Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Nürk
Invited Talks
- Linguistic influences on numerical cognition and arithmetic: Towards a taxonomy, Workshop: Domain-General and Domain-Specific Foundations of Numerical and Arithmetic Processing, Tuebingen, Germany, 28.-30.09.2016
- Language Influences on Numerical Cognition. May 17. 2016, National Research University of Belgorod, Russia
- Spatial Processing and Arithmetic: Is there a connection? May 18. 2016, National Research University of Belgorod, Russia
- Space and mathematics: What is the connection? Symposium: How are space, non-symbolic quantification, and number related? Neurally, metaphorically, or artifactually? (Discussants: Dehaene, S., Henik, A., Spelke E., Nuerk, H.-C.) on the Space and Mathematics Conference: What’s the Connection? November 17-18, 2015. Chicago, USA
- Educational Neuroscience Studies of Numerical and Arithmetic Performance: What Do they Tell us about Scholar Learning? NeuroEducation of Number Processing, Workshop, October, 21-23, 2015, Hannover, Germany
- Multiple Zahlenstrahlen: Eine Differenzierung verschiedener Raum-Zahlen-Assoziationen. December 15, 2014. Universität Konstanz. Konstanz, Germany
- Differentiating Multiple Space-Number Associations, Educational Neuroscience of Mathematics, Workshop, October 3–4, 2014, Tübingen, Germany
- How language and numerical representations constitute mathematical cognition: An introductory review, 12th biannual conference of the German cognitive science society (KogWis 2014), September 29- October 2, 2014, Tübingen, Germany.
- Number-space associations in children: Genesis, measurement and intervention. Inivited talk held at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Kaiserslautern, Germany, July, 17th, 2014.
- Einflüsse von Sprache, kognitiver Kontrolle und Verkörperlichung auf Zahlenverarbeitung und Rechnen. Inivited talk held at the Forschungskolloquium at the University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, May 20th, 2014.
- School success in mathematics: Determinants and new intervention methods. Inivited talk held 18. BVL -Kongress Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie: „Übergä„nge gestalten – von der frü hen Kindheit bis ins Erwachsenenalter, Erfurt, Germany, May 9-11th, 2014.
- Implementation of a Socially Interactive Learning Platform for Calculation and Spelling. Inivited talk held at the Workshop Development of Learning Games / Serious Games in Health Educational Contexts: Challenges and Opportunities, April, 2014.
- Nuerk, H.-C. (& Huber, S.) Determinants of multi-symbol number processing: Towards a general model. Inivited talk held at the University of Cambridge, November, 29th, 2013.
- Neurocognitive Foundations and Educational Applications in Numerical Processing 1. Fachtag des Kompetenzzentrums Schulpsychologie, Tübingen, Germany, July, 19th, 2013.
- Grundlagen arithmetischen Lernens: Evaluation neuer Interventionsansätze. Workshop on Development of Numerical Processing and Language From Neurocognitive Foundations to Educational Applications funded by the Excellence Initiative of University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany, October 7th and 8th, 2013.
- Embodiment in numerical development. Invited talk at "The first Cambridge Conference and Workshop on Developmental Dyscalculia", University of Cambridge, 13.-14.9.2012.
- Embodied Training of Numerical Capabilities. Invited talk at Western Ontario University, London, Ontario, CA, 10.07.2012.
- Cultural variations in numerical cognition and development. Invited talk at the mini-symposium: “Numbers in the brain: The effect of learning, culture, and working memory on typical and atypical numerical development” Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 29.05.2012.
- Whorf reloaded: On the influence of language on basic mathematical processing and development. Invited talk at the UniLu Lecture series "The Future of Educational Science", University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 28.3.2012
- Embodied numerosity. Invited talk at the University Potsdam, Germany, 2.12.2011.
- Embodied numerosity. Invited talk at the Workshop „Typical and Atypical Neurocognitive Aspects of Numerical Processing” Beer Sheva and Haifa, Israel, 10-14.4.2011.
- The influence of language and embodied cognitions on number magnitude processing. Invited talk at the Symposium: „Representations in Numerical Cognition“, Ghent, Belgium, 26.5.2010.
- Introduction Talk or the Plenary Session „Neuropsychology of number and space“ at the 27th Cognitive Neuropsychology Workshop in Bressanone, Italy, 28.01.2009.
- Alle für eine, aber nicht eine für alles: Über die multikomponentiellen neurokognitiven Grundlagen des Rech-nens. Invited talk at the Neuropsychological colloquium of the EKN (Entwicklungsgruppe Klinische Neuropsychologie), Klinikum Bogenhausen, München, Germany, 9.2.2009.
- Cross-cultural Differences in the Representation of the Mental Number Line in Italian and German Speaking Children. Invited talk at the Workshop: „Cultural Effects on the mental number line“, York, England, 7.7.2009.
- Über die neurokognitiven und behavioralen Grundlagen des Rechnens. Invited talk at the Reha-Zentrum Großgmain, Salzburg, 19. April 2007.
- Ziffern vor den Augen, Zahlen im Kopf: Wie real ist der Zahlenstrahl? Invited talk at the 7th Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (ÖGP), Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, 30. April 2006.
- Der zerbrochene Zahlenstrahl. Invited talk at the University of Tuebingen, 18.7.2006.
- Auf dem Weg zu einer Differentiellen Kognitiven Psychologie: Interindividuelle Unterschiede und Differentialdiagnostik in der Zahlenverarbeitung: University of Tuebingen, 18.7.2006. Application talk, Oktober, 2006.
- Ziffern vor den Augen, Zahlen im Kopf: Neurokognitive Grundlagen der Zahlenverarbeitung: Invited talk at the University of Zurich, 10.11.2006
- Der Zahlenstrahl und seine Verwandten: Über die unterschiedlichen Repräsentationen von Zahlen. Invited talk at the University of Salzburg, 15.6.2005
- Der zerbrochene Zahlenstrahl: Dyskalkulie: Genese, Diagnostik und Therapieansätze. Invited talk at the Fachtagung des Vereins der klinischen Lerntherapeuten Deutschland e.V. Interdisziplinarität bei Lern- und Gedächtnisstörungen im Alter von 25-4800 Wochen, Oktober 2005.
- Zahlen im Kopf: Der mentale Zahlenstrahl. First lecture talk at the University of Salzburg, 30.11.2005.
- Zahlenverarbeitung in der deutschen Gebärdensprache, Invited talk at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, January, 2004
- Modellgeleitete Diagnostik und neurowissenschaftliche Forschung am Beispiel der Zahlenverarbeitung University of Salzburg, Austria; Invited talk April, 2004.
- Intact and impaired representations of numbers. TU Chemnitz, Deutschland, Mai 2004.
- Intakte und gestörte Repräsentation von Zahlen. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie Österreich, Wien, Österreich, Oktober, 2004.
- Objektaufmerksamkeit und Neglekt. Wissenschaftlicher Habilitationsvortrag an der TU Chemnitz, Deutschland, Dezember 2004.