Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology


Summer term 2024

Uncertainties in Digital Everyday Life, master’s seminar at the Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Analysis, University of Tübingen
Cultural Theories undergraduate seminar at the Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Analysis, University of Tübingen

Winter term 2023/24

Einführung in kulturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsfelder [Introduction to cultural anthropology’s work areas], undergraduate seminar at the Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Analysis, University of Tübingen

Einführung in ethnografische Methoden [Introduction to ethnographic methods], undergraduate seminar at the Ludwig Uhland Institute of Historical and Cultural Analysis, University of Tübingen

Summer term 2023

‘Künstliche Intelligenz‘ als Phänomen und Forschungsfeld: Zugänge der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft [‘Artificial Intelligence‘ as a phenomenon and field of research: Cultural anthropological approaches], undergraduate seminar on AI at the Institute für European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, LMU Munich

Winter term 2021/22

Cultural theories I, undergraduate seminar at the Institute für European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, LMU Munich

Winter term 2020/21

Cultural theories I, undergraduate seminar at the Institute für European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, LMU Munich