Department of Physics

Master of Science Astro and Particle Physics

Important facts

Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Duration of the program 4 semesters
Starting Winter and summer term
Admission restriction no

Applicants must have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics (or a comparable undergraduate degree) with a German grade of 2.5 or better (or international equivalent).

Language of instruction English
Minor subject no
Application Admission website Master of the University

Tuition fees for international students and those seeking a second degree

Short descrpition of the study program

The focus of the master programme Astro and Particle Physics is put on a distinct quantitative approach as usual in physics, along with the acquisition of essential practical skills with respect to problem sets in the field of Astro and Particle Physics.

The Master Astro and Particle Physics is an international research-oriented two year program established by the Kepler-Center. This programme connects science from the fields of particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology and combines different disciplines in experimental and theoretical physics, astronomy and astrophysics. The education will be in English throughout which prepares the students for the increasing internationalization in industry and modern society.

Study program

* Participants select four of the eleven specialisation modules.
** The module APP301 should be taken from neighboring scientic fields. This includes advanced modules from the 4-year Bachelor study of Physics or other advanced modules from Mathematics. Choices from other fields are also possible but require a decision of the Exam Committee on an individual basis.

Career Options


The study program requires enthusiasm, curiosity, and a solid basic knowledge in physics.
Applicants must have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in physics or a similar degree with a grade 2.5 or better.
We expect broad interest in natural science as well as willingness to familiarize and work with complex scientific details, and to be able to scientifically communicate in English in written and oral form.
English is the language of instruction and examination in the degree program. The language knowledge requirement is level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Application Procedure

Students may join the M.Sc.Astro and Particle Physics program for the twice a year. Deadline for applications from abroad (Non-EU) is July 15 each year for the winter term and January 15 for the summer term. For applicants from within the EU, the deadline is September 15 and March 15 for the winter and summer term, respectively.

 For further information, please visit:

Information on admission to studies (requirements, restrictions, necessary documents, application deadlines, etc.) is available via the Student Administration (zsbspam or the study coordinator of Astro and Particle Physics.

The application is to be submitted online via the central portal ALMA.

The program is free for EU citizens, please see the following page for information about tuition fees for international students:

If you have any questions regarding the Master program, please contact the study or the master coordinator:
Christoph Schäfer (ch.schaeferspam
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kley (wilhelm.kleyspam

latest change of this webpage: 2020-02-02

Information for new students

Dear new students of the summer term 2024,

Welcome to Tübingen!

We will have an orientation meeting on the campus. We will meet on Wednesday 10 April 2024 at 13ct in C9A03 on the Morgenstelle in building C.

Please consider to attend the orientation week for international students organized by the university, see for more information.


The best starting point at your arrival with important information is

Helpful information about housing can be found on

If you have any problems, please contact me via email ch.schaeferspam (Christoph Schaefer).


Information concerning Master's Theses

In the 2nd year of the programme, our students work on their Master's theses in the workgroup of the respective supervisor.

Beforehand they have to apply for the admission of the Master's thesis using the following form

Application form "Admission to a Master's Thesis in Astro and Particle Physics"

If you intend to start your thesis, please fill out the form, let your supervisor sign it, sign it yourself and send it directly to the central examinations office (Ms. Sandra Grahl,  pruefungsamt.mathematik-physik <at>, post address 


The thesis has to include a declaration of originality such as

Hereby I confirm, ____________________________________, Matr. Nr. _________________, that this assignment is my own work and that I have only sought and used mentioned tools. I have clearly referenced in the text and the bibliography all sources used in the work (printed sources, internet or any other source), including verbatim citations or paraphrases. I am aware of the fact that plagiarism is an attempt to deceit which, in case of recurrence, can result in a loss of test authorization. Furthermore, I confirm that neither this work nor parts of it have been previously, or concurrently, used as an exam work – neither for other courses nor within other exam processes.

Place and date ______________________ Signature __________________


Available Theses

Here, we list some currently open theses. Please note, that this is not a complete list and if you are interested in a special topic, please contact the specific Professor directly.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question regarding the Master programme, please contact us either by email (Christoph Schaefer) or using the contact form below. We will collect and publish all FAQs here.


  1. Which lecture belongs to which module?
    On the last page of our Module Handbook, you will find a lecture-module-dependency table. Additionally, you can see in ALMA the link from the lecture/seminar/labwork to its module.
    Specific issues or prerequisites, not included in the table, can and shall be discussed with teachers. 
  2. What is module APP104?
    Module APP104 consists of a lecture with 3 CP and a seminar with 3 CP. You can combine any 3 CP lecture from the lectures belonging to the elective modules with the seminar for this module.
  3. Which lectures/seminars can be used in APP401?
    Module APP401 "Scientific Specialisation in Thesis Topic" requires 6 CP. Any lecture from the elective lectures or any group seminar can be used for this module.
  4. Why are not all lectures available in this term?
    Most of the lectures from the elective modules are given once per year, not once per term. 
  5. Beginning in the summer term, which lecture do I attend: Astronomy & Astrophysics (APP101) or Particle Physics (APP102) or both?
    There are two possibilities: Either you take both lectures A&A and PP in the summer term (for 18 CPs), plus one additional (better ungraded) module from the electives (+6 CP), plus the labwork in the term break (+6 CP), or you start with PP and pass A&A in the winter term. Please note, that PP is only offered in the summer term and that taking both lectures means a lot of work on the one hand, but provides a very good foundation for all elective modules.
  6. When should I attend the seminar for APP104?
    In your 2nd term.
  7. When does the labwork APP103 take place?
    APP103 is during the term break. See the central webpage for the labwork here.
  8. Which courses have to be passed to officially begin with the master thesis?
    APP101, APP102, APP103, APP104, 18 CP out of the mandatory 24 CP from the elective modules.
  9. How to submit the master thesis?
    Please see paragraph 17 from the General Provisions (available here): Submit three bound copies to the examination office plus a digital version (pdf preferred) of the thesis via email to the examination office. See also the information on Theses.

