The research project "Common public goods. The political organization of infrastructure provision in the regulatory state" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding line "Participation and Common Good" and is located at the Institute of Political Science at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.
We investigate how infrastructure tasks are politically conceived as public goods and how they are demanded from the guarantor state. We are interested in the extent to which the state sees itself as a guarantor state in the organization of services for the common good and is able to meet the expectations placed on it. We focus on selected fields of action:
- outpatient health care in rural areas
- the provision of urban housing
- ensuring "clean air".
In these fields of action, we want to determine more precisely what specific developments, problems and obstacles there are and how political decision-makers are reacting to them. In particular, we analyze the competing meanings and justifications for the state's offer of public goods. In addition, we examine the performance claims that civil society actors bring to the state. Among the competing discursive and programmatic conceptions, the positions of so-called "weak interest groups" are to be given special attention - from the perspective of participation.