Juristische Fakultät

Prof. Dr. Stephan Dusil

Chair of Private Law, Germanic Legal History, Contemporary Legal History and Canon Law

Curriculum Vitae

Stephan Dusil’s academic focus is on medieval and modern Legal History as well as on Private Law. Stephan Dusil passed the First and the Second German State Exam in Law in Germany (2000/Frankfurt am Main, 2006/Hamburg). In addition, he finished his studies in History (M.A., 2001, University of Bielefeld). His PhD thesis on the proliferation of town laws in the Late Middle Ages was published in 2007 (“Die Soester Stadtrechtsfamilie. Mittelalterliche Quellen und neuzeitliche Historiographie”). He continued his studies as a Mellon Fellow at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto, Canada (Licence in Medieval Studies, 2010) and as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Zurich. In 2016, he received his Habilitation at the University of Zurich with the venia legendi for Legal History, Private Law, Canon Law, and Comparative Law.

In 2021, he obtained the degree as "Juris Canonici Licentiatus" (JCL) at KU Leuven (Belgium). Since 2023, he has been "Titularprofessor" at the University of Zürich.

Before joining the faculty at Tübingen in 2019, he taught as an Associate Professor (tenured) at KU Leuven (Belgium); at the same time, he was a guest lecturer at Tilburg University (Netherlands), and „professeur invité (visiting professor)" at Université Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium). He also taught as member of the „Flying Faculty“ at the China-EU-School of Law in Beijing. In 2024, he taught at Paris and at Szeged/Ungary.

Since 2015, he has been a member of the Advisory Board of the "Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law" (Yale University, New Haven, USA) and represents Legal History in the "Beirat of the Mediavistenverband". He is also director of the "Institut für Recht und Religion". He is also an editor of the journal Forum Historiae Iuris and  of the series "Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschungen" (Nomos), "Untersuchungen über Recht und Religion" (Mohr Siebeck) and "Conturbernium" (Franz Steiner).

Since 2021, he has been chair of the advisory board of the project "Burchards Dekret Digital", Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften. He is also member of the "Zentrum für frankophone Welten" of the Universität Tübingen.


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