Lilly Roth is a PhD student in the research group "Diagnostics and Cognitive Neuropsychology". She completed her Bachelor and Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Tübingen. During her studies, she worked as a statistics tutor at the Psychological Institute. She is interested in research methodology and data analysis. Having completed her master's thesis on number processing in mathematical word problems, Lilly Roth is now investigating the spatial mental representation of numbers during her PhD. As part of the DFG project e-SNARC, she collaborates on several online studies with large samples and high statistical power in order to investigate the replicability of basic findings on SNARC effect ("Spatial Numerical Associations of Response Codes") with the goal of answering the following questions: How automatic is the spatial mental representation of numbers? How flexible are spatial-numerical associations? Do they differ depending on the task?
Moreover, Lilly Roth investigates the validity of generalizations for cognitive phenomena (i) from samples (group-level) to individuals (participant-level) and (ii) from individuals tested in single sessions (participant-level) to the intra-individual stability over time (session-level).