Juristische Fakultät

Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp

Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management

Welcome to the website of the Endowed Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management.

Endowed Professor

72074 Tübingen
Neue Aula, room 026
 +49 7071 29-77473
rita.haverkampspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Hours of opening
Monday to Friday
9.00 to 12.00 am and
1.00 to 3.00 pm



The team partially works from home. You can reach us via e-mail as usual.

Thank you for your understanding.


Key research areas

  • Crime Prevention
  • Security Research
  • Terrorism
  • Human Trafficking
  • Youth Penal Law
  • Electronic Monitoring
  • System of Sanctions in Criminal Law
  • Comparative Criminal Law
  • Penal System
  • Refugees


Further projects

Curriculum Vitae

since 2013
Endowed Professor of Crime Prevention and Risk Management

at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen

Senior Researcher

at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law

July 2010

at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Scholar and Research Assistant

at the chair for criminal law, criminology, youth criminal law and prison law (Prof. Dr. Heinz Schöch) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

February 2002
Completion of doctoral thesis

at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg


at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Doctoral candidate

at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law

Legal Clerkship

at the District Court Freiburg

Law studies

at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Rita Haverkamp was appointed to the Professorship of Crime Prevention and Risk Management at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen on october 1, 2013.

Born in North Rhine Westphalia, Rita Haverkamp studied law at the universities of Passau and Freiburg. She completed the First Legal State Exam in 1993 and worked as a researcher in the Department of Criminal Law at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law until 1997. In 2002 she took her second state exam at the university of Freiburg.

After completing her doctoral thesis concerning the electronic monitoring of criminal offenders, she began to conduct research on the prison system.

The research project "Women in Prison against the background of the European Prison Rules", which she worked on from 2002 to 2005, was funded by a post-doctoral grant from the "Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsprogramm (HWP)" at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.

From 2006 to October 2007 additional funding was obtained through a habilitation grant provided by the HWP at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University.

Subsequently Rita Haverkamp was employed by Prof. Dr. em. Heinz Schöch as a research assistant at the chair for criminal law, criminology, youth criminal law and prison law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University until April 2008. Afterwards she mainly focused on terrorism and security research, while working as a senior researcher in the Department of Criminology at the former Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law.

She is inter alia member of the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (IPPF).




  • Haverkamp, R. / Kaspar, J. (2023): Judicial discretion within a framework: between determinate and indeteminate sentencing, in: van Kempen, P. H. / Krabbe, M. J. M. / Guzmán Dalbora, J. L. / Molina Jerez, F. (Hrsg.): Legality and Other Requirements for Sentencing. An international and comparative perspective on non-arbitrary punishment and sentencing discretion. The Hague: Eleven, S. 117-136.
  • Haverkamp, R. / Kaspar, J. (2023): Legality, non-arbitraryness and judicial and administrative discretion in sentencing and enforcement of sentences in the German system, in: van Kempen, P. H. / Krabbe, M. J. M. / Guzmán Dalbora, J. L. / Molina Jerez, F. (Hrsg.): Legality and Other Requirements for Sentencing. An international and comparative perspective on non-arbitrary punishment and sentencing discretion. The Hague: Eleven, S. 223-246.
  • Haverkamp, R.; Hohendorf, I. (2023): Intimate partner violence in Germany before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A gender perspective. Temida 26, Issue 2, p. 189-210. Available online.
  • Yagunov, D.; Gamzyan, A.; Haverkamp, R. (2023): Human trafficking in Ukraine according to police statistics (january 2006 - may 2023). In: Politology Bulletin, Issue 90, p. 367-382. Available online.
  • Yagunov, D.; Kuryliuk, Y.; Chernousov, A.; Haverkamp, R. (2023): Human Trafficking in Ukraine and Satellite Crimes: Transformation of Criminological Indicators (January 2006 - April 2023). European Political and Law Discourse, 10(3), p. 5-38. Available online.
  • Haverkamp, Rita; Hohendorf, Ines (2023): Intimate partner violence in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings of a campus study. In: Muñoz Sánchez, J. / García Pérez, O. / Cerezo Domínguez, A. I. / García España, E. (Hrsg.): Estudios juridídico-penales, criminalógicos y politicos criiminales. Libro Homenaje al Profesor José Luis Díez Ripollés. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, S. 1765-1780.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: The Rule of Law and the European Union in Challenging Times. In: Slawomir Redo (Ed.): The Rule of Law in Retreat. Challenges to Justice in the United Nations World. London: Lexington Books, pp.161-208.


