Bachelor (B.A.)
The Subject
The Subject Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology takes three years and consists of a main subject and a subsidiary subject. Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology can be the main or the subsidairy subject.
There is no restriction of admissions. The beginning of the study is only in the Winter Term possible.
The matrikulation is made by the Studentensekretariat.
The subsidiary subjects
The choice of subsidairy subjects is not liable to any restriction.
We refer to the subsidiary subjects
These lectures are coordinated with the Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology.
The Modulhandbuch
A summary for the BA-Subject and the lectures are listed in the Modulhandbuch (coming into effect WS21/22).
Students who enrolled until Summer Semester 2021, this Modulhandbuch is binding,
Besides the main und subsidiary subject you need 18 Leistungspunkte (Beginners before WS 2014/15) or 21 Leistungspunkte (Beginners since WS 2014/15) (ECTS – 1 ECTS / LP correspondet to 30 working hours) in Berufsqualifizierenden Modulen (=BQ-Modules) (Job-qulificating modules).
They can be chosen from the tutoring offers of the institute (depending on the offer BQ Modules A - D of the Modulhandbuch) or the Career Services.
Also work off the institute can be recognized.
The exam and study regulations
The legal frame of the study and the exams is layed down in the exam and study regulation (taking effekt WS 21/22).
For students, enrolled until Summer Semester 2021, these exam and study regulations are binding.
After the pass of all exam works and the Bachelorthesis you get the Bachelor report and the certificate.
For the grading in the main subject the grades of the modules and the Bachelorthesis in the amount of 99 ECTS will be judged. Demanded modules in the amount of 12 ECTS, which at least are completed with the grade „ausreichend“ (4), are no part of the final grade.
For the grading in the subsidiary subject the grades of the modules in the amount of 60 LP will be judged. One demanded module in the amount of 6 LP, which at least is completed with the grade „ausreichend“ (4), are no part of the final grade.
The graded exam works will be evaluate on the LP.
The current lectures
The current lectures can be found in the Alma.