Julia Dietrich and Hans-Jörg Ehni
Project director at IZEW and coordinator: AOR Dr. Julia Dietrich Telephone: +49 / 7071 / 29-77986 E-mail: julia.dietrichspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Project director at the Institute for Ethics and the History of Medicine and associated partner: Dr. Hans-Jörg Ehni Telephone: +49 / 7071 / 29-78033 E-mail: hans-joerg.ehni@uni-tuebingen.de
Project management and contact (office at the IZEW): Mone Spindler Telephone: +49 / 7071 / 29-77984 E-mail: mone.spindlerspam prevention@izew.uni-tuebingen.de
Evaluation (IZEW): Barbara Lohner (for the first half of the project: Wanda Steidle) Telephone: +49 / 7071 / 29-77984 E-Mail: barbara.lohner@izew.uni-tuebingen.de
Christine Diebold (Institute for Ethics and the History of Medicine) Telephone: +49 / 7071 / 29-77984 E-mail: christine.dieboldspam prevention@student.uni-tuebingen.de
Andri König (Institute for Ethics and the History of Medicine) Telephone: +49 / 7071 / 29-77984 E-mail: andri.koenigspam prevention@student.uni-tuebingen.de