  • Haverkamp, Rita / Galli, Thomas (2021): Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in Germany. In: van Kempen, Piet Hein / Krabbe, Maartje  (eds.): Mental Health and Criminal Justice. International and Domestic Perspectives on Defendants and Detainees with Mental Illness, Den Haag: Eleven, pp. 227-250.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Day labourers in Munich’s train station district - from exploitation to human trafficking and forced labour? In: Archives of Criminology 01/2021, pp. 97-118. Available Online.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: An Overview of the Research on the Dark Figure of Crime in Germany. Concept, methods and development. SIAK-Journal - International Edition 10/2020, pp. 39-53.


  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Cirener, Gabriele/ Boetticher, Axel/ Feest, Johannes: Overuse in the Criminal Justice System in Germany. In: van Kempen, Piet Hein/ Jendly, Manon (Eds.): Overuse in the Criminal Justice System. On Criminalization, Prosecution and Imprisonment. International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation, Volume 47, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2019, p. 333-362.
  • Editorship: Haverkamp, Rita/ Herlin-Karnell, Ester/ Lernestedt, Claes (Eds.): What is Wrong with Human Trafficking? Critical Perspectives on the Law. Oxford, Hart, 2019.
    • Book review: Doyle, D., in: The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Vol. 58(4), 2019, p. 581-582.
  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Herlin-Karnell, Ester/ Lernestedt, Claes: Introduction. In: Haverkamp, Rita/ Herlin-Karnell, Ester/ Lernestedt, Claes (Eds.): What is Wrong with Human Trafficking? Critical Perspectives on the Law. Oxford, Hart, 2019, p. 1-13.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Victims of Human Trafficking: Considerations from a Crime Prevention Perspective. In: Haverkamp, Rita/ Herlin-Karnell, Ester/ Lernestedt, Claes (Eds.): What is Wrong with Human Trafficking? Critical Perspectives on the Law. Oxford, Hart, 2019, p. 53-77.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: Immigration of Refugees into Northwest Europe: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. In: Kury, Helmut/ Redo, Sławomir (eds.): Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy. Challenges and Opportunities for Global Civic Education, Cham (Siwss), Springer, 2018, p. 37-75.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Who is a Refugee in the European Union? International and Supranational Aspects of Legal Reform and Integration. In: Kury, Helmut/ Redo, Sławomir (eds.): Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy. Challenges and Opportunities for Global Civic Education, Cham (Siwss), Springer, 2018, p. 671-697.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Clan structures and crime in the context of migration. In: Weber, Julia/ Töttel, Ursula (ed.): Research Conferences on Organised Crime Vol. IV. Preventing Organised Crime: European Approaches and Responses in Practice and Policy 2017 in London. Bundeskriminalamt: Wiesbaden 2018, p. 115-137.


