Philologisches Seminar

Prof. Dr. Irmgard Männlein


Philologisches Seminar  •  Wilhelmstraße 36  •  72074 Tübingen
Phone: +49 7071 / 29-72368
Email: irmgard.maennlein-robertspam
Room: 10

Office hours (during lecture period): Friday, 12-13 h
During term break: by appointment.


Project: Helenas Gesichter: ein Paradigma zwischen Literatur, Rhetorik und Philosophie

Trilateral research cooperation with Prof. Dr. Maddalena Vallozza (University of Viterbo, Rhetoric) and Prof. Dr. Annie Hourcade (University of Rouen, Philosophy), funded by the DFG and the Villa Vigoni for 3 years (2023/4-2025/6).

International and interdisciplinary conference-series on Helena as a literary, philosophical, and rhetorical paradigm.

Academic career

since 2022 Editor of ‘Cambridge Texts and Studies in Platonism’, Cambridge University Press (together with Phillip Horky and Federico Maria Petrucci)
since 2021 Elected Member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondation Hardt (Vandœuvres-Genève)
since 2021 Elected Member of the University Council of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

since 2020

Member of the DFG Advisory Board ‘Ancient Cultures’ (2020-2024)
since 2019 Member of SFB 1391: Different Aesthetics
since 2019 Editor of ‘Lustrum’ (together with Marcus Deufert, Leipzig) 
since 2016 Full Member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
since 2015 Member of the Advisory Board of the ‘Wiener Studien’
since 2013 Member of the Advisory Board of the Society for Ancient Philosophy (Gesellschaft für Antike Philosophie e. V., GAnPh)
since 2013

Member of SFB 1070: ResourceCultures: Socio-cultural Dynamics in the Treatment of Resources

Head/PI of project C02: Resources and their (Re-)Construction in Literatur during the 4th cent. BC: The Past as Resource Knowledge

since 2011

Member of SFB 923: Threatened Orders

Head/PI of projects B01: Earthquakes as Threats to Social Order, D01, and G01: Platonism and Christianity in Late Antiquity (focusing on Porphyry)

since 2006

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen:

Full professor (chair) of Greek Philology


Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg:

Research assistant at the Department of Classics (Greek Philology)



Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg:

Habilitation and venia legendi in Classics (Habilitation thesis: Stimme, Schrift und Bild. Zum Verhältnis der Künste in der hellenistischen Dichtung, Heidelberg: Winter, 2007)


Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg:

Dr. phil. in Classics (PhD thesis: Longin. Philologe und Philosoph. Eine Interpretation der erhaltenen Zeugnisse, München/Leipzig: Saur, 2001)


Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg / University College (London, UK) / Royal Holloway College (Egham/Surrey, UK):

Studies of Greek, Latin, and German language and literature

Teaching and research abroad

2020 Invited Visiting Scholar at the University of Pisa
2018 Visiting Professor at the University of Madrid


Visiting Professor at the Università di Pisa
2017 Visiting Professor at the Università degli Studi di Salerno
2016 Visiting Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2016 Short Term Visiting Scholar at the University of Zurich (at the Department of Greek and Latin)
2013 Visiting Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
2003 Visiting Scholar at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA)

2002 and 2003

Visiting Scholar at the Fondation Hardt (Vandœuvres/Geneva, CH)

Awards and scholarships

2016 Short Term Visiting Scholarship at the University of Zurich (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds)
2006 Post-Habilitation Scholarship for female researchers (project on poetics of ancient self-epitaphs)
2003 Margo Tytus Visiting Scholar at the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA)
2002 and 2003 Visiting Scholar at the Fondation Hardt (Vandœuvres/Geneva, CH)
2001 Preis der Unterfränkischen Gedenkjahrstiftung für Wissenschaft, Würzburg (for the PhD Thesis)
1997−2000 Postgraduate scholarship (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
1993−1996 Undergraduate scholarship (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)


You can find my current publication list here as pdf-document.

Academic interests

Current research projects

Completed research projects

Periodical conferences on Plato and Platonism: “Tübinger Platon-Tage”

The “Tübinger Platon-Tage”, newly founded in 2008, are intended to bring the long tradition of research on Plato in Tübingen to the attention of specialists at home and abroad and to stimulate it with new impulses from modern research.

The interdisciplinary and international “Tübinger Platon-Tage” are held every two years. The topics of the conferences focus, above all, on central themes of Plato's Dialogues, but also on the reception of Platonist philosophy in the Imperial Age, Late Antiquity, and the Renaissance.

Both well-known specialists and younger researchers from Germany and abroad are invited. In addition, PhD students and post docs from Tübingen are given the opportunity to present their results on Plato and Platonism to a wider audience. A special “student lecture” was introduced in 2010: Here, a student of Classics or Ancient Philosophy gets the opportunity to give a paper for the first time before an audience of specialists.

The students of the University of Tübingen are expressly invited to participate in all lectures and discussions!

Subjects of past and upcoming conferences

Association Memberships