Institute of English Languages and Literatures


This page provides documents from several lectures and seminars. You can download them separately but we also offer a zipped compendium of all PDFs for most courses.

  1. General Information
  2. Lecture Courses
  3. Teachable Texts
  4. Seminars

II Lecture Courses

The Novel Today: Recent British Fiction

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 19/20

  1. How Recent Is Recent? Introductory Notes on the Contemporary British Novel
  2. The Novel in History: A Very Short Introduction
  3. The Novelist at the Crossroads: A Map of Modes and Orientations
  4. What’s the Use of Stories that Aren’t Even True? Salman Rushdie as a Test Case for Writing Fiction Today
  5. Condition of England, Condition of Europe: Realism at the End of the 20th Century
  6. Rewriting History: Subjective and Medial Turns
  7. Experimental Fictions: Looking Forward, Looking Back
  8. Alternative Worlds: Fantasy and the Emergence of Dual Address
  9. Multicultural Britain: The Outside as Inside
  10. The Present in Perspective: Where We Are and Where We Are Heading
  11. Weird Fiction: China Miéville
  12. The Novel and Digital Culture
  13. Brex(l)it
  14. Futures of the British Novel?

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Writing Ireland

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 18/19

  1. Introduction
  2. History and Politics
  3. Literary Traditions
  4. Poetry (1): The 19th Century (Charlotte Brooke to Early Yeats)
  5. Poetry (2): The 20th Century (Late Yeats to Seamus Heaney)
  6. Ballads and Songs
  7. Beginnings of Modern Irish Drama
  8. Ends of (Post-)Modern Irish Drama
  9. Beginnings of Modern Irish Fiction
  10. James Joyce
  11. The Irish Short Story
  12. The Ends of (Post-)Modern Irish Fiction

All documents of this course are available in a  ZIP archive.


Christoph Reinfandt, SS 18

  1. Introduction
  2. Imitation - Representation - Mediation
  3. The Rise of the Novel
  4. The Realist Synthesis
  5. The Turn of the Novel
  6. Painting & Photography
  7. Guest Lecture by Amir Taha (Tübingen): Realism in Film (Presentation)
  8. Documentary Realism
  9. Guest Lecture by Erwin Feyersinger (Tübingen): Realism in Television Series (Presentation)
  10. Objectivism and Constructivism
  11. Conclusion

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

What Was Modernism?

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 17/18

  1. Placing Modernism: An Introduction
  2. The Cultural Contexts of Modernism
  3. Modernism and the Sister Arts
  4. Modernism and Photography
  5. The Turn of the Novel
  6. Short Fiction
  7. Virginia Woolf
  8. James Joyce
  9. Imagism into Vorticism
  10. Modes of American Modernism
  11. The Romantic Legacy
  12. T.S. Eliot
  13. Conclusion: What Was/Is Modernism?

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Introduction to Cultural Studies

Christoph Reinfandt, SS 17

  1. Introduction: Cultural Studies, Kulturwissenschaft and the Study of Culture
  2. Guest Lecture by Lawrence Grossberg (Chapel Hill): Making Culture Matter, Making Culture Political
  3. Mimesis - Representation - Signs
  4. Changing Media Changing Cultures / Culture as Text – Textual Culture
  5. Guest Lecutre by PD Dr. Angelika Zirker: High and Popular Culture: Theatre in Britain
  6. Visual Culture (1): Painting & Photography
  7. Visual Culture (2): Film
  8. The Body - Time - Space
  9. Memory and Identity
  10. Conclusion - Studying Cultures

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Romanticism Today: The Singer/Songwriter Paradigm

Christoph Reinfandt, SS 16

  1. What's (In) a Song? An Introduction
  2. Romantic Continuities
  3. 9/11 Songs
  4. The Aesthetics of Rock
  5. 'Classic' Singer/Songwriters
  6. Satire/Irony/Politics
  7. Female Voices
  8. Roots Rock/Folk Rock/Pop Rock/Prog Rock
  9. Lost Ca(u)ses and Ventriloquism
  10. De-Centrings

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Literary Theory: A Historical Survey

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 15/16

  1. Why Theory?
  2. The Historical Emergence of Literary Theory
  3. Hermeneutics
  4. Positivism
  5. Marxism
  6. New Criticism / Russian Formalism
  7. From Structuralism to Poststructuralism
  8. Poststructuralism and Deconstruction
  9. Constructive and Deconstructive Readings
  10. Feminism and Gender Studies/Postcolonial Theory
  11. New Historicism/Cultural Materialism/Historical Discourse Analysis
  12. Systems Theory and Literature/Culture
  13. Cultural Studies and Media Studies
  14. Theory in Perspective

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.


