Communication Networks

Dr. Jakob Breu


My research interests are future Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs, Car-to-X-Communication) and connected services.

List of Publications

Conference Papers

  1. J. Breu and M. Menth: "Efficient Selection of VANET Messages for Series Vehicles", accepted by the 11th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, September 2016, Halmstad, Sweden
  2. J. Breu and M. Menth: "Comparing Message Relevance Estimation Mechanisms in VANETs", in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference, September 2015, Boston, USA
  3. Q. Chen, T. Roth, T. Yuan, J. Breu, F. Kuhnt, M. Zöllner, M. Bogdanovic, Ch. Weiß, J. Hillenbrand and A. Gern: "DSRC and Radar Object Matching for Cooperative Driver Assistance Systems", in Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, June/July 2015, Seoul, Korea
  4. T. Yuan, Q. Chen, T. Roth, J. Breu and M. Bogdanovic: "Track-to-Track Association for Object Matching in an Inter-Vehicle Communication System", in Proceedings of the 2015 Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets Conference, August 2015, San Diego, USA
  5. J. Breu and M. Menth: "An Improved Relevance Estimation Function for Cooperative Awareness Messages in VANETs", in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft 2014, Springer Lecture Notes 8435, May 2014, Offenburg, Germany
  6. J. Breu, A. Brakemeier, and M. Menth: "Analysis of Cooperative Awareness Message Rates in VANETs", (preprint), in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), Nov. 2013, Tampere, Finland
  7. J. Breu and M. Menth: Relevance Estimation of Cooperative Awareness Messages in VANETs, (preprint), in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WIVEC), June 2013, Dresden, Germany

Journal Papers

  1. T. Binder, A. Wedel, M. Bühren, C. Herget, S. Studer, H. Maier, J. Breu, M. Hafner, T. Hug, C. Hämmerling, U. Pressel: "Assistenzsysteme in neuer Dimension", in ATZ Sonderheft E-Klasse, 2016
  2. J. Breu, A.Brakemeier and M. Menth: "A Quantitative Study of Cooperative Awareness Messages in Production VANETs", in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2014


  1. J. Breu: "Effiziente Verarbeitung von Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs) in zukünftigen Serienfahrzeugen", ITG-Fachtagung "Zukunft der Netze 2015", September 2015, Tübingen, Germany
  2. J. Breu: "Resource Management of Data and Information in Future Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks", Conference on Networked Systems, March 2013, Stuttgart, Germany



  1. J. Breu: "Prediction of Future Cooperative Awareness Message Rates in VANETs and Handling of Overload Conditions", ITG FG521 Workshop: Überlastabwehr / Load Balancing in Kommunikationsnetzen und -systemen, Stuttgart, Germany, December 2013


  1. J. Breu, Ch. Siedentop: "Erkennen und Anzeigen des Freiwerdens eines Parkplatzes", Patent DE102015010548A1
  2. J. Breu, M. Hammori, P. Thorma: "Verfahren zum Betrieb eines Fahrzeugs (Automatisches Einklappen der Außenspiegel bei beengten Straßenverhältnissen)", DE102015009658A1
  3. M. Bogdanovic, M. Schoch, Ch. Weiß, J. Breu: "Warnblinkvorrichtung für ein Fahrzeug", DE102013009480A1
  4. M. Bogdanovic, J. Breu, Ch. Weiß: "Integration netzbasierter Dienste zur Fahrdienstleistungsvermittlung in kraftfahrzeuggebundene Infotainmentsysteme", DE102012009431A1