  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Woessner, Gunda: Electronic Monitoring and Beyond in Germany. In: The Journal of Offender Monitoring, 2017, p. 20-31.
  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Boetticher, Axel: Women in prison in Germany. In: van Kempen, Piet Hein/ Krabbe, Maartje (Eds.): Women in Prison - The Bangkok Rules and Beyond. Cambridge, Intersentia Ltd, 2017, p. 373-416.
  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Kilchling, Michael: Crime prevention and the victims - Lessons learned from victimology. In: Winterdyk, John A. (Ed.): Crime Prevention - International perspectives, issues, and trends. Boca Rotan/London/New York, CRC Press, 2017, p. 403-426.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: Frauenvollzug und Mutter-Kind-Einrichtungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (translated by Akihiro Onagi). In: The Hokkaido Law Review, July 2016, Vol. 67, No. 2, p. 156[1] - 144[13].
  • Sato, Mai/ Haverkamp, Rita/ Hough, Mike: Trust in the German police. In: European Police Science and Research Bulletin (Ed.): Special Conference Edition Nr. 1 - Policing civil societies in times of economic constraints. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 2016, p. 83-90.
  • Arnold, Harald/ Haverkamp, Rita: Ignored Securities? On the Diversity of Securities and a Proposal
    for Their Integration.
    In: Palidda, Salvatore (Ed.): Governance of Security and Ignored Insecurities in Contemporary Europe. Routledge, Oxon, 2016, p. 65-80.
  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Wößner, Gunda: The Emergence and Use of GPS Electronic Monitoring in Germany: Current Trends and Findings. In: Journal of Technology in Human Services, 2016, Issue 1, p. 117-138.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: Barometer of Security in Germany. In: Coester, M./Marks, E. (Eds.): International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 7 - Contributions from the 8th Annual International Forum 2014 within the German Congress on Crime Prevention. Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH, Mönchengladbach, 2015, p. 185-194.
    Online: http://www.praeventionstag.de/html/GetDokumentation.cms?XID=2089


  • Haverkamp, Rita: The prognosis of terrorist attacks - limits of scientific findings. In: Crime Law and Social Change, 2014, Band 62, S. 257-268. Available online.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Results from the joint project Barometer Security in Germany (BaSiD). In: Kerner, Hans-Jürgen/ Marks, Erich (Eds.): Internet documentation  of the German Congress on Crime Prevention. Hannover 2014, p. 15-30.
    Online: http://www.praeventionstag.de/nano.cms/dokumentation/details/2816
  • Haverkamp, Rita/ Wößner, Gunda: New responses to sexual offenders: Recent developments in legislation and treatment in Germany. In: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 2014, Volume⁄Issue 97/1, p. 31-39.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Review: Nellis, Mike/ Beyens, Kristel/ Kaminski, Dan (Eds.): Electronically monitored punishment: International and critical perspectives. New York, Routledge, 2012, 279 p. In: Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, March 2014.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: The prognosis of terrorist attacks – limits of scientific findings. In: Crime, Law and Social Change, 2013, Online Publication.
  • Haverkamp, Rita: Electronic Monitoring. In: Bruinsma, Gerben/ Weisburd, David (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer, New York, 2013, p. 1329-1338.


  • Haverkamp, Rita: Implementing Electronic Monitoring. A comparative, empirical study on attitudes towards the measure in Lower Saxony/Germany and in Sweden. Research in brief 14. Freiburg i. Br., 23 p., 2002.

Lectures and Presentations


  • 16.05.2024: Human Trafficking and Satellite Crime in the Ukraine.
    Presentation togeher with Dr. Dmytro Yagunov at the XXXVIII. International Post Graduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik (Croatia)
  • 28.03.2024: Proceedings to compel public charges in Germany: The case of Oury Jalloh.
    Lecture at the University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy)
  • 27.03.2024: Victim protection in Germany.
    Lecture at the University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy)


  • 06.09.2023: Conflicts in ethnic diverse neighborhoods
    Presentation at the Eurocrim 2023 (23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology) “The Renaissance of European Criminology”, 06.-09.09.2023, Florence (Italy)
  • 25.05.2023: Good for the company, bad for the environment – Organizational environmental crime
    with Franca Langlet
    Presentation at the “Green Crimes and Ecojustice“ Conference, Utrecht (Netherlands)
  • 19.03.2023: Proceedings to compel public charges in Germany
    Lecture at the University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy)
  • 18.03.2023: Victim protection in Germany
    Lecture at the University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy)


  • 08.12.2022: Safety and security as concepts of todays world
    Online lecture at the Second International Future Research Conference “Safety, Trust, Meaningfulness, Worthiness (STMW)” of the VWAG Corporate Foresight, Wolfsburg
  • 22.09.2022: What is real life? Living in different worlds side by side
    Keynote at the XXII ESC Conference „Challenges and opportunities in a virtually and physically connected Europe: the need for criminology, Málaga
  • 22.09.2022: The Rule of Law and the European Union in the time of challenge
    Lecture at the XXII ESC Conference „Challenges and opportunities in a virtually and physically connected Europe: the need for criminology, Málaga


