Institute of English Languages and Literatures


The Scandinavian Studies department of the School of English offers the following course:

B.A. Minor Medieval Scandinavian Studies

Relevant documents (German) for the course can be downloaded here:
B.A.-Nebenfach Skandinavistik mit Schwerpunkt Mediävistik - Modulhandbuch (neueste Version)
B.A.-Nebenfach Skandinavistik mit Schwerpunkt Mediävistik - Prüfungsordnung

Module handbooks and examination regulations for the courses that are being phased out (the B.A. Scandinavian Studies major and minor) can be found with the Examination Office; there under the heading "Skandinavistik": Link

For further questions on this topic please contact the Head of the Department for Scandinavian Studies: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rebecca Merkelbach. More information can also be found on the Studienfachberatung page of our website.