Juristische Fakultät

Curriculum Vitae

1962 Born in Mannheim on 20th December.
1982 Abitur at the Karl-Friedrich-Gymnasium in Mannheim.
1982 - 83 Basic military service in Homberg/Efze and Kassel.
1983 - 85 Studies in law at the University of Heidelberg.
1985 - 86 Scholarship granted by the University of Lausanne and studies within Switzerland.
1986 - 89 Scholarship granted by the German National Merit Foundation
1986 - 89 Studies in law at the University of Freiburg i. Br.
1989 University graduation (first State exam).
1989 - 92 Referendariat (higher State training in law) in Freiburg i. Br.
1989 - 90 Research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Department of Criminology.
1990 - 91 Studies at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer.
1991 Elective stage at the Legal Committee's Office of the German Bundestag in Bonn.
1992 Second State exam.
1992 - 94 Doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg i. Br.
since 1992 Freelance Collaboration in a lawyers' office in Freiburg i. Br.
1994 - 2007 Senior researcher at the Department of Criminology, 1994-99 also manager of administrative affairs.
1996 Awarded Dr. jur. (summa cum laude) at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg.
1996 Carl-von-Rotteck-prize by the Law Faculty of the University of Freiburg for the doctoral thesis Die Sicherungsverwahrung auf dem Prüfstand.
1997 - 2007 Admission as lawyer.
1999 Election into the Humanities Section of the Max Planck Society's Scientific Council as representative of the scientific staff.
2002 Renewed election into the Humanities Section of the Max Planck Society's Scientific Council (until 2005);
elected by the scientific staff of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, as ombudsman for counselling in conflict cases regarding good scientific practice (until 2005) Rules of Good Scientific Practice | Rules of Procedures in Cases of Suspected Scientific Misconduct | Catalague of Conduct to be Regarded as Scientific Misconduct - Appendix [pdf files, published by the Max Planck Society in Munich in 2000]
2003 Habilitation at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg with a thesis on Die rechtliche Bewältigung von Erscheinungsformen organisierter Kriminalität. Award of the venia legendi for criminal law, criminal procedural law, criminology, juvenile criminal law and prison law.
2004 Appointment as examiner for the first State exam by the Ministry of Justice of Baden-Württemberg.
2004 In sommer term stand in for a C4-chair (succession Prof. Tiedemann) at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg.
2004 Only and first laureate of the prize of 5000 Euro: "Erster Preis der Polizei-Führungsakademie Münster-Hiltrup 2003" for the habilitation thesis Die rechtliche Bewältigung von Erscheinungsformen organisierter Kriminalität
2004 - 2006 Lecturer of Law at the University of Freiburg Law School
2005 Offered the position as Holder of the Chair (W 3) for Criminal Law and Procedural Law at the University of Tuebingen Law School
2006 Accepted the position valid from April 1, 2006. Simultaneous academic leave of absence from the MPI until 2007. Stand in for the chair at first.
May 2006 Appointed Professor of Law at the University of Tuebingen Law School
May 2007 Turned down the offer for a position as Holder of Chair (W 3) for Criminology at the University of Gießen Law School (Successor of Professor Kreuzer)
Turned down the offer for a position as Holder of Chair (W 3) for Criminal Law at the University of Constance (Successor of Professor Heinz)
2007 - 2011 Associate Director at the Institute of Criminology, Tuebingen
2008 Election into the Academic Senate Committee for Investigating Misconduct in Science
2008 - 2010 Dean of Studies for the Faculty of Law of the University of Tuebingen
2009 Reelection into the Academic Senate Committee for Investigating Misconduct in Science
Oct. 2010 - Sep. 2012 Vice Dean for the Faculty of Law of the University of Tuebingen
Since October 2011 Director of the Institute of Criminology
2011 Election into the Review Board Law and Criminology of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (term of office 2012-2015)
Oct. 2012 - Sep. 2014 Dean for the Faculty of Law of the University of Tuebingen
2015 Reelection into the Review Board Law and Criminology of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (term of office 2016-2019)
Current Fields of Research:
  • Law of sanctions (in particular measures of correction and prevention),
  • Criminology,
  • Prison Law,
  • Juvenile Criminal Law,
  • Empirical research concerning criminal procedure,
  • Organised Crime,
  • Drug prohibition law.


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