3. KuVS Fachgespräch "Network Softwarization"
7./8.4.2022 (online)
Thursday, 7th April
8.30 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen)
8.35 - 9.50 Programmable Data Planes (Chair: Dr. Peter Danielis, University of Rostock)
8.35 | High-Performance Match-Action Table Updates from within Programmable Software Data Planes (Slides) |
Manuel Simon, Hennig Stubbe, Dominik Scholz, Sebastian Gallenmüller, Georg Carle (TU München) | |
In Proceedings of the Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS '21) | |
9.00 | Determination of Throughput Guarantees for Processor-based SmartNICs (Slides) |
Johannes Krude, Jan Rüth, Daniel Schemmel, Felix Rath, Johannes-Heorh Folbort, Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen) | |
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '21) | |
9.25 | In-Network SYN Flooding DDoS Attack Detection Utilizing P4 Switches |
Pegah Golchin, Leonhard Anderweit, Julian Zobel, Ralf Kundel, Ralf Steinmetz (TU Darmstadt) |
9.50 - 10.20 Coffee Break
10.20 - 12.00 P4-Based Applications (Chair: Dr. Tobias Meuser, TU Darmstadt)
10.20 | Robust LFA Protection for Software-Defined Networks (RoLPS) (Slides) |
Daniel Merling, Steffen Lindner, Michael Menth (University of Tuebingen) | |
In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | |
10.45 | P4-programmable Data Plane for Content-based Publish/Subscribe (Slides) |
Christian Wernecke, Helge Parzyjegla, Gero Mühl (University of Rostock) | |
11.10 | P4Update: Fast and Locally Verifiable Consistent Network Updates in the P4 Data Plane |
Zikai Zhou1, He Mu1, Wolfgang Kellerer1, Andreas Blenk1, and Klaus-Tycho Foerster2 (1TU München, 2TU Dortmund) | |
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '21) | |
11.35 | Project Overview: Router for Academia Research & Education (RARE) (Slides) |
Fréderic Loui, Casba Mate, Alexander Gall, Maxime Wisslé (GÉANT) |
12.00 - 13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 - 13.55 5G (Chair: Prof. Dr. Tobias Hossfeld, University of Würzburg)
13.30 | Procedure-based Functional Decomposition for 5G Core Network Functions (Slides) |
Endri Goshi1, Raffael Stahl1, Mu He2, Rastin Pries2, Wolfang Kellerer1 (1TU München, 2Nokia) | |
13.55 | User Plane Hardware Acceleration in Access Networks: Experiences in Offloading Network Functions in Real 5G Deployments (Slides) |
Ralf Kundel, Tobias Meuser, Timo Koppe, Rhaban Hark, Ralf Steinmetz (TU Darmstadt) | |
In Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022 | |
14.20 | Isolating Cross-Domain Links with SDN based E2E Network Slices |
Niklas Fuhrberg (KIT) | |
14.45 | Towards Smart Public Interconnected Networks and Services – Approaching the Stumbling Blocks (Slides) |
Stanislav Lange (NTNU) |
15.10-15.40 Coffee Break
15.40-16.55 XDP & (e)BPF (Chair: Prof. Dr. Georg Carle)
15.40 | Offloading SCION Packet Forwarding to XDP BPF (Slides) |
Lars-Christian Schulz, David Hausheer (University of Magdeburg) | |
16.05 | Fast Publish/Subscribe Using Linux eBPF (Slides) |
Michael Tatarski, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl (University of Rostock) | |
16.30 | A Caching SFC Proxy Based on eBPF (Slides) |
Marco Häberle (University of Tuebingen) | |
Preprint, provisionally accepted at IEEE NetSoft 2022 |
16.55 - 17.15 Wrap-Up & Brainstorming (Chair: Prof. Dr. Georg Carle, TU München)
Friday, 8th April
8.30 Welcome (Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen)
8.35 - 9.50 Network Measurement & Evaluation (Chair: Dr. Jochen Kögel, IsarNet Software Solutions GmbH)
8.35 | Recognition of Similar NetFlow Data in Decentralised Monitoring Environments (Slides) |
Georg Eisenhart, Simon Volpert, Jan Braitinger, Jörg Domaschka (Ulm University) | |
9.00 | Are Kubernetes CNI solutions ready for >10 Gbit/s? |
Simon Volpert, Georg Eisenhart, Jörg Domascka (Ulm University) | |
9.25 | The pos Framework: A Methodology and Toolchain for Reproducible Network Experiments (Slides) |
Sebastian Gallenmüller, Dominik Scholz, Henning Stubbe, Georg Carle (TU München) | |
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '21) |
9.50 - 10.20 Coffee Break
10.20 - 11.40 TSN & Low Latency (Chair: Dr. Fank Dürr, University of Stuttgart)
10.20 | A Simulation Model for Investigating Clock Synchronization Issues in Time-Sensitive Networks (Slides) |
P. Danielis, H. Parzyjegla, Y. Rashid, E. Schweissguth, G. Mühl, D. Timmermann (University of Rostock) | |
10.45 | Enhancing Flexibility for Dynamic Time-Sensitive Network Configurations |
Christoph Gärtner1, Amr Rizk2, Boris Koldehofe3, Rene Guillaume4, Ralf Kundel1, Ralf Steinmetz1 (1TU Darmstadt, 2University of Duisburg-Essen, 3University of Groningen, 4Robert Bosch GmbH) | |
11.10 | The Smart Grid: A Use-Case for Large-Scale SDN Deployment (Slides) |
Felix Neumeister, Martina Zitterbart (KIT) |
11.35 - 13.00 Lunch Break
13.00 - 14.50 Autonomic and Intent-Based Network - Definition and Standardization Efforts (Chair: Dr. Andreas Blenk, Siemens)
13.00 | Autonomic Networking gets serious at IETF (Slides) |
Toerless Eckert (Futurewei, USA) | |
13.25 | Introduction to IBN according to IRTF: Concepts and Applications (Slides) |
Olga Havel (Huawei, Ireland) | |
13.50 | Building Autonomous Networks, One Step at a Time (Standards, Research, Prototypes) (Slides) |
Benoit Claise (Huawei, Belgium) | |
14.15 | Towards a Closed-Looped Automation for Service Assurance with the DXAGENT (Slides) |
Justin Iurman (University of Liege) | |
Preprint |
14.40 - 14.50 Discussion
14.50 - 15.20 Coffee Break
15.20 - 15.43 Research Activities for Self-Driving Networks (Chair: Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl, Ulm University)
15.20 | Intent-Driven Network And Service Management: Definitions, Modeling and Implementation (Slides) |
Jürgen Goerge (Nokia Bell Labs) | |
S. Mwanje et al., Intent-Driven Network And Service Management: Definitions, Modeling and Implementation, ITU Journal 2022 (to be published) | |
15.45 | Selected Aspects of Self-Driving Networks in the bwNET2020+ Project (Slides) |
Philipp Wolter (KIT) | |
16.10 | Machine Learning for Network Control and Digital Network Twinning (= self driving networks) (Slides, Handout) |
Patrik Krämer, Andreas Blenk (TU München) | |
16.35 | A Responsible Internet to Increase Trust in the Digital World |
Paola Grosso (University of Amsterdam) | |
In Journal of Network and Systems Management |
17.00 - 17.10 Discussion
17.10 - 17.30 Wrap-Up & Brainstorming (Chair: Prof. Dr. Michael Menth, Uni Tübingen)