Information on Exchange programs

Zhe ERASMUS+ Program

The ERASMUS+ program promotes and funds the student exchange and the cooperation within (university) education among the member states of the EU, the EFTA-countries, Turkey and Switzerland.

Admission requirements and the number of available spots are specifies in partnership agreements between faculties of the Eberhard Karls University and the faculties of foreign universities. Additionally, students are guaranteed to get organizational help and financial aid through the mobility stipend, to be freed of tuition fees, and that the academic achievements they earned abroad can be recognized at their home university.

Within the ERASMUS+ program students can study abroad and recive financial support for up to two semesters per study cycle (BA/MA/PhD). The consultation and application for an exchange semester are organised by the international advisory of the home faculty.

You can find more information on the ERASMUS+ program on the website of the Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD).

The CIVIS Program

The Eberhard Karls University Tübingen has joined forces with seven other European universities as a founding member of the new union "CIVIS - A European CIVIS University" Together they aim to foster the international exchange of students, the European civil society as well as cooperations with Africa and the middle east. In contrast to the ERASMUS+ program the partnership is not between the faculties, but between the entire participating universities.

The CIVIS program offers students an easier exchange with the same conditions and support as the ERASMUS+ program. The consultation and application for an exchange semester are organised by the international advisory of the home faculty.

You can find more information on the website of CIVIS.

Information on the exchange outside europe

In addition to the European exchange programs ERASMUS+ and CIVIS the Eberhard Karls University has many partnerships with renowned universities all around the world. The exchange agreements give students from Tübingen the option of studying for one or two semesters without paying  tuition fees at their foreign university. THey do, however, have to come up with funding for their cost of living by themselves.

Contrary to the European exchange programs the application and place allocation processes are handled centrally by the university of Tübingen, not by the faculties. Because the available spaces are open for all Tübingen students equally, there are special selection criteria in place like language skills, grades, letters of recommendation, aptitude and motivation.

You can find more information and contact informaiton on the website International Office.

Information on the application process

In the ERASMUS+ program partnerships and agreements between the faculties regulate the student exchange. That is why the application process is handled by your home faculty wich assigns the stipulated spots by its own criteria. As the CIVIS program has the same conditions the application process is also handled by the respective home institute.

We recommend that you start planning your study abroad early on - at best twelve months before the start of your stay. Our international student advisory service will gladly help you with non-binding orientation and other questions in our open office hours or via email.

Requirements for studying abroad

  • Individual language skills: Usually knowledge of the English language is sufficent for our partner institutes. However, in most cases the institutes expect a certain level of knowledge of the country´s native language as a requirement for studying there. We highly recommend finding out the respective language requirements in a timely manner.

  • You need to be in your third semester at the university at least. Major and minor students are treated equally.

  • Handing in your application on time and consulting the international student advisory service beforehand. On request you can receive the application form via email: info.internationalspam

Please note our internal application deadlines: April 30th for a stay abroad in the following summer semester, December 30th for the following winter semester. After the places have been assigned in May or January you will be informed via email and will then have the option to bindingly accept or decline. When mutliple applicants have the same qualifications the place assignment will take place in a lottery.

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