Institute of Political Science

Dr. Roman Krtsch

Roman Krtsch was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of International Relations / Peace and Conflict Studies from September 2023 to January 2024. After his studies in Trier (BA) and Warwick / Konstanz (MA), he received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Osnabrück. Prior to working in Tübingen, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Konstanz. Roman Krtsch's research focuses on the causes and consequences of protests and civil resistance. He is particularly interested in the actors involved and focuses on protests in times of insecurity and upheaval, e.g. in the context of armed violent conflicts or democratic transition processes.

Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti, Ph.D.

Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti has been a Fellow of the Global Encounters Platform at the Department of International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies from November 2023 to November 2024. She holds a PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of PUC-Rio in Brazil. Her Ph.D. thesis dealt with the strategic relationship between the European Union and Latin America from a poststructuralist and postcolonialist perspective, specifically focusing on how European identity was - and continues to be - constructed through discourses about the Latin American Other. Since 2010, she has been a full-time professor in the International Relations course at the Institute of International Relations and Defense (IRID) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Her research interest profoundly connects to the disciplines she teaches, such as International Political Sociology, Postcolonialism Studies, Critical Border Studies, and Critical Security Studies. As a postdoctoral Global Encounters Fellow at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Tübingen, she is working on the project "Oceanic Thinking in Migrant Resistance: How the Concept of Wet Ontology Can Destabilize the Fixed Conceptions of Territory and Belonging."

Dr. Hendrik Quest

Hendrik was working as a research associate in the International Relations / Peace and Conflict Studies department with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever from 2019 to 2024, as well as in the research project Transformation of violence-centred masculinities after armed conflicts. In 2022, Hendrik Quest received his doctorate with a thesis on “Tracing Gender Practices after Armed Conflicts: At Peace with Masculinity?” under Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever and Prof. Dr. Gabriele Abels. Hendrik holds a PhD, a Masters degree in Peace Research and International Politics (Tübingen) and a Bachelors degree in Political Science (Marburg).

Cengiz Gunes, Ph.D.

Cengiz joined the Institute of Political Science at the Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen from 2022 to 2024 as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow. His research project examines the transformation of Turkey’s foreign policy since 2011. His research interests lie at the intersection of the politics and international relations of the Middle East and conflict studies. Empirically his research focuses on Turkey, Iraq and Syria and addresses the key issues of transformation and resolution of violent conflicts, democracy and pluralism, accommodation of minorities, models of territorial and non-territorial autonomy, and national and human security. He has extensive research experience, including conducting interdisciplinary research using discourse analysis, interview and survey methodologies. To date, as author or co-editor, he has published five books. His first book, The Kurdish National Movement in Turkey: From Protest to Resistance, rigorously analysed a large volume of primary sources and data to develop a new empirical account of the re-emergence and evolution of Kurdish nationalism since the 1960s, the Kurds' mass mobilisation, and the ongoing conflict. It has received excellent reviews and has become a key text in the study of Kurdish politics in Turkey. His analysis of Kurdish and Turkish politics has also been published in several peer-reviewed journals, including New Left Review, Nationalities Papers, Ethnopolitics, and Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. Before coming to the University of Tübingen, he worked as an Associate Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the Open University, UK.

Natalie Pawlowski, Ph.D.

Natalie Pawlowski was a research associate at the Department of International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies from October 2016 to September 2023. In her dissertation, which she successfully defended in July 2023, she dealt with counter-terrorism measures in major European cities. Her research focused on security studies, terrorism research and counter-terrorism, cities in international relations as well as post-structuralist and sociological approaches. She taught various seminars, such as Methods of Peace and Conflict Studies, Key concepts in International Relations and The Security-Migration-Development Nexus. In 2018, she received the Teaching Award of the University of Tübingen, in 2019 the State Teaching Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg (2019) in the category 'University Teaching' awarded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

