
Our cluster at the Science & Innovations Days 2023

From November 8 to 11, 2023, the University of Tübingen and several partner organizations invite you to the public science festival "Science & Innovation Days". The focus will be on the topic of resilience.

The Science & Innovation Days 2023 invite all citizens in and around Tübingen to engage, discuss and explore.

50+ contributions, more than 100 researchers, four days, 17 locations, one topic.

The #SIDays23 bring the topic of resilience to the heart of the city. Events will take place in institutes of the university, the Alte Aula, the Pfleghofsaal, the Sudhaus, the Hirsch-Begegnungsstätte and the Weltethos-Institut, among others. The festival center is the Obere Säle der Museumsgesellschaft, with the interactive Science Fair booths.

All Science & Innovation Days events are free of charge. For guaranteed admission, we advise pre-registration for selected offerings. The complete program can be found  here.


The members of our cluster participate with the following contributions:


Wednesday, November 8, 2023
11.00 - 17.00

With Ulrike von Luxburg und Kerstin Rau

Talk – Ausstellung: Cyber and the City. Künstliche Intelligenz bewegt Tübingen

Stadtmuseum Tübingen - Kornhausstraße 10, 72070 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/ausstellung-cyber-and-the-city

12.00 - 19.00

With Kira Rehfeld

Science Fair - Markt lokaler Klimalösungen

Information stand and meeting point for discussions about the climate

Museumssäle - Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/markt-lokaler-klima-losungen

12.00 - 19.00

Science Fair - Kunstexponat „IN-ML-OUT“ – Künstliche Intelligenz und Windenergie

Cooperation between the Cluster of Excellence „Machine Learning“, dem Center for Rhetorical Science Communication Research on Artificial Intelligence (RHET AI) and the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

Museumssäle - Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/markt-lokaler-klima-losungen


With Nicole Ludwig

Lunchtalk – „Wie können wir künstliche Intelligenz für resiliente Energiesysteme nutzen?“

Lunchtime talks at the Science Fair

Museumssäle - Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/lunchtalks-zur-mittagszeit-bei-der-science-fair

Donnerstag, November 9, 2023
09.00 - 19.00

With Kira Rehfeld

Science Fair - Markt lokaler Klimalösungen

Information stand and meeting point for discussions about the climate

Museumssäle - Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/markt-lokaler-klima-losungen

09.00 - 19.00

Science Fair - Kunstexponat „IN-ML-OUT“ – Künstliche Intelligenz und Windenergie

Cooperation between the Cluster of Excellence „Machine Learning“, dem Center for Rhetorical Science Communication Research on Artificial Intelligence (RHET AI) and the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

Museumssäle - Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen

11.00 - 19.00

With Ulrike von Luxburg und Kerstin Rau

Talk – Ausstellung: Cyber and the City. Künstliche Intelligenz bewegt Tübingen

Curator's tours at 17.00pm and at 17.30pm

Stadtmuseum Tübingen - Kornhausstraße 10, 72070 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/ausstellung-cyber-and-the-city

Friday, November 10, 2023

11.00 -


With Ulrike von Luxburg und Kerstin Rau

Talk – Ausstellung: Cyber and the City. Künstliche Intelligenz bewegt Tübingen

Curator's tours at 11.30am

Stadtmuseum Tübingen - Kornhausstraße 10, 72070 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/ausstellung-cyber-and-the-city

18.00 -


With Christiane Zarfl und Kira Rehfeld

Talk – Was kostet uns eine resiliente Umwelt?

Fishbowl discussion with Maja Göpel and experts from the Platform Environmental Systems Tübingen

Museumssäle: Obere Säle - Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/fishbowl-diskussion-mit-maja-gopel

20.00 -


With Kira Rehfeld

Science Notes – Wie wir aus dem Eiszeit-Klima für die Welt und Tübingen 2050 lernen

Kino Museum - Am Stadtgraben 2, 72070 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/science-notes

Saturday, November 11, 2023

11.00 -


With Ulrike von Luxburg und Kerstin Rau

Talk – Ausstellung: Cyber and the City. Künstliche Intelligenz bewegt Tübingen

Stadtmuseum Tübingen - Kornhausstraße 10, 72070 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/ausstellung-cyber-and-the-city

Sunday, November 12, 2023

11.00 -


With Ulrike von Luxburg und Kerstin Rau

Talk – Ausstellung: Cyber and the City. Künstliche Intelligenz bewegt Tübingen

Stadtmuseum Tübingen - Kornhausstraße 10, 72070 Tübingen

More Information: https://sidays.com/events/ausstellung-cyber-and-the-city

