Alpine Molasse
Kleinsäuger-Biostratigraphie und Geochronologie in der Oberen Süßwasser Molasse Süddeutschlands
Das Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist die Erstellung einer hochauflösenden Geochronologie des Nordalpinen Vorlandbeckens Süddeutschlands durch die Kombination von biostratigraphischen und magnetostratigraphischen Methoden für den Zeitraum vor ~18 – ~10 Millionen Jahren. Die Ergebnisse des interdisziplinären Vorhabens sollen die bestehenden zeitlichen Diskrepanzen zwischen den geochronologischen Skalen für kontinentale Sedimente Westeuropas und Zentraleuropas klären und eine hochauflösende Korrelation (≤ 100 kyr) zwischen den kontinentalen Serien Zentral- und Westeuropas sowie mit einer globalen Geochronologie (Global Polarity Timescale) ermöglichen.
Böhme, M., Spassov, N., Fuss, J., Tröscher, A., Deane, A.S., Prieto, J., Kirscher, U., Lechner T., Begun, D.R. (2019): A new Miocene ape and locomotion in the ancestor of great apes and humans.
Kirscher, U., Prieto, J., Bachtadse, V., Abdul Aziz, H., Doppler, G., Hagmaier, M., Böhme, M. (2016): A biochronologic tie-point for the base of the Tortonian stage in European terrestrial settings: Magnetostratigraphy of the topmost Upper Freshwater Molasse sediments of the North Alpine Foreland Basin in Bavaria (Germany). Newsletter on Stratigraphy 49(3): 445-467
Prieto, J. & Dam, J.A.van (2012): Primitive Anourosoricini and Allosoricinae from the Miocene of Germany.- Geobios, 45: 581-589
Prieto, J. (2012): The rare cricetid rodent Karydomys Theocharopoulos, 2000 in the fissure filling Petersbuch 6 (Middle Miocene, Germany).-Zitteliana, A52: 67-70.
Prieto, J. (2012): Comments on the morphologic and metric variability in the cricetid rodent Deperetomys hagni (Fahlbusch, 1964) from the Middle Miocene of South Germany.- Zitteliana, A52: 71-77.
Prieto, J. (2012): The Genus Eomyops Engesser, 1979 (Rodentia, Eomyidae) from the youngest deposits of the German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin.- Swiss Journal of Paleontology, 131(1): 95-106.
Prieto, J. (2011): The Miocene insectivores and marsupial from Affalterbach (North Alpine Foreland Basin, Germany).- Zitteliana, A 51: 297-301.
Prieto, J. (2011): The Miocene small mammals from Münchsmünster (North Alpine Foreland Basin, Bavaria).- Zitteliana, A 51: 291-296.
Ivanov, M. & Böhme, M. (2011): Snakes from Griesbeckerzell (Langhian, Early Badenian), North Alpine Foreland Basin (Germany), with comments on the evolution of snake faunas in Central Europe during the Miocene Climatic Optimum.- Geodiversitas, 33 (3): 411-449.
Prieto, J., van den Hoek Ostende L.W. & Böhme, M. (2011): Reappearance of Galerix (Erinaceomorpha, Mammalia) at the Middle to Late Miocene transition in South Germany: biostratigraphic and palaeoecologic implications.- Contributions to Zoology, 80 (3): 179-189.
Schneider, S. & Prieto, J. (2011): First record of an autochthonous community of fluviatile freshwater molluscs from the Middle/Late Miocene Upper Freshwater Molasse (southern Germany).- Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 140 (1): 1-18.
Böhme, M., Abdul Aziz, H. Prieto, J., Bachtadse, V. & Schweigert, G.(2011): Bio-magnetostratigraphy and Environment of the oldest Eurasian Hominoid from the Early Miocene of Engelswies (Germany).- Journal of Human Evolution, 61(3): 332-339. DOI 10.1016/j.jhevol.2011.04.012.
Abdul Aziz, H., Böhme, M., Rocholl, A., Prieto, J., Wijbrans, J.R., Bachtadse, V., Ulbig, A. (2010): Integrated stratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar chronology of the early to middle Miocene Upper Freshwater Molasse in western Bavaria (Germany). - Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 99: 1859-1886
Prieto, J. (2010): Note on the morphologic variability of Keramidomys thaleri (Eomyidae, Mammalia) from Puttenhausen (Germany, North Alpine Foreland Basin).- Zitteliana, Reihe A 50: 103-109.
Prieto, J. (2010): The Middle Miocene mole Desmanodon crocheti sp. nov. (Talpidae, Mammalia): the last representative of the genus in the North Alpine Foreland Basin.- Paläontologische Zeitschrift 84(2): 217-225. DOI 10.1007/s12542-009-0038-0
Prieto, J. & Rummel, M. (2009): The genus Collimys Daxner-Höck, 1972 (Rodentia, Cricetidae) in the Middle Miocene fissure fillings of the Frankian Alb (Germany).– Zitteliana 48/49: 75-88.
Prieto, J. & Rummel, M. (2009): Small and medium sized Cricetidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Middle Miocene fissure filling Petersbuch 68 (South Germany).– Zitteliana 48/49: 89-102.
Prieto, J. & Rummel, M. (2009):Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Erinaceomorpha) from the Middle Miocene fissure filling Petersbuch 68 (South Germany).– Zitteliana 48/49: 103-111.
Prieto, J., Böhme, M., Maurer, H., Heissig, K., Abdul-Aziz, H. (2009): Sedimentology, biostratigraphy and environments of the Untere Fluviatile Serie (Lower and Middle Miocene) in the central part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin – implications for basin evolution.- International Journal of Earth Sciences 98(7): 1767-1791. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-008-0331-2
Prieto, J. (2009): Comparison of the dormice (Gliridae, Mammalia) Seorsumuscardinus alpinus Bruijn, 1998 and Heissigia bolligeri Prieto & Böhme, 2007.- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 252(3): 377-379.
Prieto, J. & Rummel, M. (2009): Evolution of the genus Collimys Daxner-Höck, 1972 (Rodentia, Cricetidae)- A key to Middle to Late Miocene biostratigraphy in Central Europe. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 252(2): 237-247.
Abdul-Aziz, H., Böhme, M., Rocholl, A., Zwing, A., Prieto, J., Wijbrans, J., Heissig, K. & Bachtadse, V. (2008): Integrated stratigraphy of the Early to Middle Miocene Upper Freshwater Molasse in eastern Bavaria (Germany).- International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch) 97: 115-134, DOI 10.1007/s00531-006-0166-7.
Prieto, J. & Böhme, M. (2007): Heissigia bolligeri gen. et sp. nov.: a new enigmatic dormouse (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the Miocene of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin.- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 245(3): 301 - 307