TüBMI 2022


9:00 am - Welcome

Part I

Chair: Michael Krone

9:05 am: BMI Flashlight
Brief Introduction of TüBMI research groups by their group leaders
9:35 am: Talk
MMonitor: A bioinformatics tool for monitoring microbial metagenomes using nanopore sequencing
10:00 am: Talk
Sensitive protein alignments at tree-of-life scale using DIAMOND

10:25 am - Coffee Break

Part II

Chair: Andreas Dräger

10:50 am: Talk
Compound models and Pearson residuals for normalization of single-cell RNA-seq data without UMIs
11:15 am: Talk
Using remote homology search and orthologous groups to refine the annotation and identification of transposable phages
11:40 am: Science Speed Dating – Session I

12:30 pm - Lunch Break

Part III

Chair: Julia Schulze-Hentrich

1:15 pm: Keynote Lecture: Prof. Dr. Dominik Grimm (TUM Campus Straubing)
Towards a better understanding of the genetic architecture of complex traits
2:00 pm: Talk
Propagating and visualizing uncertainty in dimensionality reduction methods
2:25 pm: Talk
Exploring pangenome graphs

2:50 pm - Coffee Break

Part IV

Chair: Oliver Kohlbacher

3:15 pm: Science Speed Dating – Session II
4:05 pm: Talk
Extensions to state-of-the-art multi-omics clustering methods
4:30 pm: Brief PhD Round Table
4:45 pm: Closing remarks and End of TüBMI

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