Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Bionic Sensors

Another research topic is the development of bionic sensors, using macroscopic concepts found in nature and translate them down to a working sensor principle on a molecular level. Here we devised a FRET-based molecular-mechanical sensor to measure nanoscopic dynamic pressures and flows at a surface via an optical read-out with high resolution. Having shown the operativeness of this sensor in air and water on small surfaces, we now develop different substrate materials and upscaling strategies, regarding industrial applications in the field of avionics or in the automobile industry (e.g. measurements in wind tunnels). In principle, this sensor concept could also be adapted to visualize fluid currents in living plant cells.

Apart from the practical aspects, we are also interested in a mathematical model of the underlying mechanical forces. Moving from a macroscopic to a microscopic scale, we are using parameters found in our experiments to investigate when the classical approach of Newtonian mechanics breaks down and has to be corrected or replaced by molecular modeling and quantum theory.

Bionic Sensor. Schematic overview of structure and working principle.