Neural Information Processing

Summer Term 2021

VL Psychophysics & Non-invasive Methods (MSc)

– GTC only –

The Vision Sciences are an interdisciplinary field, with researchers having diverse backgrounds from psychology, biology, or medicine to physics, computer science and engineering. Analysing and designing experiments in the Vision Sciences thus requires knowledge straddling the typical boundaries of many disciplines.

All necessary information you can find here:

Day, time & location:

Thursdays from 12:15 till 13:45, starting on April 29th, 2021
Online course taught using zoom.

Date, time & location of exam:

Thursday, July 29th, 2020, 12:00 - 14:00
online exam with ILIAS

VL Cognitive Modeling (MSc)

All necessary information you can find here:

Day, time & location:
Tuesdays from 8:30 till 12:00, starting on April 20th, 2021
Online course taught using zoom

Date, time & location of exam:
Tuesday, 27.07.2021, 8:00
online exam with ILIAS

VL Angewandte Statistik II (MSc)

Alle notwendigen Informationen finden Sie hier:

Tag, Uhrzeit und Ort der Veranstaltung:
Mittwochs, 14:15-16:00 und 16:15-18:00
Start: Mittwoch, 21. April 2021
Anstatt Präsenz-Vorlesung: Videostream zum Download. Blattübungen als Jupyter Notebook per Email.
Den Zugang finden Sie auf  ILIAS.

Klausurdatum und -ort:
Mittwoch, 4. August 2021, 14:15-15:45
Online-Klausur, s. ILIAS