Welcome to the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Main Profile
The success of miniaturization in the semiconductor industry is associated with tremendous effort put forth during the last 30 years in material science, and is intimately bound to the progress made in microscopy, spectroscopy and fabrication techniques from the millimetre down to the nanometre scale. The Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Tübingen has played a key role since the early sixties of the past century with the well-known spectroscopist Gustav Kortüm, followed by Werner Zeil (combining micro wave spectroscopy with electron diffraction), and Wolfgang Göpel (surface analysis on micrometer scale and micro sensing) leading to today’s research profile shared by five professors and their research groups.
Mission statement and research profile
Fundamental research in the development of advanced laser spectroscopy and ultra-high resolution optical microscopy aiming at deeper insight into molecular processes at the single-molecule level, iquantum dots, in thin organic films, organic semiconductors, cell membranes or life cells.
Fundamental investigations of molecular processes on organic and inorganic surfaces, interfaces and thin films important for organic electronics, solar cells and magnetoelectronic applications.
Development of optical chemo- and biosensors for process control, environmental and food analysis, and clinical diagnostics.
Pushing the limits of chemical sensing from fundamental investigations based on interface analysis revealing molecular processes to novel applications.
Computational Physical Chemistry develops and uses theoretical models and computer programs to support the experimental groups ranging from molecular properties in quantum chemistry to electrodynamics, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to simulate complex physical chemistry experiments.
Provide consulting services to industry and government agencies. Education in physical and theoretical chemistry for all disciplines of science and on all levels.