Methods Center


Movie Night (28.04.2020) – Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival

A warm invitation to the movie night! 28.4.2020, 18:00

Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival
(Director: Fabrizio Terranova)

In 1985 Donna J. Haraway, biologist, feminist, philosopher, designed the future of humanity as a cyborg utopia. With her current motto "Make yourselves related, not babies!" she reacts to the crises and debates of the Anthropocene, in which mankind has become a geological greatness. In her latest work, "Stay Restless. The kinship of species in the Chthulucenean" she proclaims an age in which new relationships are to be created, contrary to notions of biological kinship, in recognition of our precariousness and interdependence.

If you are interested, please send an email until 21.4.20 to


The venue will be announced in due time

