Methods Center

Abstract guidelines

Abstract-Text and Title:

  • Abstracts can be handed in in english and in german and should have no more than 250 words.
  • Please do not use equations in your abstract. Please try to reduce the usage of symboles to a minimum.
  • The abstract may contain citations in the text, e.g., „(Müller et al., 2017)“, but no literature list. Please use the ampersand (&) to list several authors, e.g., „Müller & Schmidt“.

Please proofread your abstract before handing it in to simplify the review process and to guarantee that they can be printed in the programm leaflet.

Abstracts are handed in by writing your text in the according field in the conftool. It is not possible to hand your abstract in in another format or upload it (i.e. only in ASCII-Text-Format).

Authors and title can be written in additonal fields and should not be included in the abstract text.

You will be asked to choose fitting topics for your abstract. It is possible to choose several topics.


A symposium is a collection of talks which will be held and discussed in one joint session. A symposium is organized by one Chair. You can also include a discussant. Here you can find the guidelines.

Speakers who want to be part of a symposium please hand your abstract in seperatly. You will be asked to name the Chair of the symposium and its title.


All accepted abstracts will be published online in a conference leaflet.