College of Fellows


Annual Report 2023

We are very excited to present our 2023 annual report to you. In it you will find interviews with some of the fellows who were with us last year in which they talk about their research and their time in Tübingen; you will also find reports on events and brief introductions to all of last year's visiting scholars. Read about the documentary films of Brazilian sociologist Hermilío Santos, Indian ethnographer and historian Ponni Arasu and her social activism, Tetjana Midjana’s analysis of presidential speech types in times of war, and many intriguing stories more. Download the Report here



Norihito Nakamura. Steve Lofts, Nakamura Norihito, Fernando Wirtz Miki Kiyoshi and the Crisis of Thought Chisokudo Publications 2024.

Norihito Nakamura. [Rezension] Saitya Brata Das, The Political Theology of Schelling (Edinburgh University Press 2016) Schelling Jahrbuch 32, 2024.

Norihito Nakamura. Young Habermas' Three Studies of Schelling and Their Meanings in the History of Interpretating Schelling: From Philosophy of Nature to Materialism. Social Systems 27, Kyoto University 2024.

Abiodun Afolabi. Etieyibo Book review. Journal of Ecohumanism 3(2): 293-295, March 2024.

Lorena Grigoletto. Le ciglia di Dorotea e altre fiabe con e senza morale. La Bussola. 2024.

Marília de Nardin Budó. The colonial limits of the criminalization of ecocide before the International Criminal Court, Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies, 14 (2) (2024) pp. 343–364. Available at:

Marília de Nardin Budó; França, K. A.; Silva, A. R. C. (2024). A política criminal do ecocídio no Brasil: propostas de criminalização entre subversão e reprodução da modernidade/colonialidade penal. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais. 32(203), p. 137-172, DOI:

Melchiors, R. B.; França, K. A.; Marília de Nardin Budó (2024). El papel del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos ante el ecogenocidio en el Cerrado: subvertir las definiciones de derechos, víctimas y justicia. Crítica Penal y Poder, 27. DOI:

Caruso P.; Travaini, G.; Di Ronco, A.; Cermenati, N.; Ratti, E.; Marília de Nardin Budó; Berti Suman, A; Casali, M.; Ambrosi, A.; Natali, L. (2024). Environmental restorative justice in italy: a pilot study of lawyers’ perceptions. Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, XVIII, 3, 188-197.

Veronica Cibotaru. La théorie kantienne de la signification: signification théorétique – signification pratique, Philosophie, nr. 160 (2024), pp. 79-94.

Veronica Cibotaru. For a contextualist and content-related understanding of the difference between human and artificial intelligence, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2024.

Veronica Cibotaru. D’autres formes de colonialité, Esprit. (Juli 2024).

Veronica Cibotaru. Phenomenological understandings of the relationship between ethics and the idea of God, Continental Philosophy Review (forthcoming).

Manuel Cojocaru. The Will to Being. Plato, Cronus, and the Cult of Sisyphus. Springer, XVIII, 150, (July 2024) ISBN (hardcover) 978-3-031-61912-0

Mohammad Mahdi Fallah (2024). Revisiting Divine Impassibility through Tabatabaʾi’s Notion of the ‘Perfect Human’, Islam and the Contemporary World, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Winter 2024, pp. 61–68.

John Sanni. (Co-edited book) The Philosophy of Violence: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Springer. 2024.

John Sanni. (Co-edited book) Monuments and Memory in Africa: Reflections on Coloniality and Decoloniality. Routledge. 2024.

John Sanni.  (chapter) “Monuments and Invisibility: Reclaiming Spaces of Colonial Transcendence” in Monuments and Memory in Africa: Reflections on Coloniality and Decoloniality (eds John Sanni and Madalitso Phiri). Routledge. 2024.

John Sanni.  (chapter) “The Destruction of Historical Monuments and the Danger of Sanitising History” in Monuments and Memory in Africa: Reflections on Coloniality and Decoloniality (eds John Sanni and Madalitso Phiri). Routledge. 2024.

John Sanni.  (chapter) “Internal Violence: a Critique of Absolute Socialisations” in The Philosophy of Violence: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (eds John Sanni and Charles Villet). Springer. 2024.


Porr, Martin and Weidtmann, Niels (eds.): "One World Anthropology and Beyond. A Multidisciplinary Engagement with the Work of Tim Ingold" London: Routledge. 

Bhattacharyya, Krishnachandra: "The making of Contemporary Indian Philosophy" London: Routledge.


Agada, Ada: "Consolationism and Comparative African Philosophy Beyond Universalism and Particularism" London: Routledge.

Coquereau-Saouma, Elise: "The Concept of Demand: Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya’s Inner Dialectical Force" In: Coquereau-Saouma, Elise; Raveh, Daniel; Miller, Dor (eds.): Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya and the Making of Contemporary Indian Philosophy. London: Routledge (forthcoming).


Weidtmann, Niels und Cioflec, Eveline (Hrsg.): "Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2021/2: Schwerpunktthema Belonging / Zugehörigkeit"

Jonathan Chimakonam Okeke: "Arumaruka - Journal of Conversational Thinking" Vol.1 Nr.1; Workshop: Applications of Conversational Thinking

Jonathan Chimakonam Okeke: "Arumaruka - Journal of Conversational Thinking" Vol.1 Nr.2; Workshop: Applications of Conversational Thinking

Coquereau-Saouma, Elise: "Bhattacharyya, Krishnachandra" In: Taliaferro, C.; Goetz, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.

Coquereau-Saouma, Elise: "Review of 'Daya Krishna and Twentieth-Century Indian Philosophy: A New Way of Thinking about Art, Freedom and Knowledge', by Daniel Raveh" Philosophy East and West, vol. 71 no. 4, 2021, p. 1-7.


Kanoor, Abbed: "Zwischen. Ein phänomenologischer Beitrag zur Interkulturalität" InterCultural Philosophy, Journal for Philosophy in its Cultural Context, Nr. 1 (2020): Special Issue, Kulturen und Methoden. Aspekte interkulturellen Philosophierens, 2020, pp. 181-191.

Niels Weidtmann, „Zur Phänomenologie des Schmerzes“, in: International Journal on Humanistic Ideology Vol. X/1 2020, 175-195.

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