International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


Subproject: Social, ethical and legal aspects of mixed reality in the context of health technologies and the possibilities of participatory technology development

The IZEW conducted the sub-project "Social, ethical and legal aspects of Mixed Reality in the context of health technologies and the possibilities of participatory technology development". This project dealt with social and ethical issues arising from the research in and about extended realities. (A legal opinion was prepared to address the legal aspects).

There were 4 main areas of focus:

  • Research Ethical Analyses: the IZEW assessed research on and with extended realities in the planned Livng Lab formats. This assessment fed into the creation of ethical guidelines for the operating concept of the HIVE Lab. 
  • Technology Assessment: One of the central questions of the projects of the accompanied federation line was whether and how extended realities can increase the well-being of their users. IZEW conducted research on this question and presented the results at GWP 2022 in Berlin. 
  • Participatory research and co-design: In several workshops and collegial consultations, the IZEW collaborated with the sub-project that designed the co-design. Thereby, social and ethical aspects could be included in the design of the research and the handling of the results. 
  • Integration of external ELSI partners: Since, contrary to expectations, there were no ELSI partners working in the projects, the IZEW took over the consulting of the projects. In numerous workshops, project visits and cooperations, topics such as "What does security mean in our project context? - Ethical Perspectives on an Ambiguous Concept", "Privacy in Eye-Tracking", "Design Fiction - The IDeA Project", and "Subjective Well-Being", "Ethical and Social Aspects in Avatar Design" and "Didactics in XR" but also trainings in social science methods like "Grounded Theory" and "Situation Analysis".



Funding Period: 01.12.2018 until 30.11.2021 extended until 31.01.2023

Funding Code: 16SV8185