Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Maribel Graf, M.A.

Research assistant and PhD candidate
Bachelor's degree counselling

Ludwig-Uhland-Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology | University of Tübingen | Burgsteige 11, 72070 Tübingen

Consultation hours
During semester: open consultation hours thursday 2:30 pm - 4:00pm
telephone or online consultation possible after e-mail arrangement
lecture-free time: consultation possible after e-mail arrangement

Main Areas in Research and Teaching
  • Queer Anthropology
  • Gender Studies
  • Non-Monogomy and polyamory
  • Love and intimate relationships
  • Kinship
  • Narrativity
Academic Profile

My name is Maribel Graf and I have been a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Ludwig Uhland Institute since March 2022. During my studies at the LUI, I pursued my research interest in family and partnership networks and their (everyday) negotiation: In my master's thesis, I focused on parental narratives of pandemic-related everyday family life. In my dissertation project I am now researching non-monogamous forms of relationships at the intersection of ethnographic emotion research, doing kinship and queer studies. In addition to research and teaching, I am a member of the student advisory team together with Sabine Müller-Brem and am the contact person for all bachelor students.

For further details in English on CV, publications and teaching activities please switch to the German version of this page. 

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