Dr. des. Maike Messerschmidt

Maike Messerschmidt was a research associate and lecturer at the research cluster International Relations/Peace and Conflict Studies from 2016 to 2023. She holds a B.A. in political science and German language and literature and an M.A. in international relations and peace and conflict studies from the University of Tübingen. From 2019 to 2923, she was part of the DFG funded research project "The Transformation of Violence-Centered Masculinities After Armed Conflict". After finishing her studies, she worked as a programme officer for political and civic education and democracy promotion with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Uganda and South Sudan. Thematically, she mainly focused on gender equality, human rights, civil society promotion, freedom of the press, good governance and accountability, political parties in an authoritarian context, and peace and conflict in South Sudan. In her dissertation, she is examining the question of how security sector reforms after internal armed conflicts interact with gender relations and militarisation and what effects this can have on a political system and a society. She analysed those interactions for the case of (internationally funded and supported) security sector reform in Uganda. Maike Messerschmidt successfully defended her PhD thesis in December 2022. Since October 2023, Maike Messerschmidt has joined the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

Maximilian Kiefer, Ph.D.

Maximilian Kiefer is doing his doctorate at the Institute of Political Science under Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever and Prof. Dr. Gabriele Abels. He worked as a research assistant in the DFG research project “The Transformation of Violence-Centered Masculinities after Armed Conflicts”. He studied political science and philosophy (Bachelor of Arts) as well as peace research and international politics (Master of Arts) at the University of Tübingen and at the IHEID in Geneva. In his Master's thesis, Maximilian Kiefer dealt with constructions of masculinity in Central American guerrilla movements using the example of the Salvadoran FMLN. During his studies, Maximilian Kiefer completed several internships, including in the Transitional Aid Division of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). He also worked as an external expert in the field of gender and conflict for the transitional development assistance sector project of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). In his doctoral project, he is researching the extent to which international peacebuilding instruments, such as DDR, SSR or transitional justice programs justice programs, can transform violence-centered masculinities after the end of a civil war.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Richmond (Distinguished Visiting Professor 2019-2022)

Oliver Richmond is a Research Professor in IR and Peace and Conflict Studies in the Department of Politics, University of Manchester, UK. He is International Professor at Dublin City University, Ireland, Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Tubingen, Germany, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. His publications include Peace Formation and Political Order in Conflict Affected Societies (Oxford University Press, 2016) and Failed Statebuilding (Yale University Press, 2014). He is editor of the Palgrave book series, Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, and co-editor of the Journal Peacebuilding

Barbara Gruber, M.A.

Barbara Gruber was a Teach@Tuebingen Fellow for Political Science and International Relations from October to December 2022. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the emergence and implementation of psychological resilience as a form of therapeutic governance in the prevention of radicalisation. Barbara interviewed 40 practitioners in the Netherlands and Germany to address the controversial question of whether radicalisation prevention is a security concern or a social and therapeutic concern. In this context, her main research interest is directed towards investigating the authority of psychological knowledge in shaping global security practices. Since December 2022, Barbara is a Research Associate in the Research Cluster "Counter-Terrorism, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) and Intelligence" at Danube University Krems, Austria.

Sarah Clowry, Ph.D.

Sarah Clowry was a Teach@Tübingen Fellow at the Chair of Peace Research and International Relations from April to October 2022, where she convened a module on 'Peacemaking in the Middle East and North Africa' and conducted a research study exploring the relationship between mediation and transitional justice. She previously completed her PhD on identity construction through peace mediation in Syria and Yemen at the School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University. Her PhD was funded by a UK Economic and Social Research Council studentship. She has several years of experience working in international development in Palestine and the UK and, following the submission of her doctoral thesis, has been employed as Head of Research at an international peacebuilding organisation and as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant. Sarah’s work has been published in Nations and Nationalism, Peacebuilding and the Journal of the British-Yemeni Society.

Aidan Gnoth, Ph.D.

Aidan Gnoth was a Teach@Tübingen Fellow in Political Science and International Relations until October 2022, where he taught seminars on 'The Politics of Violence and the Promise of Pacifism' and 'Peacebuilding in South East Asia'. In this context, he was particularly interested in innovating research methods to explore revolutionary nonviolence, alternative politics and notions of peace, and the role of academia as a critic and conscience of society. He worked for several years as a policy advisor and relief coordinator in New Zealand before completing his PhD at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago (New Zealand). His doctoral thesis analysed how critical peace scholars have challenged the discourse of international peacebuilding. Since graduating in 2020, he has joined several research groups working on pacifism and nonviolence, peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula, and the transmission of humanitarian knowledge to indigenous practitioners. He has worked as a post-doctoral research associate and teaching fellow at the University of Otago and, as a REI Foundation Scholar, is involved in a number of projects aimed at empowering local researchers and organisations in Cambodia.