  • 15.10.2019: On objective and subjective safety under consideration of fake news
    Lecture at the 14th Annual Security Symposium at the European Commission
    Location: Brussels (Belgium)
  • 20.09.2019: Concentration or Dispersion? Conditions and Contradictions of Local Drug Policies in German train Station Districts
    with Tim Lukas
    Lecture at the 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology “Convergent roads, bridges and new pathways in criminology" dated 18.-21.09.2019
    Location: Ghent (Belgium)
  • 20.09.2019: Crime in train station districts – Individual coping strategies and social trust
    with Ines Hohendorf
    Lecture at the 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology “Convergent roads, bridges and new pathways in criminology" dated 18.-21.09.2019
    Location: Ghent (Belgium)
  • 12.06.2019: Established drug scenes or displacement? Conditions and contradictions of local drug policies in German train station districts
    with Tim Lukas
    Lecture at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium dated 10.-12.06.2019
    Location: Stockholm (Sweden)
  • 12.03.2019: Judicial discretion within a framework: between mandatory and indeterminate sentencing
    Lecture at the IPPF Colloquium 2019 "Legality, non-arbitrariness and administrative and judicial discretion in sentencing and enforcement of sentences"
    Location: Santiago de Chile (Chile)
  • 24.01.2019: What is Wrong with Human Trafficking?
    with Claes Lernestedt
    Presentation of the anthology in the seminar for young scientists
    Location: Stockholm (Sweden)


  • 31.08.2018: We rage through the district, so that nobody feels safe there anymore. Social interactions with marginalised groups in the districts
    with Tim Lukas
    Lecture at the 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology: Crimes against Humans and Crimes against Humanity,  dated 29.08.-01.09.2018
    Location: Sarajevo (Bosnia Herzegovina)
  • 07.08.2018: Women as offenders and offender patients
    Lecture at the Seminar on Forensic Psychiatry in Europe for consultants and experienced trainees “Gender Issues and Substance Abuse in Forensic Psychiatry”
    Location: Kloster Seeon
  • 14.06.2018: How can crime prevention be distributed in a just way? Social interactions with marginalised groups in railway station quarters
    with Tim Lukas
    Lecture at the session “Tailored crime prevention” at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium dated 12.-14.06.2018
    Location: Stockholm (Sweden)
  • 08.05.2018: Human Trafficking. Victims, Traffickers, Prevention
    Lecture at the XXXIV. International Post Graduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice dated 07.-19.05.2018
    Location: Dubrovnik (Croatia)


  • 30.11.2017: Rights and freedoms in the field of civil security
    Statement at the Meeting of the Franco-German Expert Group on Global Security / Civil Security at the Agence Nationale de la Recherche dated 30.11.-01.12.2017
    Location: Paris (France)
  • 23.10.2017: Clan Structures and Crime in the Context of Migration
    Lecture at the 9th Research Conference on Organised Crime “Preventing Organised Crime: European Approaches and Responses in Practice and Policy” dated 23.-24.10.2017
    Location: London (UK)
  • 13.10.2017: The Distribution of Crime Prevention in two German Cities
    with Tim Lukas
    Lecture at the internationalen Workshop 'Women in Prison' at University Bocconi dated 12.-13.10.2017
    Location: Milan (Italy)
  • 14.09.2017: Female prisoners in Germany with regard to international rules
    Lecture at the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology dated 13.-16.09.2017
    Location: Cardiff (UK)
  • 07.06.2017: Country report on rehabilitation and community integration in Germany
    “Defendants and detainees with psychiatric disturbances in the criminal process and in the prison system” IPPF Colloquium 2017 dated 05.-08.06.2017
    Location: Ponta Delgada (Portugal)
  • 25.05.2017: The Victim Offender Overlap: Implications for Crime Prevention
    Lecture at the XXXIII. International Post Graduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance and Criminal Justice dated 22.05.-03.06.2017
    Location: Dubrovnik (Croatia)
  • 16.02.2017: Migration and clan structures
    Lecture at the Kick-Off Network-Meeting of the Research Network on Organised Crime
    Location: Berlin


