Institute of Political Science



Open Lecture: Securitization Theory: Recent Scholarly Debates, New Security Threats, Emerging Research Strategies

Ole Wæver (University of Copenhagen) at Thursday, 30 November 2017· 10:00 c.t. · Lecture Room 10, Neue Aula

Ole Wæver is Professor of International Relations at the University of Copenhagen, founder of the Center for Advanced Security Theory (CAST) and Director of the Center for Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC). With his development of the concept of securitization, he has influenced the development of security studies like no other scholar in the post-Cold War world. Together with Barry Buzan, he forms the core of the so-called Copenhagen School. Among his many publications are Security: A New Framework for Analysis (1998), Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security (2003) as well as numerous articles in international journals, including International Organization, Security Studies, Review of International Studies, Security Dialogue and Millennium. In this lecture, he will review the state of theorizing about securitization and discuss future possibilities for analyzing security.
