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