Institute of Political Science

Zorana Radovanovic M.A.

Zorana is doing her doctorate at the Institute of Political Science under Prof. Dr. Thomas Diez and is a scholarship holder of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. In her research, she analyzes public opinion and media framing of European integration in Serbia and Montenegro.

Her current work on the media framing of European integration is a continuation of her previous research in this field. She completed the Master's program “International Relations and European Integration” at the University of Konstanz. In her thesis, she analyzed the media framing of European integration in Serbia with regard to different integration theories.
In addition, Zorana completed her BA in Journalism and Communication Studies and her MA in Communication Studies at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade. In her second master's thesis, she analyzed the media framing of the European Union, Russia and China in Serbia.
During her studies in Serbia, she worked at the Faculty as an assistant researcher and investigative journalist.
Her research interests focus on the relationship between foreign policy issues (especially in the EU context) and media, public opinion and political communication in developing or authoritarian states.
Zorana is a member of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) and the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).

Zorana can be contacted at the following e-mail address zorana.radovanovicspam