Methods Center

Sightseeing tour through Tübingen (Monday, 18.09.2017)
On the first evening of the conference there will be a guided sightseeing tour through the beautiful city center of Tübingen. This gives you the chance to experience the city and to get in touch with other conference participants.

Here you find additional information on Tübingen. If you are interested to join the sightseeing tour please indicate that in your registration.

Conference Dinner in the monastery Bebenhausen (Tuesday, 19.09.2017)
Attractively set in a peaceful valley, Bebenhausen Monastery is one of the best-preserved Cistercian abbeys in southern Germany. Founded between 1180 and 1183 by Rudolf, Count Palatine of Tübingen, the abbey was taken over by Cistercians a few years later – and promptly developed into one of the wealthiest monasteries in the region. After the Reformation swept through in 1534, and a boarding school was established in 1560, the number of monks dwindled, until the monastery was finally dissolved in 1648. Today, surrounded by the Schönbuch nature reserve, Bebenhausen vividly conveys the atmosphere of a Medieval Cistercian monastery – offering an experience unmatched anywhere else in southern Germany.

The conference Dinner will be held in the magnificent rooms of the monastery Bebenhausen. Since the monastery is outside of Tübingen there will be shuttle busses bringing the guests to the dinner and back to Tübingen afterwards. Detailed information will follow.

Visit of the Castle Hohenzollern (Wednesday, 20.09.2017)
After the conference every one has the possibility to join a visit of the castle Hohenzollern.

The Hohenzollern Castle is situated at the periphery of the Swabian Alb. It is no museum in its traditional sense but a historic as well as a distinct lively place which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world all year round. Besides essential parts of our art collection, including a significant picture gallery, valuable silver and china as well as the Prussian King’s Crown, numerous concerts, open-air cinema, exhibitions and one of Germany’s most beautiful Christmas markets make the Castle to an attractive cultural event all year round.
Today’s Castle complex was jointly restored by both Hohenzollern lines in the 19th century and is private property up to now. For almost a thousand years it provides temporary housing for the family Hohenzollern.
Last but not least, it is also its extraordinary location which already prompted Emperor William II to proclaim “The panorama from the Hohenzollern Castle is truly worth a journey”.

If you are interested to join the visit please indicate that in your registration.