Press Review
- On March 24, 2024, Andreas Hasenclever was a guest on Sarah Bosetti's Late Night Show on the topic of "Wie geht Frieden? [How does peace work?]" and discussed peace, the German government and TikTok.
- ZDF Heute Journal interviewed Andreas Hasenclever on 20 November 2022 on the topic "Wie enden Kriege? [How do wars end?]".
- Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by MDR Aktuell on 07 October 2022 on the topic "Wie könnte der Krieg in der Ukraine enden? [How could the war in Ukraine end?]".
- On 17/18 September 2022, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the topic "Wie enden Kriege? Und wie enden sie so, dass sie nicht wieder ausbrechen? [How do wars end? And how do they end without breaking out again]?".
- On 30 May 2022, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by the Handelsblatt on the topic of "Niemand will ein russisches Nordkorea in Europa [Nobody wants a Russian North Korea in Europe]".
- On 27 May 2022, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by the Handelsblatt on the topic "Konfliktforscher: 'Russland ist an vielen Orten in der Welt verletzlich' [Conflict researcher: 'Russia is vulnerable in many places across the world']".
- The Handelsblatt interviewed Andreas Hasenclever on 20 May 2022 on "Atomwaffen: Wie ernst ist die nukleare Bedrohung durch Russland? [Nuclear weapons: How serious is the nuclear threat from Russia?]".
- On 13 April 2022, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by Swiss Radio in the programme "Echo der Zeit" on "Eine Reform der UN würde lange dauern [Reforming the UN would take a long time]".
- On 22 March 2022, Thomas Diez was interviewed by Reutlinger General-Anzeiger on Russia's war against Ukraine.
- Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by the Stuttgarter Zeitung on 25. February 2022 on the subject of "Wie groß ist die Gefahr eines Atomkriegs? [How great is the danger of nuclear war?]".
- On April 14, 2021, Thomas Diez was interviewed as part of the podcast of the Tübingen University Methods Center "Nähkästchen Qualitative Forschung" (Episode 6 and 7). The episodes can be accessed here.
- In November 2020, the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe published two podcasts with Thomas Diez on the topic of European myths in the series "Central Europe Explained".
- In October 2020 Thomas Diez was interviewed by Deutsche Welle on the consequences of the presidential elections in Northern Cyprus.
- In issue 53 (2020) Attempto!, the research magazine of the University of Tübingen, published an article about the GLOBUS research project (from p. 54).
- On 18 October 2019, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by ZDF Heute on the topic "Nordsyrien: Die Offensive könnte schnell zu einem Krieg eskalieren [Northern Syria: The offensive could quickly escalate into war]".
- On 27 September 2019, the ORF in its programme "Europa-Journal" on Ö1, broadcasted an interview with Thomas Diez on the occupation of the EU Commission and European foreign policy.
- In an interview with the ZDF on 29th June 2019, Thomas Diez analysed the G20 summit in Osaka. Responding to criticism regarding the summit's unspecific outcomes, he emphasized the inherent importance of diplomacy.
- On 10 November 2018, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by SWR in the programme "Aktuell Interview" on the topic of "Der Erste Weltkrieg und seine Schrecken [The First World War and its horrors]".
- "The End of the Merkel Era and Its Implications for Global Politics": Thomas Diez discussed Merkel's decision to step down as the party leader and not to run for office in 2021 and its implications for Germany's role in international politics in an analysis from October, 31st, 2018.
- Thomas Diez was interviewed on Donald Trump's withdrawal from the INF-Treaty on October 22nd, 2018 by the newspaper Schwäbische Zeitung.
- Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by Hessischer Rundfunk on 6 October 2017 in the programme "hr-info" on the topic "Friedensnobelpreis 2017 an ICAN [Nobel Peace Prize 2017 Awarded to ICAN]".
- On 06. October 2017, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by Bayrischer Rundfunk 2 in the programme 'Radiowelt' on "Überraschende Ehrungen Friedensnobelpreis: Skandale und umstrittene Gewinner [Surprising Nobel Peace Prize Honoraries: Scandals and Controversial Winners]".
- On 10 September 2017, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed on the ZDF programme "Sonntags - TV für Leben" on the topic "Von Friedensstiftern und Fanatikern [Of Peacemakers and Fanatics]".
- On June 2nd, 2017 Andreas Hasenclever gave an interview to the ZDF program "Heute Plus" on the topic "Wars in the name of God? Religion as a motivator of violence" (interview in German).
- On August 27th, 2016, Schwäbisches Tagblatt published an interview with Jan Sändig about conflict research and his work for the collaborative research centre "Threatened Order - Societies under Stress" (paid content).
- Thomas Diez was interviewed on the consequences of climate change for an article published by the Stuttgarter Nachrichten on December 2nd 2015.
- On November 16th, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewed by the SWR on the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and ways to mitigate the risk of terrorism (from minute 5:10).
