Englisches Seminar


General Information

The current course catalogue and more detailed information about the Scandinavian Studies curriculum can be found on the alma-System, the University's online platform for students and teachers.

Responsible for student counselling services for Scandinavian Studies is: 

Student Email Addresses

Please use only your official University email address when communicating with the lecturers and when joining the mailing lists" Sending important announcements (e.g., the provision of digital resources such as text scans, information about examination deadlines, event information, etc.) and in particular your participation in the course evaluation will not be possible otherwise.

Certificates of achievement - alma entries

Once your exam,s essays, portfolios or term papers have been corrected and evaluated, the lecturers will enter your results into the digital alma-System. You can access and see your results there. If, for technical reasons, your registration on alma is not possible, a so-called "Papierschein" (a paper certificate containing your grade, signed by the respective lecturer and stamped by the School of English secretary) will be issued for you and deposited with the secretary of the School of English (located in Room 362 in Brechtbau). Through this Papierschein your results can be entered directly at the Examination Office.

Note for Students of International Literatures

The seminar places of our joint courses are allocated according to a parity procedure, which means timely registration is required. Furthermore, we ask you to bear in mind that it is your responsibility to obtain the relevant translations of the Scandinavian texts in time for the course.

General mailing list for Scandinavian Studies

There is an email distribution list for all students of Scandinavian Studies, through which subject-related information, such as changes in the lecturers' office hours, events, and conferences, as well as job opportunities, are sent. All students can be entered into this list with their university emaila ddress. If you would like to join, please go to the Links section of the website, where you will find the sign-up link under "Allgemeines".

Basic rules for the Scandinavian Studies courses

Your registration for a course within Scandinavian Studies obliges you to comply with the following ground rules:

Plagiarism and Affidavit

We wish to expressly impress upon our students that plagiarism in relation to academic work (i.e., term papers, presentations, etc.) is not a trivial offence. The discovery of such cases can have far-reaching consequences, up to and including deregistration. This also applies if a submitted work is only recognised as plagiarism in hindsight.

Those who committ plagiarism harm themselves: neither an adequate engagement with the topic nor the acquisition of academic skills, which also include developing the ability to express yourself in writing, can be learned through copying. Last but not least, the relationship of trust with your lecturers will be severely affected.

In order to highlight the importance of independent work, each academic work submitted to the faculty must contain the following declaration, signed by the student:

Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorgelegte Arbeit in allen Teilen selbständig und nur mit den angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmitteln einschließlich des WWW und anderer elektronischer Quellen angefertigt habe. Alle Stellen der Arbeit, die ich anderen Werken dem Wortlaut oder dem Sinne nach entnommen habe, sind kenntlich gemacht.

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