Yuliia Kurnyshova, Ph.D.

Yuliia Kurnyshova was a Ukrainian visiting scholar in the Research@Tübingen programme at the Chair of International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies from April to the end of June 2022. She graduated from Kyiv's Taras Shevchenko National University, where she obtained a Master's Diploma in History and Journalism. In 2004, she defended her theoretical thesis on U.S. Foreign Policy during the Berlin Crisis 1958-1963. Kurnyshova has worked for the National Institute for Strategic Studies (Kyiv) and the Institute for Social and Economic Research as a foreign policy analyst. Her most recent affiliation was with the Institute of International Relations (Kyiv). In addition to her research work, she has been involved in various international and national activities directed at implementing reforms in Ukraine. With the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, she was forced to flee Ukraine to Germany via Poland. In July, she took up a position at the University of Bremen as part of a project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

Dr. Christine Andrä

Christine Andrä was a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University (UK), and a Research Associate at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen. In February 2019, she successfully defended her dissertation entitled "A Genealogy of the Problem of War in International Politics" at Aberystwyth University. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and Rhetoric from the University of Tübingen, an M.A. in International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research from the University of Frankfurt, and an M.Res. in Political and Social Research from the European University Institute in Florence. She was a Faculty Fellow at the School of International Service, American University in Washington, DC (2016/17) and a Teaching and Research Fellow at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen (2018/19). She also has experience in applied peace research, gained while working for the Bonn International Center for Conversion (2011/12). She is now a research associate at the Chair of Political Science with a focus on international politics at the Technical University of Dresden.

Dr. Dennis Schmidt

Dennis Schmidt was a Post-Doctoral Research and Teaching Fellow at the Institute of Political Science from 2017-2018, as well as a Research Fellow in International Relations at the School of Government and International Affairs in Durham, where he earned his doctorate. He studied International Relations and Political Science in Bamberg, London and Durham. In 2015, he was a visiting His research revolves around the intersection of ethics, law and politics at the global level, where he is interested in how values and ethical principles translate into the international legal and political order. His PhD thesis looked at the concept of normative hierarchy in International Law and developed a socio-legal approach that acknowledges the contested and inherently pluralistic dimension of the global constitutional order. His thesis was shortlisted for the Michael Nicholson Prize for the best doctoral thesis in International Studies, and he was awarded the 2015 ISA’s prize of the best paper in International Law.

Dr. Annette Schramm

Annette Schramm was from July 2015 to September 2019 a research associate in the project “Land Grabbing as Threat to Local Orders: International Civil Society and Public International Law as Blessing or Curse?” at the Collaborative Research Center “Threatened Order. Societies under Stress” (CRC 923). The project deals with the role of civil society actors and the law in the context of foreign large-scale land-based investment projects in the Global South. In her Phd thesis Annette Schramm took a closer look at the chances and challenges for local actors to use legal measures in order to protect their interests against foreign investors. Sierra Leone and the Philippines served as case studies. In addition to her work in the research project, Annette Schramm was (together with Maike Messerschmidt) Equal Opportunities Officer at the Institute of Political Science.

Dr. Joscha Abels

Joscha Abels worked at the department for International Relations / Peace Research from 2015 to 2022, where he was a Research associate and lecturer. Since 2023 he works as a Postdoc at the Department of Politics and Economics / Political Economy in Tübingen. He studied Political Science and Economics (B.A.) at the universities of Mannheim and Oslo, followed by Peace Research and International Politics (M.A.) in Tübingen. Joscha Abels teaches classes at the graduate and post-graduate levels at the Institute of Political Science. In 2021, Joscha Abels concluded his PhD with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever and Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bieling, which was graded 'Summa cum Laude'. In his dissertation, he focussed on the political economy of the European Economic and Monetary Union in the euro crisis, in particular, the role of the informal Eurogroup. His recent works are located in the fields of infrastructure policy and geoeconomics, with a particular focus on the infrastructure policy of the EU and its position in global competition. Between 2018 and 2019, Joscha Abels worked as an editor for the Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (zib).

