Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Courses and Teaching

The flowchart below visualizes the structure of the semantics program offered at the English Department. It thereby also provides an overview over the requirements for enrolling in the different courses, as well as over the exam topics (Staatsexamensthemen) and degrees which the individual courses prepare you for.

Access to the course catalogue is provided through the Alma System. For courses from previous semesters prior to the summer semester 2020 please refer to the  Campus System.  Unless otherwise specified, registration for courses is through the Alma System.

If you have any program-related questions, please contact the student advisor for your program. The list of our student advisors can be found here.

For general organisational questions please contact one of our student assistants:  Kinga Kuti, Jana Allgaier or Xue Sun.


Which modules do these courses correspond to?