- On September 16th, Thomas Diez was interviewed by Radio Ton on the current refugee crisis.
- Andreas Hasenclever gave an interview in the Bayern II radio broadcast „Theo.Logik - Über Gott und die Welt“ on May 4th, 2015, dealing with the connection between religion and current civil wars. The interview is available as a podcast.
- An interview with Thomas Diez on the current tense relationship of Russia with the EU and the US was published on March 20th, 2015 by the German newspaper "Schwäbisches Tagblatt".
- On February 11th, 2015 Thomas Diez was interviewed by the German newspaper Freie Presse about the peace summit for Ukraine in Minsk.
- On November 17th, 2014, Andreas Hasenclever was interviewd on recent conflicts in the world in the German radio show "SWR1 Der Abend". The show is available in the podcast archive of SWR1.
- Thomas Diez was interviewed for an article about German Foreign Policy and the role of the Bundeswehr for German newspaper Handelsblatt.
- German newspaper "Schwäbische Tagblatt" has published an interview with Professor Andreas Hasenclever on current world crises (published 11 September 2014).
- Student magazine "Faktor14" published an interview with Prof. Thomas Diez and Prof. Andreas Hasenclever on peace research as a science in their most recent issue.
- Turkish newspapers „Cumhuriyet“ and „Star“ (Ege) published an article by Zehra Wellman on the climate policy of Turkey in their issue from May 27th, 2014.
- An interview with Thomas Diez on the Foreign Policy of the European Union in the Ukraine crises was published by Südwestpresse on May 22nd, 2014.
- Hanna Mühlenhoff's article "Der Geist von Gezi" the demonstrations in Turkey and their impact on civil society has been published in bpb:magazin 1/2014.
- Hanna Mühlenhoff's article "Der Gegenspieler" on the Turkish President Abdullah Gül and the Turkish opposition was published by weekly newspaper "Der Freitag" on January 9th, 2014.
- On 17/09/2013, Thomas Diez was interviewed by Radio Voice of Russia on „Germany: stability and continuity“.
- Hanna Mühlenhoff's article "Türkei: Manche bezahlen mit dem Leben" was published on 4th of July in the newspaper "der Freitag". It deals with homophobia in Turkey.
- The article "This is not Occupy!" (Hanna Mühlenhoff) was published at 14th of June 2013 online in the newspaper "der freitag". He is about the parties and demonstrations in Turkey.
- In the second part of the article "Zyperns Sparplan lässt Experten rätseln" in the Manager Magazin (4th April 2013) Prof. Diez got a chance to speak.
- At 29th March 2013 an interview with Prof. Diez about Cyprus was published in the Südwestpresse, Bild, in the Südkurier and in Schwäbisches Tagblatt. A week before Schwäbisches Tagblatt published an article with an interview with Prof. Diez about the reasons of the financial crisis in Cyprus: "Alle haben zu lange weggeschaut".
- After the open lecture about Theodor Eschenburg at 21.01.2013 this article was published at 23.01.2013 in the "Schwäbisches Tagblatt": "Aufarbeitung und Recherche sollen weitergehen"
- The norwegian Newspaper "Morgenbladet" conducted interviews with Thomas Risse, Francois Heisbourg, Sonja Puntscher-Riekmann a.o. and also with Thomas Diez in December 2012 about the Nobel Peace Prize for the EU: "Har EU bidratt til fred og forsoning i Europa?"
- Thomas Diez gave a talk on ‘The European Union and Cyprus: Still a Normative Power?’ on 5 October 2011 in the Merit Hotel, Nicosia, organised by the EU Information Office in Nicosia. Many newspapers cover this speech, e.g. Güneş, Haberdar, Halkin Sesi, Havadis, Kıbrıs, Kıbrısli and Yenidüzen.
- Neue Großmacht? Professor Thomas Diez referiert beim 32. Universitätstag. Der Politikwissenschaftler Thomas Diez hat sich im Rahmen des 32. Ellwanger Universitätstags in einem höchstspannenden Vortrag mit der deutschen und europäischen Außenpolitik nach dem Fall der Mauer beschäftigt.Arikel in voller Länge in: Schwäbische Post (Nur noch für Schwäbische Post-Abonnenten zugänglich)
- Anna Lindh zu Ehren, in: Unabhängige deutsche Universitätszeitung, 23. Oktober 2009, Nr.11.
- Anna-Lindh-Preis für Tübinger Wissenschaftler, in: , 01. Oktober 2009.
- Uni – Tübinger Politikwissenschaftler erhält in Göteburg den Annah-Lindh-Preis. Untersuchungen über die Rolle Europas auf der weltpolitischen Bühne. Experte in Sachen Außenpolitik. in: Reutlinger Generalanzeiger.
- Neu an der Uni. Thomas Diez. Professor für Politikwissenschaft und Internationale Beziehungen, in: Schwäbisches Tagblatt, 26. September, 2009.