  • 11.10.2016: Pre-School Education in the Munich Kindergartens
    Lecture at the conference „New Paths to Social Inclusion for Safer Cities 7th Conference on Global Citizen Education” at the house of the European Union dated 10.-11.10.2016
    Location: Vienna (Austria)
  • 22.09.2016
    Prosperous, Tidy and Safe? The Perception of Incivilities in more or less Privileged Neighbourhoods in Germany
    with Meike Hecker
    16th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2016)  dated 21.-24.09.2016
    Location: Münster
  • 15./16.09.2016: Women in Prison (Part 1 & 2)
    Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca dated 15.-16.09.2016
    Location: Milan (Italy)
  • 10.06.2016: Is Natasha the ‚ideal victim‘?
    Workshop “Trafficking in Human beings in European and International Context – Alternative and Philosophical Perspectives dated 10.-11.06.2016
    Location: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • 22.01.2016: Human Trafficking: Development, Statistics, Elusiveness
    Workshop “Trafficking in Human Beings”
    Location: Stockholm (Sweden)
  • 12.01.2016: The development of electronic monitoring in Germany: application, technology and trends
    Symposium: “Electronic monitoring, current situation, current knowledge”
    Location: Paris (France)


  • 03.09.2015: Distributive Justice in Crime Prevention in Urban Contexts: Just Ways of it's Distribution in two German Cities
    with Meike Hecker
    15th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2015) dated 2.09. - 05.09.2015
    Location: Porto (Portugal)


  • 13.12.2014: The development of EM in Germany - From Radiofrenquency to Global Positioning System?
    9th European electronic monitoring conference 'Electronic Monitoring, Probation and Human Rights' dated 11. - 13.12.2014
    Location: Frankfurt/Offenbach
  • 13.09.2014: The role of international recommendations in prisons for women
    14th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2014) dated 11.-13.09.2014
    Location: Prague (Czech Republic)
  • 11.09.2014: Distributive Justice in Crime Prevention
    with Meike Hecker
    14th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2014) dated 11.-13.09.2014
    Location: Prague (Czech Republic)
  • 06.03.2014: Panel speaker IPPF-Colloquium (International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation)
    "Women in Prison - The Bangkok Rules and Beyond" dated 03.-06.03.2014
    Location: Bangkok (Thailand)


Prof. Dr. Rita Haverkamp is/was a member of the following committees:

  • Member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific journal “Archiwum Kryminologii” (“Archives of Criminology”) (since May 2023)
  • Scientific Advisor of the German Prevention Congress
  • Member of the Advisory Board in the scope of the Continuation of the Urban Development Concept "Perspective Munich", (April until October 2022).
  • Member of the Center for Gender and Diversity Research of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the BMBF joint project PanReflex (Strengthening urban resilience using the example of pandemics: Reflection Space for Municipal Crisis Management) (since March 2022).
  • Participating scientist at the Heidelberg Research Center for Law, Society and Institutions (HCLSI), founded in July 2021 on the initiative of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law at Heidelberg University
  • Scientific advisory board of the Kriminologisches Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V. (since July 2021) 
  • Member of the advisory group on the prevention project of the safety cooperation (Präventionsprojekt der Sicherheitskooperation) Ruhr (April 2020 until March 2024).
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Criminological Center (KrimZ) in Wiesbaden, since December 2019.
  • Steering Committee Competence Center against Extremism in Baden-Wurttemberg (konex), since February 2019.
  • International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (IPPF), since December 2016.
  • Research Advisory Board of the National Center for Crime Prevention (NZK) (until December 2022).
  • Scientific Advisory Committee (WBK) of the Dialogue of the Social Science Disciplines of the BMBF (until July 2021).
  • Research Advisory Board of the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) (until May 2024).
  • Advisory Committee of the Center against Extremism in Baden-Württemberg (konex).
  • Member of the European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA) Jury 2020.
  • Expert Commission "Security in Transition - Social Cohesion in Times of Stormy Change" (2018-2019).
  • Project advisory board in the BMBF joint project PräDiSiKo (prevention through communication) (2016-2019).