
Awards for Cluster PhD Students at the IMPRS-IS Boot Camp

The PhD students of the Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning", Jakob Schlör and Matthias Karlbauer, won an award at this year's IMPRS-IS Boot Camp.

Jakob Schlör (left) and Matthias Karlbauer (right)

From June 17-18, 2021, the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS) hosted its annual Boot Camp, that provides scholars with training and scientific talks by researchers, on Zoom. During the event, awards and prizes for the best poster presentations and lightning talk are granted. We are proud to announce that two of our Cluster PhD students, whose projects are funded by the Cluster, have won a prize at the Boot Camp: Jakob Schlör for his poster presentation and Matthias Karlbauer for his lightning talk.
