Tübingen Forum for Science and Humanities

Essay Contest 2022

Unity of Knowledge?

Building Bridges between the Humanities and the Sciences

Essay Contest Award Ceremony

Thursday, november 24th, 7 pm

Hohentübingen Castle, Ernst von Sieglin Hörsaal, castle of Tübingen
(the castle’s tower at the front right)


  • 7 pm: Welcome address
  • 7:15 pm: Jury’s announcement of the 3 winners
  • 7:30 pm: Winner’s short overview and motivation for their writings
  • Joint and open discussion about the Essay Contest’s topic
  • Reception with drinks and food

The Tübingen Forum for Science and the Humanities is happy to announce the opening of the Essay Contest 2022 on the theme “Unity of Knowledge? Building Bridges between the Humanitites and the Sciences".

The increasing specialization of the sciences since the 19th century led to the development of scientific disciplines working in isolation from each other. The fundamental question of the unity of science beyond university structures is rarely raised, and the modern world’s dream of one universal science seems like a very distant goal. In particular, the sharp division between the humanities and the natural sciences seems to be deeply rooted.

This division manifests itself on at least three levels. First, scholars of the humanities and natural scientists, as C. P. Snow famously writes (The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution, 1959) are considered to have a fundamentally different mentality, belonging to two contrary „cultures”. Second, methodologically, the humanities and the natural sciences are contrasted in dichotomies such explaining vs. understanding. Lastly, the division manifests itself as an institutional asymmetry: the humanities keep losing academic chairs, funding, and students worldwide, while in the natural and engineering sciences the opposite tendency can be observed.

Can we reinvent and redesign the relationship between the humanities and the natural sciences? Can we build bridges between them? How can we conceive of their relationship in such a way that both can benefit from each other?


  • 1.500 Euro (first price)
  • 1.000 Euro (second price)
  • 500 Euro (third price)

They will also be published on the webpage of the Tübingen Forum of Science and the Humanities and on the Newsplattform 'attempto online' of Tübingen university. There will also be an official award ceremony where the winners will have the opportunity to present their texts, together with a workshop at the Forum.

Selection Process

In a first phase, an independent commission will shortlist the essays. The 3 winners will then be determined by a jury. They will be informed of the Jury’s decision shortly afterwards.


Conditions of Participation

The Call is open to all bachelor and master students as well as doctoral students from all disciplines who are enrolled at the University of Tübingen


  • The deadline is May 1st 2022. The essays are to be submitted digitally to the email: essay-wettbewerb@fsci.uni-tuebingen.de
  • The maximum length allowed is 35.000 characters (spaces included).
  • The Essays can be written in German or English. Only original, unpublished texts will be considered.
  • All personal details (name, affiliation, contact details) must be provided on a separate cover sheet.
  • The essay manuscript must be fully anonymized, and cannot contain any references as to the identity of the author.


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