Content of Study
While the Master study you aquire the ability for developing and answering complexe interrogations and judging historico-cultural discussions against the backdrop of the history of science. The study serves the preparation of the scientific work.
Modulhandbuch (taking effect WS21/22)
Prüfungsordnung (taking effect WS 21/22)
Admission requirment
For admission are surpassing exams in Bachelorstudies of "Prehistory and Medieval Arhaeology" expected.
Foreign languages
Good knowledge in English and one more language are necessary.
Organisation of study
The Masterstudy contains 2 years and should be started in Winter Term. An integrated practical element is a prevocational internship in a museum, a state office for archaeology or similar institutions and excavation work for some weeks. The 4. Semester is for writing the Master thesis. Responsible is the examination office of the Arts Faculty.
Possibilities for combination
A subsidiary subject is not necessary. In the free module knowledge for Prehistory will be deeped.
Possible vocational fields
Cultural Heritage, Museums, Research Facilities, Universities, Publishing, Journalism, Tourism