Online learning platform

How to access the learning platform

Most of the learning content is available through our online learning platform. If you would like access to the platform, please email tuekitzmedspam with the following information and we will create an account for you:

  • Name
  • Employee at the University of Tübingen or University Hospital Tübingen (yes/no)
  • Student at the University of Tübingen (yes/no)

Where to find the courses on the learning platform

As soon as you are logged in, you can see all the courses available to you.

We currently offer the following courses:

  • Chatbots in Medicine
  • Deep Learning
  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Ethics, Law & Privacy

The "TüKITZMed ..." learning path suggests a sensible sequence in which the courses can be completed. 

Different learning materials and learning methods are used in the individual courses, including

  • Videos ("lectures")
  • Text
  • Interactive elements
  • Forwarding to external learning opportunities
  • Quizzes for practice
  • Examination tasks for learning assessment