Institute of Political Science


Selected Current Publications:

Diez, T. and Hasenclever, A. (2024) ‘Raus aus den Silos!’, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 31(2), pp. 16–45.

Moosung Lee, Thomas Diez (2023): The EU, Korea, and conflict transformation through regional integration. Asia Europe Journal.

Thomas Diez, Franziskus von Lucke (2023) Global justice and EU climate policy in a contested liberal international order, International Affairs, Volume 99, Issue 6, pp. 2221–2239.

Thomas Diez, “Spatial Imaginations of ‘Turkey’ and ‘Europe’: An Introduction”, Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Vol. 20, No 77, 2023, pp. 5-16.

Thomas Diez (2023): ‘Progressive and Regressive Securitisation: Covid, Russian Aggression and the Ethics of Security’, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 17 (2), pp. 22-43.

Thomas Diez (2022): Power Transition as a Challenge to Normative Power Europe, in: Knudsen, Tonny B. and Cornelia Navari (eds.), Power Transition in the Anarchical Society: Rising Powers, Institutional Change and the New World Order, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 153-176. 

Thomas Diez (2022): Russia's War and the Future of European Order, in: Transatlantic Policy Quarterly 21 (1), 11-20. 

Maximilian Kiefer (2022): Of Predators and New Men. How Ideology Matters in Constructing Military Masculinity, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

Thomas Diez (2022): Recognition, Reproduction, Transformation: The Use and Abuse of International Justice in the Cyprus Conflict, in: Nikola Tomić and Ben Tonra (eds.), Conflict Resolution and Global Justice. The European Union in the Global Context, Routledge, 19-34.

Thomas Diez (2021): The Cyprus Conflict: New Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean’, in: IEMed (Hg.), Mediterranean Yearbook 2021 (Barcelona: IEMed), 170-173.

Thomas Diez (2021): The EU in a Changing World Order: In Defence of Normative Power 2.0, in: Marmara Journal of European Studies 29 (1), 1-20.

Thomas Diez (2021): The EU, Southeast Asia, and an Interregional Approach to Regional Security in the Asia-Pacific, in: Thomas Christiansen, Emil Kirchner and See Seng Tan (eds.), The European Union’s Security Relations with Asian Partners, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 73-94 (with See Seng Tan ). 

Gabi Schlag (2021): Social Media Actors – Shared Responsibility 3.0?, in: Hannes Hansen-Magnusson and Antje Vetterlein (eds.): Routledge Handbook on Responsibility in International Relations, London: Routledge.

Thomas Diez (2021): The End or the Beginning of Normative Power Europe? Transcendence and the Crisis of European Foreign Policy, in: Burcu Baykurt and Victoria de Grazia (ed.), Soft-Power Internationalism. Competing for Cultural Influence in the 21st-Century Global Order, New York: Columbia University Press, 251-273.

Franziskus von Lucke, Thomas Diez, Solveig Aamodt and Bettina Ahrens (2021): The EU and Global Climate Justice. Normative Power Caught in Normative Battles, London: Routledge.

Gabi Schlag (2021): We are going to War: Narratives of Self-Defence and Responsibility in Afghanistan War Documentaries, in: Hendrik Simon and Lothar Brock (eds.), The Justification of War and International Order: From Past to Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press (with Axel Heck).

Thomas Diez (ed.) (2021): The Routledge Handbook of Critical European Studies, London: Routledge (with Didier Bigo, Evangelos Fanoulis, Ben Rosamond, Yannis A. Stivachtis).

Gabi Schlag (i.e.): Bilder, die verletzen: Die Regulierung von Gewalt in Sozialen Medien zwischen Politisierung, Responsibilisierung und Verrechtlichung, in: Manuel Fröhlich (ed.), Sprache und Politik, Baden Baden: Nomos.

Gabi Schlag (2021): Representing torture in Zero Dark Thirty (2012): Popular Culture as a Site of Norm Contestation, in: Media, War & Conflict, 14 (2), 174-190.

Andreas Hasenclever, Jan Sändig and Jochen von Bernstorff (eds.) (2020): Affectedness and Participation in International Institutions, London and New York: Routledge. 

Andreas Hasenclever (2020): Gotteskrieger oder Friedensstifter?: Die Rolle von Religionen in bewaffneten Konflikten, in: Winter, Franz (Hrsg.): Religionen und Gewalt, Innsbruck: Tyrolia-Verlag, 13-42. 

Gabi Schlag (ed.) (2020): Visualität und Weltpolitik: Praktiken des Zeigens und Sehens in den Internationalen Beziehungen, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft (with Axel Heck).

Joscha Abels (2019): Machtzentrum hinter dem Vorhang: Die informelle Eurogruppe und ihre erneuerte Rolle im Euroregime, in: Hans-Jürgen Bieling and Simon Guntrum (eds.), Neue Segel, alter Kurs? Die Eurokrise und ihre Folgen für das europäische Wirtschaftsregieren, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Bettina Ahrens (2019): The European Union between Solidarist Change and Pluralist Re-Enactment, in: Tonny Brems Knudsen and Cornelia Navari (eds.), International Organization in the Anarchical Society: The Institutional Structure of World Order. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thomas Diez (2019): Transforming Identity in International Society: The Potential and Failure of European Integration, Comparative European Politics, 17 (3), 512-529.

Thomas Diez (2019): Regional Security, in: Emil J. Kirchner and Han Dorussen (eds.), EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects, London: Routledge, 20-36 (with Jun Tsubouchi).

Franziskus von Lucke (2019): Principled Pragmatism in Climate Policy? The EU and Changing Practices of Climate Justice, GLOBUS Research Paper 2/2019, Oslo.

Maike Messerschmidt and Hendrik Quest (2019): Peacebuilding Measures and the Transformation of Masculinities - Looking at Liberia and Uganda, in Manuela Scheuermann and Anja Zürn (eds.), Gender Roles in Peace and Security - Prevent, Protect, Participate, Berlin: Springer, 79-100.

Gabi Schlag (ed.) (2019): Was gibt es da zu deuten? Politikforschung als interpretative Praxis, Sonderband 2/2019 der Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (with Sybille Münch and Marlin Barbehön).

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