Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

wissen&museum: Archive - Exhibit - Evidence

Funding  Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project partner Dr. Heike Gfrereis (Leiterin der Museen des DLA), Prof. Dr. Barbara Lange (Kunsthistorisches Institut), Dr. Marcel Lepper (Arbeitsstelle Geschichte der Germanistik des DLA), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Raulff (Direktor Deutsches Literaturarchiv), Prof. Dr. Stephan Schwan (Institut für Wissensmedien), Prof. Dr. Anke te Heesen (Ludwig-Uhland-Institut), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Tschofen (Ludwig-Uhland-Institut)
Research associate Kira Eghbal-Azar, M. A. (Institut für Wissensmedien), Felicitas Hartmann, M. A. (Ludwig-Uhland-Institut), Yvonne Schweizer, M. A. (Kunsthistorisches Institut), Dr. Thomas Thiemeyer (DLA, Ludwig-Uhland-Institut)
Duration Begin of May 2009, End of April 2012
Project homepage

Basic concept
The relationship between museum, archive and science, which is currently being reconfigured, is the focus of the wissen&museum project: Archive - Exhibition - Evidence. Museums and archives currently have a great need for reflection, for concrete collection-related and exhibition-accompanying research that can be productively incorporated into the development of exhibitions. New alliances between museums, archives and universities are therefore needed to strengthen research in museums and archives and to make the field of cultural learning fruitful for research dialogue as well as for the dual theoretical and practical training of young museum professionals.

Dialogue between theory and practice
There is a shortage of young people with both academic and curatorial qualifications, particularly in the area of management positions in the museum sector. The wissen&museum project is committed to a future model that does not involve the separation of academic qualifications on the one hand and museum internships on the other, but rather the embedding of qualification projects in actual museum work.

The application for the wissen&museum project was submitted within the framework of the BMBF call for proposals "Translation Function of the Humanities". In interdisciplinary cooperation between university and museum, it aims to use the translation competence of the humanities to transform theoretical knowledge into practical orientation and action knowledge.

It pursues three objectives: First, it aims to develop methods and models of museum research that can be transferred to different types of museums. Second, it will test a new form of university/extramural cooperation to optimise the transfer of theory and practice. Thirdly, it aims to train qualified young professionals for the booming exhibition sector, both theoretically and practically.

Cooperation of four institutes
The wissen&museum project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is a cooperation between the German Literature Archive Marbach (DLA), the Ludwig Uhland Institute for Empirical Cultural Studies (LUI) and the Institute of Art History (KHI) at the University of Tübingen, as well as the Institute for Knowledge Media (IWM) in Tübingen (member of the Leibniz Association). The aim of the museum studies project is to examine translation processes in exhibitions from an interdisciplinary perspective and to develop theories that can explain knowledge and mediation processes in museums beyond the individual case. The object of study is the DLA with its archive and its two museums, the Literature Museum of Modernity (LiMo) and the Schiller National Museum (SNM).

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