Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Wood-based Bioeconomy in a Societal Dialogue and Transfer Process (HoBiT)

Funding The Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture
PI Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler
Research Associates

Lukas Fehr, M.A

Sarah Messmer, M.A.

Duration 01.11.2017 - 30.06.2021


"Wood-based Bioeconomy in a societal dialogue und transfer process" is a project being carried out together with the Rottenburg University of Applied Forest Sciences. With an explorative ethnographic approach in two case regions, the interdisciplinary research focusses on the significance of wooden biomass for the biobased economy in Germany. At the heart of bioeconomy research is sustainable biobased economics, in which climate protection and the energy transition play an essential role. Germany thus aims to implement a structural change towards a bio-based economy, in order to reduce dependence on raw material imports, reduce CO² emissions and increase benefits, especially in rural areas. The forest in its role as a “CO² sink” and producer of climate-neutral and renewable raw material wood already makes a major contribution to achieving the climate policy goals in Germany. Along with the growing importance of the bioeconomy, social and private demands on forests have grown and become more diverse. In addition to its traditional use in supplying raw material to the timber industry, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of the ecological and social functions of intact forest ecosystems. The resulting conflicts between different forms of use and objectives culminate in a dialogue which is becoming increasingly important in an urbanized society. The aim of the project is to identify the key actors, to record and analyze their behavior and all the relevant driving forces and obstacles in the societal transformation process towards a wood-based bioeconomy with all of its reciprocal effects.

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