Researchers at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences use a broad array of different methods for doing empirical research, many of them applying qualitative and interpretive approaches such as ethnography, discourse analyses, narrative and image/video analyses, biographical research, qualitative content analysis or grounded theory/situational analysis. Researchers are involved in various collaborations, such as the research training groups on "Doing Transitions", on "The Persistence of Gender Binaries", on rigth-wing populism ("Rechtspopulistische Sozialpolitik und exkludierende Solidarität") as well as in some subprojects of the Collaborative Research Centre "Threatened Orders".
Current and future collaborations with the Center for Methods aim at promoting further exchange within the faculty on theoretical, practical and methodological issues. Furthermore, since 2011, colleagues have been united in a network for qualitative methods and interpretative research (Quali-Net), which cooperates closely with the Center for Methods, for example by organizing network meetings and lecture series (e.g. on quality criteria of interpretative social research).
The interdisciplinary research infrastructure of the faculty is supported through the annual Schools for Qualitative Research which the Method Centre organises twice a year in cooperation with Qualinet and the Institutes of Sociology and Educational Science. The workshops gives PhD candidates the opportunity to work on their projects with renowned experts from Germany and abroad.
Closely linked to these "events" are the regular offers of the Method Centre for curricular and extra-curricular teaching, counselling and further training for qualitative-interpretative procedures - all course offers can be found on ALMA (List of Interdisciplinary Courses for Methods Center at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences).