Religionswissenschaft und Judaistik

08-10.09.2022 "Epigraphy, the Qur'an, and the Religious Landscape of Arabia"


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15:30:     Group activity: Guided city tour

18:00:     Dinner (Zum Alten Fritz)


08:55:     Welcome and introduction

Panel 1: Naming God in pre-Islamic Arabia

Chair:     Nadja Abuhussein (University of Tübingen)

09:00:     Christian Robin (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) – The God of Najrān

09:25:     Moderated discussion

09:45:     Break

09:50:     Laïla Nehmé (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) – On Some Specific Ways of Naming God in Northwest Arabia in Antiquity and Late Antiquity

10:15:     Moderated discussion

10:35:     Break

10:40:     Maria Gorea (University of Paris 8) – From the Aramaic raḥmānāʾ to raḥmānān and al-raḥmān

11:05:     Moderated discussion

11:25:     Response: Michael Macdonald (University of Oxford)

12:00 – 13:30:     Lunch

Panel 2:      Religious Identities and Religious Landscape

Chair:     Mehmetcan Akpınar (University of Tübingen)

13:30:     Ahmad al-Jallad (University of Groningen) – Religious Identity in Paleo-Arabic Inscriptions

13:55:     Moderated discussion

14:15:     Break

14:20:     Basema Hamarneh (University of Vienna) – The Spatial Construction of the Religious Landscape in

14:45:     Moderated discussion

15:05:     Break

15:10:     Iwona Gajda (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) – Jews, Judaizers, Christians and Royal
Power in pre-Islamic South Arabia

15:35:     Moderated discussion

15:55:      Response: Zishan Ghaffar (University of Paderborn)

16:30:     Close of day

17:45:     Dinner (Ludwigs)


Panel 3:     Cultic Continuity

Chair:     Ana Davitashvili (University of Tübingen)

09:00:     Suleyman Dost (University of Toronto) – Pilgrimage in Pre-Islamic Arabia: Continuity and Rupture from Epigraphic Texts to the Qurʾān

09:25:     Moderated discussion

09:45:     Break

09:50:     Peter Webb (Leiden University) – Hajj before Muhammad: Pilgrimage and Poetry in Pre-Islamic Arabia

10:15:     Moderated discussion

10:35:     Break

10:40:     Valentina A. Grasso (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World) – Slavery in First Millennium Arabia: Epigraphy and the Qurʾān

11:05:     Moderated discussion

11:25:     Response: Holger Zellentin (University of Tübingen)

12:00 – 13:30:     Lunch

Panel 4:     Ethnicity and Literacy

Chair:     Mark Hoover (University of Tübingen)

13:30:     Robert Hoyland (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World) – Arabicization before ‘Abd al-Malik

13:55:     Moderated discussion

14:15:     Break

14:20:     Marijn van Putten (Leiden University) – The Hijazi Spelling Reform

14:45:     Moderated discussion

15:05:     Response: Andrew Marsham (University of Cambridge)

15:40:     Closing Remarks

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