Dr. Franz von Lucke

From 2012-2024, Franz von Lucke was a researcher at the chair of Professor Diez at the IR / Peace and Conflict research cluster. He worked in the projects ZUSE (Cohesion through security? Discourses, interactions and practices of European cohesion); ClimaSec (The Securitisation of Climate Change: Actors, Processes and Consequences) and GLOBUS (Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice). He studied Political Science (major; focus on International Relations) and Social/Cultural Anthropology (minor) at the University of Hamburg. In June 2011 he graduated as “Diplom-Politologe” (master’s degree in political science. In his diploma thesis he looked at the securitisation of climate change with a focus on its consequences in the field of development cooperation and politics. After completing his diploma he worked at the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg. His research concentrated on theories of securitization and their application on the politics of climate change. In the ClimaSec project, his PhD (which he successfully concluded in October 2018) and the associated book publication ‘The Securitisation of Climate Change and the Governmentalisation of Security’, he continued working on these issues with a focus on the country case studies USA, Germany and Mexico.

Dr. Bettina Ahrens

Bettina Ahrens was from 2012 until 2019 employed as a research assistant in the International Relations / Peace and Conflict Research cluster. Her research interests included structural change in IR, solidarity in international society, global governance, normative theories of IR, European foreign policy, international diplomacy, and the English School. In July 2018 she completed her dissertation with the title "AmbigEUity - The EU and the Solidarisation of International Society". At the ISA in San Francisco in April 2018, her paper entitled "The EU and Ambiguity as a Mechanism of Change" received the Outstanding Graduate Student Research Paper Award from the English School Section of the ISA. She was also part of the Tübingen team in the EU research project GLOBUS, which focuses on the EU's contribution to global justice. In December 2019 Bettina Ahrens moved to a position at the University of Stuttgart.

Dr. Lukas Kasten

Lukas Kasten was from 2010 to 2019 a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever at the IR / Peace and Conflict research cluster. He has a B.A. in Political- and Administrative Science from Konstanz University and a M.A. in Peace Research and International Politics from Tübingen University (including an exchange semester in Liège, Belgium). Lukas Kasten completed internships in the field of development cooperation (German Foundation for World Population, Hannover) and in the field of foreign cultural- and educational policy (DAAD regional office Nairobi, Kenya). His master thesis presents a quantitative analysis of the causal impact of confidence-building measures on the termination of interstate strategic rivalries. He wrote his dissertation on “ Security institutions, trust-building, and interstate peace. Conceptual, theoretical, and empirical analysis".

Dr. Jan Sändig

Jan Sändig was a research fellow at the International Relations / Peace and Conflict Studies Unit from 2010 to 2020. His research and teaching focuses on domestic violent conflicts and social movements in sub-Saharan Africa. He also examines the role of civil society in global governance. Between 2011 and 2015 he completed his doctorate at the Tübingen Collaborative Research Centre 923 "Threatened Orders" on the framing of non-violent and armed movements. Subsequently, he did research on local and transnational protests against "land grabbing" (2015-2020). In July 2020 he moved to the Chair of Sociology of Africa at the University of Bayreuth.

Dr. Thomas Nielebock, Senior Lecturer a.D.

Thomas Nielebock was a lecturer and researcher at the Institute for Political Science in the research cluster of International Relations / Peace and Conflict Research from 1981 to 2019. From 1993 he held the position of a senior lecturer. His work focused on European security and European security institutions, arms control, in particular arms exports and nuclear weapon free zones, conflict analysis, conflict management and mediation, normative theories of IR, as well as peace building and scientific responsibility. Since 1981 Thomas Nielebock has been a member of the Working Group on Peace and Conflict Research and since 2015 he has been part of the five-member steering group of the Peacebuilding Service Agency appointed by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of Baden-Württemberg. Thomas Nielebock retired in April 2019.

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