Christoph Reinfandt, SS 15

  1. What is “Romantic”?
  2. Romanticism in History
  3. Romantic Perspectives
  4. English Romanticism
  5. Revisions
  6. Romantic Poetry I: Ballads and Songs
  7. Romantic Poetry II: Sonnets, Odes and 'Composite Orders'
  8. Romantic Fiction
  9. Romantic Drama
  10. Romanticism and Modern Culture

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Literary History: A Systematic Approach

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 14/15

  1. What is Literary History?
  2. Received Opinion about English Literary History and the Basic Outline of a Systematic Approach
  3. Poetic Subjectivity as a Marker of Early Modernity (c. 1550 - 1700)
  4. The Backlash of Neoclassicism
  5. The Romantic Synthesis: Subjectivity, Individuality and the Problem of Cultural Validity (c. 1780 - 1832)
  6. The Evolution of Poetic Difficulty: Romanticism into Modernism (c. 1832-1930 and beyond)
  7. Poetry Today
  8. The Rise of the Novel (c. 1680-1750)
  9. Crisis? What Crisis? (c. 1750-1800)
  10. The Conventions of Realism (c. 1800-1900 and beyond)
  11. The Turn of the Novel: Modernism, Aestheticism, Avantgarde (c. 1900-1945/1968/1989?)
  12. Postmodernism (c. 1945/1968/1989? - ...)
  13. A Brief History of English Drama
  14. Literature and Literary History Today: The Uses and Limitations of a Systematic Approach

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Indian Literature in English: An Introduction

Christoph Reinfandt, SS 14

  1. Introduction
  2. Anglo-Indian Literature and Anglophone World Literature
  3. Indo-English Literature: Genres and Conditions
  4. The Emergence of Indian Poetry in English
  5. The Emergence of Indian Fiction in English
  6. Indian Poetry in English (after Independence)
  7. Indian Fiction in English: Before and After Rushdie
  8. Visions of Urbanity
  9. Globalising India

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

A Brief History of Authorship

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 12/13

  1. What is an Author ? - An Introduction
  2. Notorious Cases
  3. The Birth of the Author
  4. Medieval Concepts of Authorship
  5. Into Modernity
  6. Neoclassicism and Romanticism
  7. Romanticism and Modernism
  8. Modernism into Literary Studies
  9. The Death of the Author
  10. The Persistence of the Author
  11. The Return of the Author
  12. The Digital Author

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Introduction to Literary Studies

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 11/12, WS 12/13, WS 13/14, WS 14/15

  1. Romantic Nature, Romantic Culture: William Wordsworth, "Nutting" (1798/1800)
  2. Narrative Texts 1: Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe (1719)
  3. Narrative Texts 2: Henry Fielding, Tom Jones (1749), William Mackpeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1848)
  4. Narrative Texts 3: Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility (1811), Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway (1925)
  5. Literary Theory - An Introduction
  6. The Turn of the Novel: Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway (1925)
  7. The Novel Today: Tom McCarthy, C (2010)
  8. The Gothic Paradigm: Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto (1764)
  9. Modernist Narrative and the Irish Predicament: James Joyce, Dubliners (1914)
  10. Difficulty and the Canon of Modern Literature: T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land (1922)
  11. Inaugurating the Romantic Sonnet Revival: Charlotte Smith, Elegiac Sonnets (1784ff.)

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

Song, Media and (Trans)Culture (Introduction to Cultural Studies)

Lars Eckstein, WS 08/09

  1. Introduction- Culture, Media, Songs
  2. Performativity and Performance
  3. Generic Communication and Cultural Capital
  4. Sound and Songfulness
  5. Mediality and Mediatisation
  6. Musical Multimedia
  7. Summary and Bridge-Song and National Culture
  8. + 9. John Dowland, Come Again
  1. Anon, The Hottentot Venus
  2. + 12. ADF, Real Great Britain (2000) and Asian British Hip Hop after 9/11 (2006/2007)

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.

IV Seminars

PS II: Autobiography in Prose and Poetry: Andrew McNeillies Aran Islands Experience

Presentation "The Aran Islands" by Daniel Hildebrand

HS/OS: Key Terms for Studying Culture

Christoph Reinfandt, WS 05/06

All documents of this course are available in a ZIP archive.