In the 2nd year of the programme, our students work on their Master's theses in the workgroup of the respective supervisor.
Beforehand they have to apply for the admission of the Master's thesis using the following form
Application form "Admission to a Master's Thesis in Astro and Particle Physics"
If you intend to start your thesis, please fill out the form, let your supervisor sign it, sign it yourself and send it directly to the central examinations office (Ms. Sandra Grahl, pruefungsamt.mathematik-physik <at>, post address
The thesis has to include a declaration of originality such as
Hereby I confirm, ____________________________________, Matr. Nr. _________________, that this assignment is my own work and that I have only sought and used mentioned tools. I have clearly referenced in the text and the bibliography all sources used in the work (printed sources, internet or any other source), including verbatim citations or paraphrases. I am aware of the fact that plagiarism is an attempt to deceit which, in case of recurrence, can result in a loss of test authorization. Furthermore, I confirm that neither this work nor parts of it have been previously, or concurrently, used as an exam work – neither for other courses nor within other exam processes.
Place and date ______________________ Signature __________________