International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Dr. Katharina Krause

Safety ethics

Katharina Krause is a research associate and post-doc at IZEW. She currently co-supervises the project Co-Care together with Katharina Wezel. Her research focuses on care ethics as well as on the interplay of visuality and security in the context of health crises. In July 2022 Katharina successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled “Imag(in)ing the health-security nexus – the connection of images, health, and security in the Ebola epidemic 2013-2016” at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen.

Areas of Expertise

  • Critical Security Studies
  • Visual IR
  • Global Health Governance
  • Care Ethics


Since March 2024 Project-leader for the BMBF-project Co-Care
Since January 2022 Research associate at the Ethics Center (IZEW)
April 2017 - June 2022 Doctoral candidate at the University of Tübingen: "Imag(in)ing the health-security nexus – the connection of images, health, and security in the Ebola epidemic 2013-2016"; (supervisors: Prof. Thomas Diez, Prof. Roland Bleiker; summa cum laude)

November 2017 - August 2022

Programme assistant of the European Studies Association (EISA)
August 2014 - December 2014 Semester abroad, American University, Washington DC, USA

October 2013 - August 2016

M.A. Peace Studies and International Politics, University of Tübingen

August 2012 - January 2013

Erasmus semester, Dalarna University, Sweden

October 2010 - September 2013

B.A. Social Sciences, University Augsburg



  • Katharina Krause & Katharina Wezel (2022): “Security for whom and from what? Ethics in pandemic times”, in: Lange, H.-J. (ed.). Corona – Politik zwischen Macht und Ohnmacht. AKIS Band Studien zur Inneren Sicherheit, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.

Journal articles


  • Katharina Krause, Maira Schobert, Marco Krüger (2024): Katastrophenbewältigung zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft. Zur Rolle von Unternehmen während des Ahrhochwassers 2021. Deutsches Rotes Kreuz: Berlin. accessible via (German).
  • Friedrich Gabel, Mara Mühleck, Katharina Krause, Johannes Schad, Matthias Rekowski (2023): Ethische Reflexion im Bevölkerungsschutz. Leitfaden für eine ethisch reflektierte Entscheidungsfindung im Sanitäts- und Betreuungsdienst, Sonderband 2023, Projektleitung Regina Ammicht Quinn, Urban Wiesing und Hans-Jörg Ehni, Hg. v. BBK (Forschung im Bevölkerungsschutz), accessible via (German).

Blog entries

Invited Talks

  • Eine Ethics of Care-Perspektive auf Gesundheitssicherheit, 21. Efas-Fachtagung, HTW Berlin, 01 December 2023.
  • Pop meets protective clothing, Popular Science, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 26 – 27 October 2023.
  • Disentangling the protection suit - Images, artefacts, and the making of the health-security nexus, Global Health Section Research Meeting, University of Copenhagen, 25 March2021.
  • Seeing ‘bodies in pain’: Images, Emotions and the Health-Security Nexus, Workshop: Visuality and Emotions in International Politics, Doing International Political Sociology Transnational Hub in collaboration with the Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, 05 February 2021.


  • Global Politics and Health Security (summer term 2024)
  • Pandemics, Public Health, and Panic? – Understanding the meanings and makings of health security (summer term 2022)
  • Global Governance and the Health Sector (summer term 2017)

Conference Contributions

  • Uppsala University, Workshop ‘Narrating Protection in IR: Questioning the (in)visibility of the inbetween’ 24-25 January 2024, Uppsala, Paper: “Protection for whom and from what? A care ethics approach to the role of protective clothing in pandemic times”. In cooperation with Katharina Wezel.
  • DVPW, Workshop ‘Politiken und Praktiken der (Un-)Sicherheit: Perspektiven der Kritischen Sicherheitsstudien’, 13-14 November 2023, Tübingen, Paper: “Entanglements of Care and Contagion: Protective Clothing in Pandemic Times”. In cooperation with Katharina Wezel.
  • DVPW, Workshop ‘Repräsentationen von (Un)Sicherheit – Objekte, Bilder und Orte. DVPW-Themengruppe Kritische Sicherheitsstudien, 05 December 2022, Hamburg, Paper: “Seeing and Sensing Health Security: The Case of Protective Clothing”. In cooperation with Katharina Wezel.
  • ISA, Annual Convention (virtual), 07 April 2021, Paper: “Feeling the health-security nexus: images, emotions, and the body in pain”.
  • Global Health Section Research Meeting (virtual), Copenhagen University, 25 March 2021, Talk: “Disentangling the protection suit - Images, artefacts, and the making of the health-security nexus” (invited speaker).
  • Cooperation with medico international, franzK and Tübingen University, 10 March 2021, Tübingen, Talk: “Impfstoff für alle?! Politische und Ethische Fragen zur Impfgerechtigkeit” [“Vaccines for all?! Political and ethical questions on vaccine equity”]. In cooperation with Katharina Wezel (invited speaker).
  • Doing International Political Sociology Transnational Hub in collaboration with the Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Workshop “Visuality and Emotions in International Politics” (virtual), University Duisburg-Essen, 05 February 2021, Talk: “Seeing ‘bodies in pain’: Images, Emotions and the Health-Security Nexus” (invited speaker).
  • Millennium Conference (virtual), 25 October 2020, Paper: “Disentangling the Protection Suit”.
  • DVPW IB-Sektionstagung (virtual), 08 October 2020, Paper: “Den leidenden Körper sehen: Bilder, Emotionen und Gesundheitssicherheit” [“Seeing the suffering body – images, emotions, and the health-security nexus”].
  • BISA, Annual Conference, June 2019, London, Paper: “Looking at the “body in pain” – images, emotions and the health-security nexus”.
  • EISA, Pan European Conference, September 2019, Sofia, Paper: “Images and the health security nexus”.
  • EISA, Pan European Conference, September 2019, Sofia, Paper: “Showing and seeing epidemics – Visuality as a critical method in global health”.
  • DVPW, IB-Nachwuchstagung, April 2018, Tutzing, Paper: “Imag(in)ing Ebola. Theorizing Images for the Health-Security Nexus”.
  • EISA, European Workshops in International Studies, June 2018, Groningen, Paper: “Imag(in)ing Ebola. Doing Visual IR with Actor-Network Theory”.
  • BISA, Pre-Conference Workshop: A critical agenda for global health, June 2018, Bath, Paper: “Imag(in)ing Ebola - The Role of Images in the Health-Security Nexus”.
  • EISA, Pan European Conference, September 2018, Prague, Paper: “Images matter: The visual securitization of Ebola through the lens of Actor-Network Theory”.

Awards and Scholarships

March 2021 Best Paper Award 2021, German Association for Political Science, IR-Section
April 2017 - December 2021

PhD Scholarship awarded by the Heinrich Böll-Foundation

October 2016 Prize for an outstanding thesis (M.A.) from POLIS e.V.
January 2015 - March 2015 DAAD short-term scholarship for internships abroad

August 2014 - December 2014

American University Dean’s Scholarship

April 2013 - April 2016 Scholarship holder of the Max Weber-Programm

August 2012 -  January 2013

Erasmus scholarship for a semester abroad