Glaesser, J. (2024): True chance and as-if chance contribute to the unpredictability of social life. Paper presented at META-REP 2024 – the Conference on Meta-Science and Replicability in the social, behavioral, and cognitive sciences. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Oktober 2024
Glaesser, J. & Heusel, L. (2023): Parental background, competences, and secondary school choice: lessons from a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the German NEPS data. Paper presented at the 4th Academy for Sociology conference “Knowledge Societies”. Berne University, August 2023
Glaesser, J. (2021): Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsansätze in den Sozialwissenschaften. Paper presented at the workshop Qualität und Quantität. Zugänge zu Mensch und Natur im interdisziplinären Dialog“ / "Quality and Quantity. Approaches to humans and nature in an interdisciplinary dialogue“, Graduiertenkolleg 1876 „Frühe Konzepte von Mensch und Natur“. Mainz/online, Oktober 2021
Glaesser, J. (2021): How stable is the relationship between education and class in Germany? Empirical distributions, counterfactual worlds, and a configurational analysis of NEPS data. Paper presented at the 6th International NEPS Conference. Bamberg/online, Juni 2021.
Glaesser, J. & Kelava, A. (2018): Textverstehen: von fachwissenschaftlicher zu fachdidaktischer Kompetenz. Paper presented at the conference Flickenteppich Lehrerbildung? Professionalisierungsstrategien in Forschung und Praxis